Quote Originally Posted by Thunder
Quote Originally Posted by Forest-Dragon
Who are the male ENTjs anyway? Obviously Expat, but who else?
Eidos, who I haven't seen posting for ages. I can't think of any others (at least that I would agree with), but I may have forgotten someone.

I'm not quite sure what function this relates to, but it is generally true in my personal experience.
I supposed many of them did not realize this, but the 3 I know are definitely in the top 5th percentile in terms of physical attractivness. Add to this the fact that they're smart, and that they're extroverted (which tends to make us males suppose that the girl is able to get the boyfriend she wants); you get a picture of a girl that:

1)The last things she wants is to be approached by you
2)If she really wanted to, she could snap her fingers towards you and make you make the first move

This impression is widely shared so it's not just a fantasy of mine. Oh yeah, the fact that they are always busy moving around doesn't make them an easy target either, simply because it's harder to find a moment in which you can approach.