I think INTJs can be leaders in various industries and I've seen them be quite successful when the most valued trait is to be the smartest person in the room. Highly technical fields seem like a natural fit, but only if they lead people as clever as they are or at least have enough intellect not to be looked down upon. A leader inspires others to follow their vision or a vision they're tasked to implement. A manager is responsible for a result, but a achieves it through the efforts of others. Given those two brief descriptions, I'd say INTJ leadership depends on the group they would lead. The broader your workgroup the more apt you have to be at leading with both intellect and passion. If you're a leader you lead with whatever approach works for the individuals you need to mobilize. Is this slightly manipulative? Yes. Is this the way leadership works? Much of the time. Is it wrong? No, it's getting the result you are tasked with getting.