^^ yes, I know.... but your THOUGHT PROCESSES are that of an introvert, that is what I was pointing out. You said something in your profile about "warning others of danger in the future... seeing behind smoke and mirros", etc... which is all about INTROVERTED intuition. Also, you say that you take time to contemplate things when people ask you something... also a major part of introversion. You said in my introverts thread that SLEs and ILEs are the only extraverts who act like introverts the way I was descrbing because of having Ti... I thought that was BS, to be honest. having Ti as your second function doesn't give you the qualities of an introvert, McNew. Same things with confusing things to be something else... that's introversion. Again, it's SUBJECTIVE, and all introverts do it; not Ne. Besides, you seem like you have a strong view of beliefs (Ni) than you do exploring your Ne. And like I said, I have doubted before in the past of you being a logical type... because I thought you always sounded somewhat unconfident with that.