ISFp Profile

1.) +Si/-Se (directly ties in with function 7)

ISFps tend to be very experimental with their bodily sensations. ISFps love to feel complete euphoria. This often leads them to experiment with drugs or some other substance that causes their bodies to feel euphoric. ISFps love to be on the move. They never want to slow down with anything they are doing. They hate the concept of fatigue. ISFps naturally are very aggressive people. They tend to start many different tasks. ISFps can and will be rebellious at times. They do not like someone telling them what to do. They usually like to take charge in most situations. This can often lead people to think of them as being erratic.

2.) -Fe/+Fi (directly ties in with function 8)
One of the most noticeable traits for an ISFp is their severe mood swings. They can go from one extreme to the next very quickly. This often leads ISFps to be diagnosed with cyclothymic or bipolar disorder. ISFps often appear angry without having a logical basis for it. They sometimes will lash out at people for no apparent reason. ISFps tend to believe that their behavior is justified though. They sometimes feel that showing harsh emotions to someone is the only way to show them their true love to that person.

3.) +Ni/-Ne (directly ties in with function 5)
ISFps have a hard time taking their time with things. They often try to move as fast as the possibly can to keep up with their ideal state of living. ISFps also have a hard time seeing occurring trends, and where the trends will lead. They have a hard time seeing where their actions and other peoples actions will lead. ISFps are can be very open minded about certain things. They like to understand all of the possible viewpoints on things. They do not like to be viewed as being narrow minded. They have a strong need to be original.

4.) -Te/+Ti (directly ties in with function 6)

ISFps do not like systems. They tend to try to move away from systematic thinking. They do not like how certain people or ideas are groups together. They can be and most of the time will be against stereotypes. ISFps do not like to take huge financial risks. They are can be overly cautious about their money.

5.) +Ne/-Ni (directly ties in with function 3)
ISFps can and will be very paranoid about certain things. They tend to have a need to see all the possible scenarios, which in turn causes them to fear the possibilities that can happen. They tend to worry about their loved ones and the people in which they care about. ISFps tend to worry about how things will progress through time. ISFps have a need to be creative in anything they do. They like things to be colorful and abstract. ISFps can be very artistic due to this. They love originality, and they are drawn to it.

6.) -Ti/+Te (directly ties in with function 4)
ISFps try their best not to create systematic groups to place people in. They don't like to characterize people. They don't like systematic thought in the least bit. They would prefer things to be free flowing. They also try their best to be economical with their money and other things. They don't overspend usually. They usually only have things in their house that they need or really want.

7.) +Se/-Si (directly ties in with function 1)

ISFps aren't very submissive at all. They tend to go after what they want. They are extremely aggressive. One problem they have is leaving tasks incomplete. They lose focus on tasks very quickly. ISFps aren't overly conscious about their hygiene. They do just enough to keep it up, but they aren't overly concerned about it.

8.) -Fi/+Fe (directly ties in with function 2)
ISFps can be rude to people at times. They aren't the playful type. They often can attack someone without an apparent reason. Overall though, ISFps are very loving people. They tend to do things for people to help them out in any situation possible.