So I am here in the library, and so much of informational intake is redundant. It gets boring. I realize I only absorb information if I actually can use it somehow - like reading some parts of some text assignments have no appeal to me because I know we are not going to use them.

I have a feeling this has to do with being ST in some way or another.

Perhaps I have done a bad job of balancing thinking and doing recently, but as of right now, it feels like I am not affecting enough things. It is like I need to execute something (as in a plan), in a physical doing sense. Just thinking for so long drains me.

Have you met people like this? What do that do? This is actually a situation where I would consider video games or something, because I can execute plans and be much more involved, than just reading things all day long and taking notes. Perhaps this is just something about myself I need to understand better so I can be more effective overall.

I also think this is related to my Ne polr, because I see nothing immediately due, so, it is hard for me to tell what I need to do right now.

PS: and if you haven't noticed I have been on this forum a lot recently, which is further indicative of this matter. At least posting is "doing something".