Quote Originally Posted by MysticSonic
No, he's an ENTp, heavily Ne infact; his tendancy towards the deconstruction of concepts in order to undersand them I believe clearly shows this tendancy.

Also, just because an individual is sensitive does not mean he's an NT; you're being overly categorical, Socionics, nor any typology, is not a hard science to be relied upon as you are doing.
.... I think his behaviour is more of that of an irrational type... not specifically Ne. Besides, don't you think the breaking down of concpets his own way to make them understandable to him and no one else is more IEI?

And at McNew's last post... there are heavy sign of introversion in there. It seems like you try and describe things in a diffrent way to mold the image of an ILE to match you. For examle, the expression of Ti as you put it, is not really true. You've said this before in the introverts thread, but it doesn't make any sense. The part that I quoted was a sign of introversion. Also, that divergent learning crap you claim is really more of just being an introvert, too (actually, as well as being irrational). You were talking about SUBJECTIVE understaing of information, which is introversion, not Ne. If you want my opinion, you always sounded less confident in you logic.