Quote Originally Posted by dee
do you think Courage is possibly an ENFJ?
No. But because he's as young as I am, I have a feeling he has the same mentality in me. As patronising as I have found it in the future, at this point in our lives, we are attempting to mould ourselves. Younger people who go on these forums are uncertain of type for a reason - their personalities haven't yet been fully formed. We are still half-baked cookies. People like Rick and Expat are rock solid. They have foundations. They have facts. They have enough experience to claim what they can.

For me, I feel like I have gone through a huge mixture of feelings in the last few years. Type related I know not. I've had bursts of motivation (I'm not talking about half an hour bursts or that kind of shit, but actual day-long bursts of energy), huge phases of depressive inactivity, and long, long feelings of uncomfortableness. I have dug routine throughout my life; and yet I love impulsive buys. I am like a walking contradiction. It's because I discovered this so early on that I've realised how temperamental, moody and image-attracting I am. I want to be this, have people look at me like that; I want to act like this but I act like that; this is how I am some of the time; this is how I am at other points in time. One thing I know for sure - I am far from consistent in my inner feelings. And it has surprised me when I ask those around me what their perception of me is, and they say that I am much different than I thought I was. It's like I've been over-dramatising about myself. And these are people that would not lie to me; people I trust; people who would give an honest opinion. I expect to hear some fucked up, shitty stuff about me, and yet I get regular comments and criticism, some of which really surprise me in a good way.

What can be learned? That self-perception is so very different from others' perception. Nothing is objective. You'll always be surprised by yourself and others.