Quote Originally Posted by Logos
Quote Originally Posted by Loki
yes... yes... yes... actually I don't know what type Auto or Bionic are... I agree with INTj for Logos though. As for me... I am so neurotic really that people might think anything... And I have definitely noticed that sometimes there seems to be this underlying thing that Ti is somehow inferior to Te... I can't tell if that is just how it seems though or how it actually is.
Not so much about what people on the forum think about you, but about perceptions regarding your type or just certain types in particular. For example in your case, how do you think that the forum generally views INFps?
ugh... I don't think I like the prevailing views of ISFps at all. I get the impression alot of times that people think we're all nonthinking simpletons or something who couldn't do algebra or read a text book to save our lives. It's slowly changing to something more positive...

In general, I think there's been a good movement against stereotypes that's taken root and growing in this 'community', but there's still a long way to go.