View Poll Results: what was his type?

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Thread: Saddam Hussein

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  1. #1
    Ezra's Avatar
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    Default Saddam Hussein

    SLE or LSI.

    A good example of his Beta nature is in his attempt to rebuild Babylon in order to restore Iraq to its former glory. He used the same method Nebachudnezzar II did thousands of year ago; printing his name on every single brick.

    Another incident which also confirms his being a Se-valuing type was after an assassination attempt. He was riding through a town with a motorcade, and after the failed attempt on his life was made, he exterminated the entire town. (This is also a perfect caricature of an unhealthy E8.)

    Also, his methods and extensive use of torture point towards a Se-valuing type.

    Also, FTR, let me point out that I think Hussein is another example of an SLE who is an ESTJ in MBTT, along with Genghis Khan (who ravaged Asia and actually took delight in people's being tortured) and - no aggrandisement intended - me (who has scored as an ESTJ in MBTT tests to no end, and who is most likely if not certainly a Beta ST).

    Last edited by silke; 08-12-2018 at 03:36 AM. Reason: updated links

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