I'm curious about the manifestation of in ego block especially, but in general, I'd like to solicit some replies regarding how this element functions, in an effort to help me understand what's really going on there.

As an ego type, I usually find myself searching for a certain quality of warmth in -valuing types. Sometimes it's there, and other times it appears to have vanished completely. A very quick warm-to-cold phenomenon, which I usually find very disconcerting. At times, I feel secure and reassured that I'm valued, and others, it feels like I'm just another random person that only warrants basic politeness. This makes it a bit difficult for me to feel like I'm really establishing a genuine rapport. I constantly worry that I need to recover lost ground each time.

Is this a common perception? Does the chill always ultimately return again and again??

I'd appreciate thoughts and elucidations of and/or references to other threads where the quality of is discussed in more detail...

I really want to understand!