Quote Originally Posted by The Ineffable View Post
Quote Originally Posted by guy123 View Post
Male ISFP: Introverted Ethical, sounds rather EII. "Down to earth" means to him letting things go and having a good work ethics.

Female ISFP: likely SEI, yeah.

Male ESFJ: very likely ESE.

Female ESFJ: Delta ST. Cold and stiff, doesn't move her eyebrows even when she laughs. Talks detached about people and helping. "I don't like to be the loud one but I always end-up being the one that's taking charge and getting it done."

Male ENTP: certainly LIE.

Female ENTP: perhaps ESI, not sure (note that she learns mainly from people).


Female INTJ: maybe ILI, not very sure.
What system is this? Sounds even less close to Socionics than MBTI. ENTP - the Strategist, WTF?
Yeah, I agree with the male ESFj. I watched like 30 seconds of the female 'INTj' and suspected ILI too. She might be an ethical type too. I'm not sure these videos are accurate.