Quote Originally Posted by niffweed17
you are putting far too much stock in these two isolated comments to reconsider your type solely on the basis of them. the one from herzy doesn't even suggest that you are not SLE, but merely that you have some insane ideas, which should be common knowledge for any sane individual.
Basically, I think what Herzy was implying was that when I commented on the SLE, I didn't know what I was talking about. And how could I not know what I was talking about if I was SLE? Simple. I'm not. Surely it is either the conception of myself or of the SLE that is skewered. Since I know exactly who and what I am, it clearly is the SLE. These aren't the first comments I've received about SLE either. Apart from the hail of fire from the likes of George, Fabio and others, two IEIs have said how misinformed I am about what attracts Beta visually.

I'm also considering LSI. Is this a possibility? Yes. More likely than SLE? I don't know.