Quote Originally Posted by Froody Blue Gem View Post
I'm not really a leader or a follower.
Leadership is about an influence. You give it to others and get it from others. You never exist without others to be "your own person". You depend from a state and actions of other people and the same other people depend from you.
You are a part of collectives, groups as you interact with people and get have bidirectional influences. The better state of people near and better they perceive you - the more good you may get from them. In your instincts this also has compation emotions as you need to control the state of other people and care about them to support their abbility to care about you and your interests, wishes in return.
The normal way to understand all this are families when you are a child and when later you get a pair and own children. This is what helps to make sociums where people are stronger to protect own interests than when are more separated. And this is what is tried to be destroyed by the other groups who want to dominate and to make you weaker. They also make propaganda of senseless individualism, a part of aims of what is similar - to make other people weaker to harm their interests.
Individualism is what opposite to love. If you want a use from types - you need to love. Types just show with who this is easier. If you reject love - you'll get lesser good from other people.

People want to make the most influence on the world, including other people, by ego functions - it's where they want a leadership. And prefer to be followers in own weak valued regions. The similar in lesser degree is for nonvalued strong and weak functions. All types are leaders and followers in similar degree. Just in different regions.