Hoho, my dear critic. You really 'outwrote' yourself.

I can only comment that no matter what you believe about God, nature, entities in this world such as humans, bees, apes,... your and my mind will still be to small to grasp everything.

To understand the functioning of the human brain is a very complex and hard thing. Socionics only describes information metabolism in people, it groups people acording to similar ways they take in, process and output information. Take note that information is invisible, it's not an entity, or an object. If something is invisible and we can't experience it physicaly, it means that we have to rely on our intuition/imagination to describe something. And by doing so, we can invent thoughts/ideas that don't really need to be true, or thoughts which we cannot prove by empiric studies (such as existence of God, aliens, ... ).

Your thougths, you wrote before, are just as that. You can fantasize about God based on peoples beliefs, words written in various scriptures and books or on your own thoughts. The point is, whatever you conclude, you'll change nothing. You'll still be a human with imagination which speculates a lot.

My suggestion for the both of us would be to learn socionics and use it and see if it works. If some of us becomes a psychologist, he should test his hypotheses and back them with empirical studies. With these studies, you should be able to help others in whatever problem they have, which can be solved from a psychological point.

If not, throw away your vague and global philosophies and try to help people and solve problems in the real world, rather than arguing with others about thing that can't be grasped and explained.