inspired by joy's new and original type thread at the EIDB (enneagram institute discussion board), i did something extremely original and asked that community what my enneagram type was.

basically what i found out was that they understand the enneagram a lot better than i do. every single person that commented said either 5w6/6w5 or 6w5. i, however, found the emphasis on 6w5 over 5w6 (which i consider my correct type) to be rather interesting. one guy presented the convincing idea that the way i treated the enneagram with skepticism pointed to type 6 over type 5.

i am not really sure that my emphasis on skepticism was a good indicator of 6>5, primarily because i think that the discussion of my skepticism of the enneagram as compared to socionics is extremely pertinent upon the creation of a type thread, which incidentally also served as an introductory post to that BB. nonetheless, i see the point and do agree that the way i want some assurance that something works before delving into something seems to point, as one guy so eloquently (though imprecisely) put it, to "trust" issues.

what do you think of this? is 6w5 a possibility?

(also possibly relevant is this thread from socionix in which i asked ashton what he thought my ennagram type. his initial suggestion was something along the lines of "6w5, maybe 5w6." i don't really care about his opinion since i think he's nuts but i'm not sure if his enneagram knowledge is any better than that of socionics, but i thought i'd throw it out there anyway regardless).