Quote Originally Posted by ScarlettLux
Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
the reason why ENFjs are called drama queens is exactly this:

1)they can probably create drama if they wanted to, but they'd only do it if they find it necessary. - but if we find that it's the best course of action, we do it so that it doesn't go unnoticed.
2)they just react strongly to their environment. - "Gooddamn movie with the person dying in the end... Damn Damn Damn, why do movies have to be so damn false dramatic..." Drama. Just emotions lashing out. Emotions created by the environment. ISTp would roll eyes and comment something about how pointless it is to make a big deal out of something so insignificant.
So true ... why do you think ISTps do that? I hate, hate, HATE it when people tell me I'm making a big deal out something or ask why I'm making a big deal out of something ... it's so offensive because to me, it IS a big deal! It's the natural way I react to any type of situation .. to sweep things under the rug is just annoying and doesn't really "air out" emotions... preference galore here.

Is this dislike of "making a big deal" something to do with PoLR? Are INTps prone to this as well or does it have more to do with valuing?
That's the thing, you think failing a test is a big deal when people are getting shot in the face 5 miles away, and you still have the audacity to cry "yes it's a BIG DEAL"

To us, it's not, and we don't care that it upsets you