Quote Originally Posted by Sereno View Post
I do think that there is general agreement between INFjs and ENFps on the more deep-down-serious issues, if that makes sense. The way I look at it, which might be a wrong way to do, using "extraversion" and "introversion" as commonly understood by the general public, is that ENFps are the extraverted versions of INFjs and vice-versa. ENFps tend to do the things that I would like to be able to do, and so "openly" about it, which is what I get as being "extraverted." Case in point: I was in a friend reunion and this ENFp there would act so warm towards the people there in a genuine way, and embrace people that he hadn't even met before. And, it wasn't in an Fe way. It really can bother not being able to show physical affection that way...
This matches my experience superlatively.