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Thread: Examples of Socionics Alpha types

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    Quote Originally Posted by The Ineffable View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by guy123 View Post
    Male ISFP: Introverted Ethical, sounds rather EII. "Down to earth" means to him letting things go and having a good work ethics.

    Female ISFP: likely SEI, yeah.

    Male ESFJ: very likely ESE.

    Female ESFJ: Delta ST. Cold and stiff, doesn't move her eyebrows even when she laughs. Talks detached about people and helping. "I don't like to be the loud one but I always end-up being the one that's taking charge and getting it done."

    Male ENTP: certainly LIE.

    Female ENTP: perhaps ESI, not sure (note that she learns mainly from people).

    Male INTJ: ILE.

    Female INTJ: maybe ILI, not very sure.
    What system is this? Sounds even less close to Socionics than MBTI. ENTP - the Strategist, WTF?
    Yeah, I agree with the male ESFj. I watched like 30 seconds of the female 'INTj' and suspected ILI too. She might be an ethical type too. I'm not sure these videos are accurate.

  2. #2
    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    Male ISFP: I guess ISFp doesn't seem wrong, but his energy is unlike any other ISFp I've seen. Can't really qualify that with anything.
    Female ISFP: I'm getting more of an ENFp impression from her.
    Male ESFJ: ESXj most likely. Don't see any big reason to doubt ESFj.
    Female ESFJ: Reminds me of a teacher I had who I had typed as Ne-ENFp, could be wrong though.
    Male ENTP: His haircut makes me frown. Ne/Si extrovert, not ESFj.
    Female ENTP: ESTp maybe?
    Male INTJ: INTj. Next.
    Female INTJ: Ne-INTj. Next.

  3. #3
    EffyCold The Ineffable's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mountain Dew View Post
    I'm not sure these videos are accurate.
    Hmm they were not supposed to, read woofwoofl's post.
    Quote Originally Posted by Galen View Post
    Male ENTP: His haircut makes me frown. Ne/Si extrovert, not ESFj.
    LOL! I could see him LSE, too.
    Quote Originally Posted by Galen View Post
    Male INTJ: INTj. Next.
    Oh, no... Some things to consider:

    - LIIs don't get too personal with people, it doesn't even make much sense to them. The guy talks to people, "goes to their heart", tries to help them, solve their problems, boasts he's not shy to talk about very personal things of people.
    - Ne-Base: always concerned with the harmful potential of beliefs and misinformation. Compelled to tell others the truth and too opinionated/pushy. Always tries to anticipate how things (incl. his life) will turn out. Very diffuse and broad area of interests. Makes comparisons - eg software engineering with human problems - learns something in a field and tries to apply it in a totally unrelated one. Spaced-out.
    - Looks for inspiration outside, studying other people, etc. Annoys people around, trying to change things. "I will try to change it to myself, my family and everybody around me. Sometimes I can annoy people because they think that I'm... well sometimes I guess I can be offensive or that I have a superior knowledge they don't have and rather than maybe be more gracious, it comes across as harsh because I believe so strong in what I do".
    - Had different kind of jobs, apparently went from base jobs to do software developing. Seems to have had a very random course of life - not a natural evolution from bottom to top in the same area, but rather from something to something else (more interesting and attractive).
    - Likes to make order because he can't focus and gets distracted. "Feels better" and "thinks clearer" when things are neat around him. I think LIIs make order because it's the obvious thing to do, though they don't get distracted by things unrelated to their purpose.
    - Ne Irrational again: "I like to expose lies and tell the truth and I think it's absolutely necessary ... I like to identify compromise before it turns into something that destroys people's lives".
    Shock intuition, diamond logic.
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