Quote Originally Posted by schrödinger's cat

then the fact remains that Intuitives are usually a minority. So when people compare Sensing with Ituitition, they compare a highly evolved set of skills with another that's not as highly developed. No wonder Sensing seems to be the more valid source of information.
I think sensing and intuition are both vaild sources for information gathering. However, It is my opinion that both are deficient for gaining full understanding on their own. What I resent deep down is this almost god-like skill some NF types believe they have in figuring people out because of their feeling and intuition, and you have now added learnt sensing and thinking to this mix. Despite years of schooling in certain limited sensing type skills, I really do not believe that intuitives can ever gain anything like the capacity some sensors have to see, particularly more detailed physical things in their environment which are huge sources of data. Also, I think the formal education system is not that great a place for sensors to use their natural skills and intellect. This is particularly so at higher levels of education where intuitive skills seem to be assumed and expected. We are only engaging in speculation, but as I see it, some sensors have equal or greater capacity to figure people out than intuitives.