Quote Originally Posted by FDG
Quote Originally Posted by mike_INTJ
Quote Originally Posted by Judy
what i'd like to know is - (male/female) (though perferably from a female that like's INTJ's): what do you like about INTJ's?
I am an ISFp girl. To answer you question-I like nothing about them. They are like the worst type. I wish all of them would stop posting about what losers they are. We know this. You are INTj, thus the implication is that you are undatable.
Now go design a computer program or something so we can at least say you have some redeeming quality that justifies your nerdiness.
Only exception: If you are a really good looking INTj, I would use you for sex when I'm drunk, but then talk about how small your penis is behind your back, regardless of your size.
would you actually know one if you saw one?

judging by your answer, i'd say your about 19 or so, havn't dated much and are currently attracted to/attracting jerks. based on your overall attitude and closed mindedness. eventually you'll learn, you have to be burned a few times though. how sad.

Is your sarcasm meter totally screwed?
didn't sound like sarcasm to me. why be bullied here?