lol, I don't treat others like I want to be treated. I hope no one will treat me like this . But I do occasionally treat others in a way that gives the maximum effect. If I'm upset about something that someone else did, then I make sure my opinions on the matter don't go unnoticed. I'm not even sure if I do it deliberately because even if I notice myself using all my resources to voice my opinion, I can't stop myself from doing it.

ISTps and INTps can't stand it because of their Fe PoLR. But when communicating with some IXTps, there's a way around it. They are so sensitive to displays of emotion that only a little bit is sufficient to get the maximum effect. A couple of seconds of pouting has the same effect on an INTp as A HUGE DRAMA has on an ESTj. Well... that's only when you're lucky, because half the IXTps aren't supersensitive to Fe, they are totally oblivious to Fe. They're the ones who say, "Why all the drama. " gaah. A -supersensitive IxTp can be so much easier to communicate with than any other type because it takes so little effort. Am I the only one who thinks that?