I've always liked dating INTJ's because

1) they're intelligent, competent, honest
2) once they've figured out that they like me, they don't pussy foot around about pursuing me.
3) they seem to date seriously to try and figure out if we're a good match on our values, etc.
4) Male INTJ's are very masculine
5) I get my primary emotional interaction from my girlfriends, so I don't require my man to focus on that
6) they tend to have good jobs
7) they're ethical
8) they respect my boundaries
9) discreet

Someone asked where to find INTJ's. Look in law and also in the sciences. Look for a "man with plan" who excells at what he does.
I've dated INTJ's in the following professions: trial attorney (JD), corporate attorney (JD), mechanical engineer (MS), Physicist (PhD).