Quote Originally Posted by Ezra
Quote Originally Posted by liveandletlive
so you're still thinking beta?
The thing about Beta is that many Betas think I am not. Whenever I express any sentiments concerning Betas, I seem to come under fire. Also, in the Beta images, people seem to think a guy with a gas mask who has a stab wound is in some way appealing. In the same way that A-K or snegledmaca find the picture of the Commando and of King Leonidas repellent (which I, on the contrary, find aesthetically rich and appealing):
It's not the images themselves, it's what they represent. If it's any consolation, I was going to post a comment on those gas mask pictures about how deeply unsettling they were, more then your pictures, I can't even look at them, but that was on an irrational basis, while yours was a rational one, so in the end I didn't comment.