Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
Quote Originally Posted by metaiwan
Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
Why would you think Bush is a feeler? Or even a sensor... you can tell he's not always "quite there" and he has a wandering gaze in his eyes, which is characteristic of intuitive types.
No, he's just a very dumb ESFj male
You don't think he could be a dumb thinker? He is known to be tackless and unsympathetic at times.

My mom is an ESFj and my dad is an ESFp (yeah, that sucks). I am an INTx. I don’t really know if x is j or p, but about 100% on I, N, and T, especially N. In any event, my childhood was INT hell. Although, it is now obvious to me when I am dealing with ESFxs though.

I just know Bush is ESFj. Too many similarities to my mom. I could almost certainly come up with logic to justify that answer, but it seems so obvious that it is like trying to logically explain the difference between something that is red verse something that is blue.

Quote Originally Posted by male21
Male ESFj types have strong and so they might quite often look like ESTj types instead. But I guess that look-a - like relations got the name from how people first show their role function and appear to be someone else. INTj to be INFj etc. But role function is like a mask and it comes off leaving person with it's programm function in the end, just give it a time. If a guy you you met is not serious for a longer time and starts makeing silly jokes, then there you have it- a ESFj male.

BTW. Can you have this feeling like the woman is your wife though you too are not dateing , also in the Relation of Benefit? I know ESFj woman and every time we meet, I have this feeling that she is my wife and we are one mind in two bodies.
That is SO, SO true about ESFjs looking like ESTjs, except, ESFjs will hold on to really bad ideas for a really long time regardless of the arguments against it, for reasons I can not explain, while ESTjs will realize that they are wrong and will then try a more productive course of action.

ESFjs should not be put in charge of anything more important than setting up a traditional party or something utterly unimportant along those lines.
