ISFj profile

1.) -Fi/+Fe (directly ties in with function 7)

ISFjs appear to be very nice and polite. They are extremely playful with people. They often attempt to cuddle with their loved ones. Internally though, ISFjs tend to be repulsed by most things. They may not even realize this. They tend to find something that they hate in everything. This in turn causes them to have a hatred for all things, even though they may never show it. ISFjs may complain about some of these things to loved ones, but it will usually be in a playful way. They often speak about how bad their job is, or how financially they aren't doing well. This would probably be said regardless of how their job and finances really are. ISFjs are very dependent on their loved ones because of this. They often expect their loved ones to support them financially or emotionally, because they usually feel as if their own life isn't where they would like it to be. ISFjs have an extreme hatred for people that do not follow the ethical norms. They love to gossip about these people to others. In relationships, ISFjs usually find things about their partner that they do not care for. This often causes the ISFj to distance themselves completely from that person. After time, they may give the person another chance. The ISFjs will then find something else, or focus on the same problem that caused them to distance themselves from the person before. ISFjs have a hard time maintaining relationships because of this.

2.) +Se/-Si (directly ties in with function 2)

ISFjs are very submissive to authority in most cases. They expect other people to follow the laws and the norms of society. ISFjs usually want to have excitement in their lives. They often tend to go out and party with others. ISFjs are extremely defensive. When someone places a rule on them that they despise, they are quick to retaliate. They quickly lash out at people when they are offended by something. They can be rebellious to rules that offend them. ISFjs tend to notice the negative aspects of their bodily functions. They notice when something tastes bad or when something is painful. They shower or bathe often. They take extremely good care of their hygiene. They tend to over exaggerate about things that will be harmful to their health. This is usually because they do not want to feel excruciating pain. ISFjs usually have a fear of suffering. ISFjs often finish everything that they start. They tend to have great amounts of will that allows them to complete their tasks.

3.) -Ti/+Te (directly ties in with function 5)

ISFjs have little need for analytical thinking. They do not like to view this as being individual components. They are very systematic minded people. They view things as being apart of a group or system of things. ISFjs do not like to save their money. They tend to spend it extremely quickly.

4.) +Ne/-Ni (directly ties in with function 6)

ISFjs do not tend to look at things as being relative. They are often very single minded people. They usually think in black and white and never in the gray areas. They usually do not change their minds very easily. They can be very stubborn and rigid. ISFjs do not like to be rushed through their tasks. They like to take their time with things and do very through jobs. ISFjs are usually not afraid of what happens after death. They are usually more afraid of the process of dying, or whether or not they will suffer when they die. They do not want to feel the excruciating pain or suffering that may be caused by death.

5.) -Te/+Ti (directly ties in with function 3)

ISFjs can be very prejudice and place certain people into groups. These groups are often based on their own likes and dislikes. They sometimes only see the group in which they have placed the person in and forget completely about the individual. ISFjs like to spend their money. This can often leave ISFjs in debt or poor financial situations. ISFjs often take risks with things. Also, risky people tend to excite them(one of the reason why ENTjs are a good pair).

6.) +Ni/-Ne (directly ties in with function 4)
ISFjs like to work slowly at their own pace. They do not feel pressured by time. They tend to do things step by step and are very thorough. They have a strong need to be able to foresee the future. This can often cause the ISFj to become worried and strung out because they tend to worry about how things will progress. ISFjs can be very single minded. They are very stern with their ideas and concepts and are usually unwavering with them. They tend to believe their is a right and wrong way to do everything.

7.) -Fe/+Fi (directly ties in with function 1)

ISFjs do not like to be rude or use theatrical behavior. They are usually very soft and gentle with people. ISFjs usually lack compassion for things. They often feel complete hatred for things that go against their beliefs. They do not understand true love and they usually distance themselves from people after they find something about that person that repulses them.

8.) +Si/-Se (directly ties in with function 2)

ISFjs do not like overly rebellious people. They tend to dislike people that attempt to overthrow the stable divisions of society. ISFjs do not notice their habitual sensations much. They often find things wrong with the food that they eat or worry that something may be wrong with it.