Quote Originally Posted by Eliza Thomason View Post
I enjoyed that interview; I had not heard of her. I do not get SEI from her though; she lacks that certain softness and slight reserve I see in SEIs. Instead, she has a very direct way about her. Makes me think ENFj actually, possibly INFp. But I lean to ENFj. That comment about mimicking, how it just has to "come" to her; she cannot "make" it happen, makes me think she is very comfortable with her "N", so she is an N type... [I tend to type by a more holistic sense, from an overall impression based on things I notice intuitively, but that is one detail I can pick out at this time.
I had not watched that video until I read your comment today and got curious.

She does not remind me of any of my IP friends. She does lack that reflective equality and softness.

I could see her as ENFj. I agree about the directness. A few of her remarks were things that I could say about myself. The mimicking thing is one of them actually. And yes, it has to come to me, I can't manufacture it, and like her, I am VERY proud of myself when I am able to mimic someone. There are other similarities but I can't write about them because I have to go clean out the garage now.