I think my initial attraction has generally been to ENTj guys - at least most of the guys I've dated in my life have fit that general description. Or been close to it. I think my husband is the first ISTp I've dated. Though there was this one sweet guy in high school I dated who was also into fixing cars and had the same quiet way about him . . . but I wasn't thinking marriage back then by a long shot.

Anyway, I think it would be kind of sad if I hadn't had the relationships I've had, even the bad ones, because they made me who I am. And while most turned pretty nasty, they were all fun for at least a while and fun is a good thing. Plus we learn about ourselves through our relationships.

I think you should allow yourself to be young and date whoever strikes your fancy, and if you run into a dual at some point along the way then maybe things will work out between you.