.. they also said that there were a lot more ENTPs than ESTPs walking around on a whole (which is diffrent from what most MBTI stats would say).
Yes, but like I said before the evidence just does not seem to be there to fully support that theory yet.

I don't know how it is really possible to conduct a true "study" on types-population. What I do know is they have been claiming to asses people for over 30 years now. Jon N also gets hired to type thousands of people each year. Don't you think that they would be able to notice a trend? If they starting seeing ENTPs pop up more often then other types on a consistant basis, you don't think that has some credability?

Actually I think it is quite possible to conduct a study of the number of types in the population. However, I better system for type identifcation may be needed.
Also, the Brain Types researchers might have identified trends but I would not come to any final conclusions based on just the trends. Trends may point towards a phenomena, but they don't confirm its existence exactly.

[quote="Herzblut"]Hey, that article said that there's many many more ILEs than SLEs. What do you think about that, Rocky?

... probably true...

I say probably not true

I also agree with you that Will Smith is an ENTp, I have thought that for a long time now.
I think he was on his way to M.I.T (or some such place)when his music career beckoned.