.. ok.. I read through your old describtion as well...

"I have absolutly no taste when it comes to clothing and I relay on other people to help me make fashionable choices in what I wear. I always make sure that there are creases in shorts and that the clothes I wear match with themselves and they are not too big for me. I will almost always ask another person for their opinion of what I am wearing and if things match, but only because I have no clue what fits or matches on me. I do not take offense to what other people say to me when I ask for their opinion. However, I am horribly suspecious of what other people might think about me and how I look when I am not so concerned."

Sounds like a poor Si function to me.
Yup ... right on the money on that one ...

"However, I tend to watch people for a while to see how they behave before deciding if I should get to know them as more than an aquintance. I tend to only attempt to form close ties with people who are like minded and can understand me at my own intellectual level. For this reason I might be considered 'odd' by others, because I am able to speak to others in ways that are so intellectually indepth, yet so vague that only a person who has the same amount of knowledge would even ever have a clue what I am attempting to convey."

Sounds like a PoLR of Te.
People with PoLRs are usually not that knowledgeable ... I do not jabber about just anything and I definatelly do not feel stupid or try to hide the fact that I feel stupid, which is what INFps and ISFps really feel like in regards to their PoLR and hidden agenda.

"Yet, others have at times found my knowledge insightful and full of wisdom, especially when matters of human nature are concerned."

Insightful about human nature? Probably an ethical, introverted type.
again ...

"I have warned people of problems and my friends respect my advice. I am appreciated by many who have been relieved that I have never condemned them for their troubles and my intuitive understanding of them."

- understanding interpersonal patterns, beliefs, and behaviours in other people is a sign of extroverted intuition.

"I do not have many friends beyond school or work, and I do not tend to do much with my friends short of actually being at work or at school with them. I spend most of my time alone or with my family. I do not always go out of my way to do things with people, either. Some people may say this results in that I do not show any interest in other people. Well, I do, just people with similar interest."

This kind of things sounds like something introverts do.
That has nothing to do with introversion or extroversion unless you are going by stereotypical MBTI definitions. Extroverts are very capable of acting that way.

"I am not very flexible and adaptable when it comes to change and I have a hard time adapting to new ways of doing things that I have myself not already initiated."

NOT Ne; Ni maybe.
That is not :Ni, it is a sign of another weak function. Whenever someone is talking about difficulty they are talking about weakness.

"I tend to learn very very diffrently than a good majority of people. I am able to understand math and scientific concepts, but I am unable to convey my knowledge of these concepts due in part to the fact that I tend to lose track of what I have done. I have problems correctly solving math problems, because I sometimes miss a number and end up doing the problem wrong."

Poor Te, again.
Correct ... poor

"I have problems giving required public speeches, because my ideas become so general, vague, and complex that the end quality of the speech suffers. However, when I speak publically what I do origionally convey usually has so much emotion and fluency that the audience is captivated at my oratory, with many nods of heads and owes and awes. I have problems understanding concepts that seem oversimplified. I perfer breaking down complex systems into smaller parts and rebuilding the system in a way that has a personal familiarity to it. I do not like to be pushed to learn in a way that stresses my weaknesses. In the past, if a school teacher of some kind does not accept the way I learn, I have been chastised and considered to have learning difficulties."

Sounds like an IEI.
ENFjs also do that if you read the descriptions ...

“However, experience has told me that the way I learn is really a gift that few people posess. I can think asemtrically and link concepts to other concepts in ways that no one else seems able to do. Things that are similar in concept, but totally different. I have been told that I could have ADD, Asbergers syndrome, or some other type of learning disability. I have ceased to listen to people who want to pessimistically believe that they should force everyone to learn a certain way or they are inferior. Either education should learn to adapt to students or continue to fail, like it failed for me.”

“I am able experience deep emotions that sometimes effect me in odd ways. Sometimes I will hear a song on the radio in my car that has such deep spiritual meaning, that I cry and sometimes have to pull over to the side of the road.”

Correct -

“However, I have problems with 'safeguarding' my emotions. I am very wary of having my feelings hurt and can be sensitive to teasing or from rejection by the opposite sex. I can not function very well if I am in a position where I feel that I have to protect my feelings, and I tend to freeze up or lose my appetite.”

Sounds like Fe as a creative function too…

“When I am depressed, I have been known to write for a long period of time making pages and pages of writting on how I have been treated in the past and what I have done or others have done.”

IEI, anybody?

“I always analyze every part of my life and try to avoid my past mistakes; because of this, I have grown more emotionally healthy and more mature quicker than I would have if I did not do these things.”

No, that is me deconstructing my life with and

“I feel insulted when a girl I like gives me fickle wishy washy responses, excuses, or just wants to be a friend. I do not hang around girls that act this way, and I do not like being just friends with girls. Because of this, I tend to find many girls who display promiscuous qualities or show immediatelly high signs of interest. Sadly, these girls usually disappoint
me. Some of them just find me sexually attractive, and others are just leading me on. Sometimes even the girls are engaged, married, or have several other boyfriends who do not know about each other. I can not say that I am any more guilty. I tend to not persue girls much, and most of the decent girls who like me constantly wonder if I like them and also may eventually give up on me ever being interested in them; mostly because I fail to make any moves on them or rarely attempt to ever get to know them well.”

… maybe introversion…
Nope, I think that is just me ...

“I have been known to not be very aware of my surroundings.”

High attention to the outside world is extraversion.
Yeah, intuitives are not very aware either

“I do common everyday things in ways that irritate other people, and sometimes there are group public outcries to stop me from doing things the way that I do them. I often tend to always look like I am in a hurry and that I have something urgent that I need to do when in actuality I am probably not going anywhere special or actually not really doing anything urgent at all.”

Dynamic type maybe… irrational type defiantly… so maybe irrational introvert.
Not type related necessarily - various extroverted and introverted types do this ...

“I believe that rules are not absolute; they are bendable and subject to change when they have served their purpose. I do not like people who emphasize that rules must always be followed to their exactness and never challenged. I have a healthy respect for rules that are healthy for a person and exist to help people grow into independant individuals, but when rules are set to hold people back or to give biased privaledges to a select minority, I will blatently disregard the rules and no matter of authority enforcing the rules will ever have my support or be accepted as an authority by me. I challenge any rules in the wrong and have no part with people who insist on living like babies all their lives. Rules are for infants!”

Irrational type again… maybe weak Te, too.
Inner locus of control ...

“I am religious, attend church, do not drink, do not smoke, and generally harmless. However, I am not pushy about what I believe. I think that everyone should follow their own consciounce, even if they may conflict with my own established morality. I was a vegitarian for over 10 years. Although, I have a hard time taking care of my health sometimes. I do not sleep very well, and sit around alot. I am not as active as I should be.”

Sounds like dominant Ni and role of Si. People with a poor Si function sometimes complain about how they cannot take care of their health and about their level of sleep.[/quote]

I disagree ...