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Thread: Manifestations of Fi Role for INTjs

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    Logos's Avatar
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    Default Manifestations of Fi Role for INTjs

    Just to get the Alpha forum going a bit more...So how exactly does an INTj's Fi Role function manifest itself, operate, and interplay with the world? And how does it exist in relation to an INTj's priorities and values?
    "Alpha Quadra subforum. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious." ~Obi-Wan Kenobi
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    Subthigh Socionics Is A Cult's Avatar
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    INTjs do not like it when someone tries to clinically evaluate or judge the reasons behind them doing something... I guess I feel I know exactly why I did something (or at least vaguely) - I don't see why someone should scrutinize me in such a way. I'm the sort of person who likes to do something quietly, and maybe someone will appreciate my act of kindness...that would be nice. But, for someone to come up to me and say 'WHY are you doing this? Can't you see you are doing it the wrong way?'...not so good . That would take away some of the value of the work - if someone has criticized something I am doing for their benefit, I am not going to get the same satisfaction after completing the work as if they had discovered it by 'accident' at a later date :wink:.

    Also, when someone does question my motives, I don't feel I have enough time in the day to explain my position...I am also liable to appear to be the Devil Incarnate, because I often challenge my motives for doing something - even when I have no really reason to . If for example, I told somebody I only loved them because we happened to be related, and that this relation was an accident of birth...I should really keep my mouth shut...but I can't help it!

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    This is an area that they feel sensitive in if they are criticized. It will be important to them and might manifest as wondering if an action is right, rather than knowing. The way they know it is right is if they check it logically against a rule set.

    I don't feel that Fi dominants really check their moral judgments logically, even if the system itself might have a logic to it.

    Might add more later.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Manifestations of INTj Fi?

    Quote Originally Posted by Logos
    Just to get the Alpha forum going a bit more...So how exactly does an INTj's Fi Role function manifest itself, operate, and interplay with the world? And how does it exist in relation to an INTj's priorities and values?
    "Still waters run deep."

    I allow very few people into the "inner circle" of my life. Most people are too immature/unintelligent/ignorant/rude/etc. etc. ad nauseum to understand, and frankly, I'd rather not equip people with personal information that they can use against me. A lot of people seem to love gossip, so I try not to give them anything to gossip about. Even roomates I've lived with for years know little about my personal life. I'm kind to them, I joke with them, I teach them things, but when it comes to my room, my stuff, and my life, it's none of their business.

    I think you'll find most INTJs are very protective of their private life. For someone to mess with my stuff or eat my food or whatever without asking permission is to violate my personal space, and thus, my trust. I bought three yogurts the other day, and the ONE time I didn't write my name on all of them, my hairbrained roomate manages to convince himself they're his, eat two of them (vanilla and mixed berry). I tell him they were mine, and the next day he goes to the store and buys two strawberry flavor, which is my LEAST favorite flavor (great choice). This is an example of why INTJs are protective of their stuff. When people do manage to get into it, they always screw something up, even if their intentions were good. I mean, he tried to be nice and replace the yogurts, but he even screwed that up, so I just told him to eat them and don't worry about it. I didn't tell him how much it irritated me so I wouldn't make him feel bad, but nevertheless, it was irritating.

    Okay so I've gone off on a tangent... My inferior feeling function...

    The choice few who I HAVE let into my personal life (Mother, Father, Ex-Girlfriend, One Professor, and Counselor) know that I feel and I feel both INTENSELY and DEEPLY. I can take things incredibly hard, not that anyone will know it. I am a perfectionist, and I am 10x harder on myself than my parents or anyone else might be.

    When everyone else says, "You are a talented! You are so smart! You are so funny! You are so good at everything!"
    I am saying, "I need to hone that skill. My grades should be higher. I need to work on your comedic timing and elminate the cheese from my material. I might be good at a lot of things, but I lack mastry."

    Again, INTJs hold their precious internal world and personal space closely. There have been times when I've been so depressed that I've had passive suicidal thoughts, but my roomates walk around oblivious because I know they're not capable of responding appropriately should I open up... That their responses will be LESS helpful than if I didn't even let them know. They'd say, "It'll be alright man." or "You just need to focus on the positive" or some other stupid phrase that only demonstrates how little they know about the etiology and experience of depression. So, I let them live in blissful ignorance.

    When I dated who is now my ex-girlfriend, I was intensely committed to her. Even though she was completely wrong for me, her being an immature ESFP (which I didn't have the wisdom to realize until later), I kept our relationship alive for 2 years because I put a LOT of energy into the relationship. She was emotionally immature, unable to express herself logically, and her S preference was in complete contrast to my N preference. But, I put up with these things because I loved her. It took a long time for me to come to the point that I'd break up with her because I'd invested a VAST amount of emotional, monetary, and mental energy into the relationship.

    People who have positive relationships with INTJs tend to not forget them because of how much energy and thought was invested into the relationship. I wrote so much poetry to that girl and made her things... I once took a jewelry box and took seashells I collected from a beach trip we went on, then proceeded to bleach, de-stain, and preserve them with a complex method I found on the internet, then I put symmetrical patterns on every side of the box that was symbolic, and wrote a note explaining what each side meant. I know she'll keep it for the rest of her life. I think most INTJs will use their creativity to express their love to their significant others in unique, thoughtful, and lasting ways.

    For the most part, my feeling type stays in hiding. When I'm at school, it comes out more often because I'm under incredible stress to do well in what is the most difficult major (nursing).

    How do I typically express my feeling function? Piano is a big one. I compose music. Sometimes it's journaling or poetry. Sometimes it manifests itself in artwork. Less healthy coping mechanisms include punching my mattress and screaming into my pillow, or spending hours watching stupid YouTube videos or something to distract myself from the emotional pain. That is one down-side to being an INTJ. There are times when there is no individual on earth you feel you can open up to, and those are dangerous times for the INTJ's feelings, because if they can't get expressed somehow, they turn into an emotional black hole, at least, for me.

    Hope that helps somewhat. I'm open to any questions.

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    Default Fi Role in LIIs

    According to the theory, LIIs have Ti Base and Fi Role so, when they're using their Ti (that's to say, most of the time), their Fi is kind of turned off. This means that in general LIIs are somewhat detached from people, try to behave equally with their friends (try not to have favorites in a group) and never really feel any strong "bond" with anyone.

    My question is: when this kind of cautiousness gradually disappears, LIIs start to get emotionally closer to the other person and, since it's so difficult for them to start a relationship, their brand new one will possibly be one of the deepest experiences of their lives. Now, wouldn't this mean that LIIs are very emotional people and that they just need an input to disclose to others? Or are all these traits more relatable to Fi Hidden Agenda?

  7. #7
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    Well all people are emotional, that is one of their traits.

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    Heard that LII's can get clingy.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tigerfadder View Post
    Well all people are emotional, that is one of their traits.
    yes LII has needs like anyone, what happens is they don't always realize they've formed a strong Fi attachment until certain points when it really starts to come out. but they need them like anyone, they just don't always show it or even know it. in this way they can become even more attached than a person who consciously regulates it better. it can be surprising because of how it is concealed, but the compensation can be strong indeed

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bertrand View Post
    yes LII has needs like anyone, what happens is they don't always realize they've formed a strong Fi attachment until certain points when it really starts to come out. but they need them like anyone, they just don't always show it or even know it. in this way they can become even more attached than a person who consciously regulates it better. it can be surprising because of how it is concealed, but the compensation can be strong indeed
    Well all people are emotional, LII same as ESE.

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    yeah you could say their need is in some sense equal to what ESE tends to put out, which says a lot about their desire

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tigerfadder View Post
    Well all people are emotional, LII same as ESE.
    Correct, the difference is that ESE are more likely to show that (outwardly) compared to LII.

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    Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
    Correct, the difference is that ESE are more likely to show that (outwardly) compared to LII.
    Ethnics is more of doing things that corresponds with peoples emotions.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tigerfadder View Post
    Ethnics is more of doing things that corresponds with peoples emotions.
    That's for sure.

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    Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
    That's for sure.
    So since LII is not around this area as much as ESE, The protected zone of emotion, they bust more.

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    Emotional attractions and attachments should be separated from cognitive processing because they're more primal and override cognition. Even though most LIIs love their families, they still analyze them via Ti-processes, and their use of Fi is very limited to those Ti-processes that overlap some Fi-ones.

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    Inductive leaps
    Projection is ordinary. Person A projects at person B, hoping tovalidate something about person A by the response of person B. However, person B, not wanting to be an obejct of someone elses ego and guarding against existential terror constructs a personality which protects his ego and maintain a certain sense of a robust and real self that is different and separate from person A. Sadly, this robust and real self, cut off by defenses of character from the rest of the world, is quite vulnerable and fragile given that it is imaginary and propped up through external feed back. Person B is dimly aware of this and defends against it all the more, even desperately projecting his anxieties back onto person A, with the hope of shoring up his ego with salubrious validation. All of this happens without A or B acknowledging it, of course. Because to face up to it consciously is shocking, in that this is all anybody is doing or can do and it seems absurd when you realize how pathetic it is.

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    That's just where their Fe dual seeking comes in. You are just describing an LII's aching yearning for Fe. They need reassurance that the other person really likes them, and need warm feelings of genuine affection and gentle teasing that an ESE would do. IEIs can treat them this way too, but not so well in real life that an ESE can- and it makes them feel safe and warm.

    Your paragraph before that was also just an explanation of LII's fe valuing.

    How "emotional" a person is depends on a lot of complicated factors, but an LII is an LII and will always dual seek Fe and will want it manifested in certain ways.

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    Quote Originally Posted by User Name View Post
    According to the theory, LIIs have Ti Base and Fi Role so, when they're using their Ti (that's to say, most of the time), their Fi is kind of turned off. This means that in general LIIs are somewhat detached from people, try to behave equally with their friends (try not to have favorites in a group) and never really feel any strong "bond" with anyone.

    My question is: when this kind of cautiousness gradually disappears, LIIs start to get emotionally closer to the other person and, since it's so difficult for them to start a relationship, their brand new one will possibly be one of the deepest experiences of their lives. Now, wouldn't this mean that LIIs are very emotional people and that they just need an input to disclose to others?
    Everyone is emotional and needs close relationships at some level. It's true for me that close connections are rare, probably rarer than for most people. When it comes to starting relationships other elements like Fe and Se come into play.

    Or are all these traits more relatable to Fi Hidden Agenda?
    Yes except they will have more emphasis on loyalty and will express preferences more instead of trying to treat everyone equally. Their Fi will also be "turned on" more, they'll pay more attention to how they feel about people etc.

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