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Thread: Socionics Typing Challenge

  1. #1

    Default Socionics Typing Challenge

    Here is something to test your ability to pin down a person's socionic type. Here are descriptions of 7 different people. Try to narrow the type down to a maximum number of 2 types, yet preferably, only one type. If you are up to it, you may also choose to go as far as subtypes. More are to come.

    Here are the descriptions:

    1.) Mostly sociable, very talkative (probably SF club). Dislikes being alone. Excessively uses body language. Can be somewhat blunt and sarcastic despite being empathetic and compassionate—does not conceal her feelings regarding other people. She will always strongly express whether she likes or dislikes someone. She is always true to herself. Unlike many of her acquaintances, she does not hide her character behind any superficial façade. She does not hesitate to respond physically to a situation, she does not seem to value athletics or similar physically strenuous events very much. She tends to dislike overwhelming sensory experiences, such as rollercoasters. She excels in artistic fields, most notably music. Somewhat of a prodigy at the piano. Enjoys spending her time with close friends, but can occasionally seem slightly hedonistic. She seems to display an interest in theater, and apparently enjoys Broadway performances. Can come across as witty. She is politically indifferent, yet seems to be more liberal than conservative. Likes animals very much, specifically cats and dogs. In regards to physical appearance (for those VI devotees), has very large eyes and a rather thin small nose. Is pale and thin. As previously stated, has very expressive body language. Her gait is rather casual, and her clothes seem to be selected more for comfort than for style. Her voice frequently speeds up and slows down, yet does not have much variation in pitch. Frequently takes pleasure in imitating other people’s gestures and facial expressions.

    2.) Again, very sociable and talkative. In fact, seems to have difficulty in being quiet. Also enjoys being with friends, yet seems to have a broader range of close friends. She knows many people, and is known to be very popular. She comes across as even more of a hedonist than # 1, yet at the same time seems to be more of a perfectionist. She achieves high grades in high school, and participates in a wide variety of sports and extracurricular activities. Unlike #1, seems to always try to be very tactful and polite. She always seems very (and almost sickeningly) cheerful and optimistic and always seems very joyful and happy. Unfortunately, is not very direct, and tends to hide her true feelings behind this excessively cheerful exterior. She may gossip and talk badly of people behind their backs. She is very ethical, and seems to be concerned with “the right thing to do.” She has rather conservative religious and political views. She excels at the performing arts, mainly singing and acting. Has a very good singing voice. Her clothing appears to have many accessories, and is selected for style. Her gait is rather stiff and rigid. Her pitch is very cheerful and song-like, travel up and down in pitch. She smiles a lot. Eyes are slightly smaller and narrower than average, yet has a rather large nose. Is not as expressive as # 1 in her gestures and facial expressions. She is very good at communicating, both verbally and non-verbally.

    3.) Not nearly as sociable or talkative as #1 or #2. He likes to have a good time with close friends, yet seems to have a more limited range of closer friends. He can seem outgoing and willing to initiate contacts, yet sometimes seems a little bit too goofy. Generally, though, he is a person who most people would get along with. Despite all this, he seems most content staying at home by himself. He is generally polite, yet does not hesitate to voice strong opinions. He rarely allows himself to be influenced by others. He is very intelligent, yet also procrastinates a lot and is quite sluggish and lazy in general. He is not very interested in academics, and seems quite focused mainly on video games. He also seems to enjoy reading. He seems to be content with a simple lifestyle, and he enjoys camping in the wilderness. He is not very athletic nor is he interested in most sports, yet at the same time, is quite skilled at martial arts and paint ball. He seems to be interested in tactics and battle strategies, and is also quite good in this area, manifested by his interests. The dark side of this is that despite generally being very kind, he can sometimes display very violent and sadistic thoughts, though he generally does not act upon them. Rather, he is very calm and stoic, and hardly reacts to misfortune of any kind. Interestingly, he seems to be the innocent victim of many misfortunate and improbable events, yet he never displays any anger or frustration. He laughs a lot, yet at the same time, he often seems rather melancholic. He enjoys winter and autumn very much. He is surprisingly unaffected by very cold weather, yet often is overwhelmed by mildly warm temperatures. His movements are very leisurely and sluggish, and his posture is not very good. He strongly dislikes haircuts, and prefers to leave his hair to grow very long (he also decided on one occasion to dye his hair blue). His tastes in food are unusual, preferring things that are often considered to be either too bland or too zesty. He is not very expressive in his voice or gestures.

    4.) This one is very wild and proactive. At the same time, he is diligent and hard-working. He behaves in a spontaneous and hyper-active manner. His moods seem to change very rapidly. He can switch from being very wild, outgoing, and childish to being very quiet, somber, and austere. Similarly he can go from being very happy and kind to very angry and harsh within a split second. He is a perfectionist and strives to achieve high grades in school. He seems to be energized by physical activity such as wrestling and running. He is very much in touch with his body and is very good at dancing and self-defense, both of which are self-taught. He gets along well with most people, yet doesn’t value socializing very much. He is fascinated by the concept of war very much. He particularly expresses interest in either ancient armies or fantasy (he reads a lot about Roman military strategies, and seems to also be attracted to the Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, WOW, and similar things). He is very humorous and tends to laugh hysterically. Much of his humor revolves around gruesome violence and innuendo. He is rather inventive, and has some very interesting ideas. He is very much into physical science, especially the most unusual aspects of it. Like #1 he is also extremely talented at the piano, and has a very good pitch. He plans on his career involving either something along the lines of bio-engineering or music, though it was once stated that he would enjoy the job of being an assassin. His movements do not seem either particularly smooth or rigid, simply somewhere in the middle. His facial features are not particularly distinct, nor are his speech patterns (with the exception of his unusual laugh). However, he seems to put a lot of effort into the appearance of his hair.

    5.) This person generally quite friendly, polite, and initiates conversations, yet is not particularly sociable. On the other hand, he seems to enjoy giving long monologues about an expressed opinion of his or an interesting piece of information. Despite his politeness, he is extremely cynical and pessimistic, and is sometimes vengeful. He does not seem to believe in human goodness. At the same time, he also has very strong conservative religious beliefs (yet this may have more to do with his mother’s influence), which he always backs up with raw verbal logic. He is highly intelligent and reads a lot. He tends either to read encyclopedic information, or fantasy-related fiction. He enjoys reading Isaac Asimov’s material. He is very curious and has a thirst for collecting knowledge. He is also very argumentative, and will be willing to debate anything. His verbal logic capabilities are very well-developed. Comparatively to his peers, though, most distinct is his ability in mathematics, and his capability for learning languages, particularly the grammatical aspects. He also has quite an aptitude for politics and geography. With these two skills/interests combined, he once decided to create a fictional country, including a fictional government and a fictional language. Outside of school, his business skills are also quite remarkable. He is quite good with profit, and manages to make a very large sum of money every summer. At times he can also be quite greedy, not to mention lazy. When asked of his future career, he stated that he was uncertain, but the ideal situation would be to invent something extremely useful so that, as a result, he would not have to work at all. His humor involves verbal puns, piercing sarcasm, or childish slapstick. He receives high scores in school, despite his laziness. He is physically awkward and is rather clumsy. He is also physically lazy. His motions seem to be casual yet stiff and awkward. He uses his hands a lot when describing something.

    6.) Not very much to say here. Very nice and kind, likes to socialize, has quite few friends, yet seems to prefer a smaller number of people when interacting. He receives average grades in school. He is not particularly lazy, yet not particularly meticulous either. He enjoys going to parties. He also has very rigid and conservative religious and political beliefs. He is a devout member of a religious organization. He also enjoys drawing and doodling quite a bit. Has a very large collection of films. He treasures the Peanuts. Despite being friendly and sociable, he does not get along with most of his peers, due to the fact that they mock his very feminine behavior. Despite this, he is still heterosexual—he merely behaves in a rather feminine way. He enjoys soccer, and has a fixation on the UK. On the exterior, he appears somewhat like #2, except slightly less talkative and considerably less perfectionist. He used to get along very well with #1. His eyes are large, as is his nose, which is very geometric and rigid in shape. His posture and gait are not in any way remarkable.

    7.) He is quite sociable. He is very strong friends with #6. He also, like #3 and #4, is into things such as tactics, Lord-of-the-Rings-esque fantasy war, paintball, video games etc. He used to be very much obsessed with this particular fantasy game which involved tactics and fantasy, known (you may have heard of it), “Warhammer”. He also very much enjoyed this game because it involved collecting parts of figures, and constructing/designing them on your own with your own hands. He enjoys crafting things with is hands and is very talented at it, so say the least. He is an underachiever at school. He procrastinates quite a lot. Yet, as stated before, he is highly capable of constructing things. He is also quite imaginative and has a twisted sense of humor. Enjoys drawing and doodling during class. Is very messy and enjoys experimenting with things (especially if it involves something exploding). He can also be quite the prankster, occasionally going a bit too far. Interestingly, he displays conservative political and religious views. He can be rather physical, often not realizing that he might be hurting someone else. Is rather athletic, and especially enjoys football and wrestling. He also has a taste for wild new experiences and partying. For the VI-people, his eyes are thinner than average and his nose is thin, long, and points slightly upwards. Has a casual, yet slightly haughty stride.
    Classical socionics: (), ILI-Ni
    Dual-type theory: INTp-ENTp

    5w6 sp/sx

  2. #2

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    1 probably SEE
    2 possibly EIE. as described, sounds Fe at any rate.
    3 SLI, maybe ILI
    4 SLE ?
    5 ILI seems very likely, possibly LII
    6 no idea. not much information disseminated in that description. LII a complete guess.
    7 very hard to say. maybe SEI/SLE/SEE?

  3. #3
    eunice's Avatar
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    1. ESFp
    2. ESFj
    3. INTp
    4. ENFj
    5. ENTj
    6. ISFp or INFj-Ne
    7. ENTp

  4. #4
    Ezra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by niffweed17
    4 SLE ?
    If 4.) is SLE, it is a shit description.

    Quote Originally Posted by eunice
    4. ENFj
    Since when was an EIE "wild" or "hyperactive"? Since when did an EJ have moods that "seem to change very rapidly"?

  5. #5
    liveandletlive's Avatar
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    1) SEE
    2) ESE
    3) LII
    4) SLE
    5) ILI
    6) ESI
    7) LSI
    ESFp-Fi sub
    6w7 sx/so/sp

  6. #6
    Joy's Avatar
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    Who are you?

    Check out my Socionics group!

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    Who are you?
    What precisely is meant by this question?
    Classical socionics: (), ILI-Ni
    Dual-type theory: INTp-ENTp

    5w6 sp/sx

  8. #8
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    [spoil:931c682ae5][align=left:931c682ae5]"final" answer in red...

    1. SEE > ESE > EIE...
    2. EIE > ESE (Alpha or Beta EF)
    3. Maybe SLI > ILI (introvert, logical, IP temperament)
    4. Maybe SLE-Se > LSE
    5. Maybe LIE-Te > LSE-Te
    6. Not enough information. Possibly IEI > LSI. (Beta)
    7. SLE[/spoil:931c682ae5][/align:931c682ae5]

  9. #9
    from toronto with love ScarlettLux's Avatar
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    Default Re: Socionics Typing Challenge

    1.) ENFj

    2.) ESFj

    3.) INTp or very Ni INFp

    4.) ENTp - Ti, maaaybe ESTp - Ti

    5.) INTp or INTj ... kinda hard to tell actually.

    6.) ISTj

    7.) ESTp

    Dress pretty, play dirty ღ

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    Meh. That's true. #3 could be IEI. And, actually, is there anything to rule out SEI?

    I also agree that #4 could be ILE... and that #5 could be ILI or LII.

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    Default Re: Socionics Typing Challenge

    Quote Originally Posted by Iconoclast IX
    Here is something to test your ability to pin down a person's socionic type. Here are descriptions of 7 different people. Try to narrow the type down to a maximum number of 2 types, yet preferably, only one type. If you are up to it, you may also choose to go as far as subtypes. More are to come.

    5.) This person generally quite friendly, polite, and initiates conversations, yet is not particularly sociable. On the other hand, he seems to enjoy giving long monologues about an expressed opinion of his or an interesting piece of information. Despite his politeness, he is extremely cynical and pessimistic, and is sometimes vengeful. He does not seem to believe in human goodness. At the same time, he also has very strong conservative religious beliefs (yet this may have more to do with his mother’s influence), which he always backs up with raw verbal logic. He is highly intelligent and reads a lot. He tends either to read encyclopedic information, or fantasy-related fiction. He enjoys reading Isaac Asimov’s material. He is very curious and has a thirst for collecting knowledge. He is also very argumentative, and will be willing to debate anything. His verbal logic capabilities are very well-developed. Comparatively to his peers, though, most distinct is his ability in mathematics, and his capability for learning languages, particularly the grammatical aspects. He also has quite an aptitude for politics and geography. With these two skills/interests combined, he once decided to create a fictional country, including a fictional government and a fictional language. Outside of school, his business skills are also quite remarkable. He is quite good with profit, and manages to make a very large sum of money every summer. At times he can also be quite greedy, not to mention lazy. When asked of his future career, he stated that he was uncertain, but the ideal situation would be to invent something extremely useful so that, as a result, he would not have to work at all. His humor involves verbal puns, piercing sarcasm, or childish slapstick. He receives high scores in school, despite his laziness. He is physically awkward and is rather clumsy. He is also physically lazy. His motions seem to be casual yet stiff and awkward. He uses his hands a lot when describing something.
    This could be me, so probably ESFj.
    "Arnie is strong, rightfully angry and wants to kill somebody."

  12. #12

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    Default Re: Socionics Typing Challenge

    Quote Originally Posted by CuriousSoul
    Quote Originally Posted by Iconoclast IX
    Here is something to test your ability to pin down a person's socionic type. Here are descriptions of 7 different people. Try to narrow the type down to a maximum number of 2 types, yet preferably, only one type. If you are up to it, you may also choose to go as far as subtypes. More are to come.

    5.) This person generally quite friendly, polite, and initiates conversations, yet is not particularly sociable. On the other hand, he seems to enjoy giving long monologues about an expressed opinion of his or an interesting piece of information. Despite his politeness, he is extremely cynical and pessimistic, and is sometimes vengeful. He does not seem to believe in human goodness. At the same time, he also has very strong conservative religious beliefs (yet this may have more to do with his mother’s influence), which he always backs up with raw verbal logic. He is highly intelligent and reads a lot. He tends either to read encyclopedic information, or fantasy-related fiction. He enjoys reading Isaac Asimov’s material. He is very curious and has a thirst for collecting knowledge. He is also very argumentative, and will be willing to debate anything. His verbal logic capabilities are very well-developed. Comparatively to his peers, though, most distinct is his ability in mathematics, and his capability for learning languages, particularly the grammatical aspects. He also has quite an aptitude for politics and geography. With these two skills/interests combined, he once decided to create a fictional country, including a fictional government and a fictional language. Outside of school, his business skills are also quite remarkable. He is quite good with profit, and manages to make a very large sum of money every summer. At times he can also be quite greedy, not to mention lazy. When asked of his future career, he stated that he was uncertain, but the ideal situation would be to invent something extremely useful so that, as a result, he would not have to work at all. His humor involves verbal puns, piercing sarcasm, or childish slapstick. He receives high scores in school, despite his laziness. He is physically awkward and is rather clumsy. He is also physically lazy. His motions seem to be casual yet stiff and awkward. He uses his hands a lot when describing something.
    This could be me, so probably ESFj.
    If you are not intending this as some kind of bad joke, we now know for sure that you are not an ESFj. It's time to wake up from your idiotic ESFj dream, CuriousSoul.

  13. #13
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    Default Re: Socionics Typing Challenge

    Quote Originally Posted by Phaedrus
    Quote Originally Posted by CuriousSoul
    Quote Originally Posted by Iconoclast IX
    Here is something to test your ability to pin down a person's socionic type. Here are descriptions of 7 different people. Try to narrow the type down to a maximum number of 2 types, yet preferably, only one type. If you are up to it, you may also choose to go as far as subtypes. More are to come.

    5.) This person generally quite friendly, polite, and initiates conversations, yet is not particularly sociable. On the other hand, he seems to enjoy giving long monologues about an expressed opinion of his or an interesting piece of information. Despite his politeness, he is extremely cynical and pessimistic, and is sometimes vengeful. He does not seem to believe in human goodness. At the same time, he also has very strong conservative religious beliefs (yet this may have more to do with his mother’s influence), which he always backs up with raw verbal logic. He is highly intelligent and reads a lot. He tends either to read encyclopedic information, or fantasy-related fiction. He enjoys reading Isaac Asimov’s material. He is very curious and has a thirst for collecting knowledge. He is also very argumentative, and will be willing to debate anything. His verbal logic capabilities are very well-developed. Comparatively to his peers, though, most distinct is his ability in mathematics, and his capability for learning languages, particularly the grammatical aspects. He also has quite an aptitude for politics and geography. With these two skills/interests combined, he once decided to create a fictional country, including a fictional government and a fictional language. Outside of school, his business skills are also quite remarkable. He is quite good with profit, and manages to make a very large sum of money every summer. At times he can also be quite greedy, not to mention lazy. When asked of his future career, he stated that he was uncertain, but the ideal situation would be to invent something extremely useful so that, as a result, he would not have to work at all. His humor involves verbal puns, piercing sarcasm, or childish slapstick. He receives high scores in school, despite his laziness. He is physically awkward and is rather clumsy. He is also physically lazy. His motions seem to be casual yet stiff and awkward. He uses his hands a lot when describing something.
    This could be me, so probably ESFj.
    If you are not intending this as some kind of bad joke, we now know for sure that you are not an ESFj. It's time to wake up from your idiotic ESFj dream, CuriousSoul.
    I don't know what type you are CuriousSoul, but this guy sounds Gamma NT. More likely ILI, actually... or possibly even LSI.

    Check out my Socionics group!

  14. #14

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    Default Re: Socionics Typing Challenge

    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    Quote Originally Posted by Phaedrus
    Quote Originally Posted by CuriousSoul
    Quote Originally Posted by Iconoclast IX
    Here is something to test your ability to pin down a person's socionic type. Here are descriptions of 7 different people. Try to narrow the type down to a maximum number of 2 types, yet preferably, only one type. If you are up to it, you may also choose to go as far as subtypes. More are to come.

    5.) This person generally quite friendly, polite, and initiates conversations, yet is not particularly sociable. On the other hand, he seems to enjoy giving long monologues about an expressed opinion of his or an interesting piece of information. Despite his politeness, he is extremely cynical and pessimistic, and is sometimes vengeful. He does not seem to believe in human goodness. At the same time, he also has very strong conservative religious beliefs (yet this may have more to do with his mother’s influence), which he always backs up with raw verbal logic. He is highly intelligent and reads a lot. He tends either to read encyclopedic information, or fantasy-related fiction. He enjoys reading Isaac Asimov’s material. He is very curious and has a thirst for collecting knowledge. He is also very argumentative, and will be willing to debate anything. His verbal logic capabilities are very well-developed. Comparatively to his peers, though, most distinct is his ability in mathematics, and his capability for learning languages, particularly the grammatical aspects. He also has quite an aptitude for politics and geography. With these two skills/interests combined, he once decided to create a fictional country, including a fictional government and a fictional language. Outside of school, his business skills are also quite remarkable. He is quite good with profit, and manages to make a very large sum of money every summer. At times he can also be quite greedy, not to mention lazy. When asked of his future career, he stated that he was uncertain, but the ideal situation would be to invent something extremely useful so that, as a result, he would not have to work at all. His humor involves verbal puns, piercing sarcasm, or childish slapstick. He receives high scores in school, despite his laziness. He is physically awkward and is rather clumsy. He is also physically lazy. His motions seem to be casual yet stiff and awkward. He uses his hands a lot when describing something.
    This could be me, so probably ESFj.
    If you are not intending this as some kind of bad joke, we now know for sure that you are not an ESFj. It's time to wake up from your idiotic ESFj dream, CuriousSoul.
    I don't know what type you are CuriousSoul, but this guy sounds Gamma NT. More likely ILI, actually... or possibly even LSI.
    I think I can finally settle with ESFj-INTp as my dual-type.

    "Dual-type theory is real: a truth denied is not a truth destroyed."
    "Arnie is strong, rightfully angry and wants to kill somebody."

  15. #15

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    Default Re: Socionics Typing Challenge

    Quote Originally Posted by CuriousSoul
    I think I can finally settle with ESFj-INTp as my dual-type.
    No, you can't. The only thing you reveal by saying this is that you don't know what you are talking about. Why do you refuse to listen when competent socionists (many people are included in this group) try to explain to you how it works and what your most likely type is? Why do you insist on contradicting -- in a most irritating way -- what almost every possible version of Socionics says about the types? The way you -- by your own words -- describe yourself makes ESFj an impossible type for you. When are you going to realize that simple truth?

  16. #16
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    I'm curious as to where the ESE typing came from?

    Check out my Socionics group!

  17. #17
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    4) totally sounds like me
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  18. #18
    implied's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    4) totally sounds like me
    the war stuff is boring.

    regarding the types - i didn't find one that fit perfectly, but more #5 than any.

  19. #19
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    Default Re: Socionics Typing Challenge

    Quote Originally Posted by Iconoclast IX
    4.) This one is very wild and proactive. At the same time, he is diligent and hard-working. He behaves in a spontaneous and hyper-active manner. His moods seem to change very rapidly. He can switch from being very wild, outgoing, and childish to being very quiet, somber, and austere. Similarly he can go from being very happy and kind to very angry and harsh within a split second. He is a perfectionist and strives to achieve high grades in school. He seems to be energized by physical activity such as wrestling and running. He is very much in touch with his body and is very good at dancing and self-defense, both of which are self-taught. He gets along well with most people, yet doesn’t value socializing very much. He is fascinated by the concept of war very much. He particularly expresses interest in either ancient armies or fantasy (he reads a lot about Roman military strategies, and seems to also be attracted to the Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, WOW, and similar things). He is very humorous and tends to laugh hysterically. Much of his humor revolves around gruesome violence and innuendo. He is rather inventive, and has some very interesting ideas. He is very much into physical science, especially the most unusual aspects of it. Like #1 he is also extremely talented at the piano, and has a very good pitch. He plans on his career involving either something along the lines of bio-engineering or music, though it was once stated that he would enjoy the job of being an assassin. His movements do not seem either particularly smooth or rigid, simply somewhere in the middle. His facial features are not particularly distinct, nor are his speech patterns (with the exception of his unusual laugh). However, he seems to put a lot of effort into the appearance of his hair.
    Fuck me. With the exception of the bolded, this bears an uncanny resemblance to me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    I'm curious as to where the ESE typing came from?

    "From authentic sources. Many authentic sources"

    PS If you were to meet me it would be obvious enough.
    "Arnie is strong, rightfully angry and wants to kill somebody."

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    Quote Originally Posted by CuriousSoul
    PS If you were to meet me it would be obvious enough.
    you can say stuff like this all you want. it doesn't make it true (not to say that it makes it false either, but things like your identification to #5 are almost all we have to go on, and it doesn't support ESE at all).

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    4) totally sounds like me
    the war stuff is boring.

    regarding the types - i didn't find one that fit perfectly, but more #5 than any.
    Ah I skipped the war part, I don't do that, it's kind of childish imho
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    4) totally sounds like me
    the war stuff is boring.

    regarding the types - i didn't find one that fit perfectly, but more #5 than any.
    Ah I skipped the war part, I don't do that, it's kind of childish imho
    It depends what aspect of war you're looking at it. I find nothing immature, for example, about a general studying the geographical aspects of a pitch battle. Nor do I see anything childish about studying for a degree in military history or something relevant. However, obviously, jumping around during the battle in The Two Towers going "ohmygodthisistotallyfrickinawesome!" is childish. I won't deny that I get a rush out of seeing good battle sequences in films like Saving Private Ryan, The Lord of the Rings and Braveheart (the best thing about this film).

  24. #24
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ezra
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    4) totally sounds like me
    the war stuff is boring.

    regarding the types - i didn't find one that fit perfectly, but more #5 than any.
    Ah I skipped the war part, I don't do that, it's kind of childish imho
    It depends what aspect of war you're looking at it. I find nothing immature, for example, about a general studying the geographical aspects of a pitch battle. Nor do I see anything childish about studying for a degree in military history or something relevant. However, obviously, jumping around during the battle in The Two Towers going "ohmygodthisistotallyfrickinawesome!" is childish. I won't deny that I get a rush out of seeing good battle sequences in films like Saving Private Ryan, The Lord of the Rings and Braveheart (the best thing about this film).
    It'd be better if there were no wars, so anything about war is childish.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    Default Re: Socionics Typing Challenge

    Quote Originally Posted by Phaedrus
    Quote Originally Posted by CuriousSoul
    I think I can finally settle with ESFj-INTp as my dual-type.
    No, you can't. The only thing you reveal by saying this is that you don't know what you are talking about. Why do you refuse to listen when competent socionists (many people are included in this group) try to explain to you how it works and what your most likely type is? Why do you insist on contradicting -- in a most irritating way -- what almost every possible version of Socionics says about the types? The way you -- by your own words -- describe yourself makes ESFj an impossible type for you. When are you going to realize that simple truth?
    Quote Originally Posted by Winston Churchill
    Except at harvest time, when self-preservation enjoins a temporary truce, the Pathan tribes are always engaged in private or public war. Every man is a warrior, a politician, and a theologian. Every large house is a real feudal fortress made, it is true, only of sunbaked clay, but with battlements, turrets, loopholes, flanking towers, drawbridges, etc., complete. Every village has its defense. Every family cultivates its vendetta; every clan, its feud. The numerous tribes and combination of tribes all have their accounts to settle with one another. Nothing is ever forgotten and very few debts are left unpaid… The life of the Pathan is thus full of interest

    Into this happy world the nineteenth century brought two new facts; the breech-loading rifle and the British Government. The first was an enormous luxury and blessing; the second, an unmitigated nuisance. The convenience of the breech-loading, and still more of the magazine, rifle was nowhere more appreciated than in the Indian highlands. A weapon which could kill with accuracy at fifteen hundred yards opened a whole new vista of delights to every family or clan which could acquire it. One could actually remain in one's own house and fire at one's neighbor nearly a mile away.
    Sorry Phaedrus, but this forum is a minefield...
    I will send you a PM later.
    Ah, the joys of the breech-loading rifle.
    "Arnie is strong, rightfully angry and wants to kill somebody."

  26. #26
    Snomunegot munenori2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ezra
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    4) totally sounds like me
    the war stuff is boring.

    regarding the types - i didn't find one that fit perfectly, but more #5 than any.
    Ah I skipped the war part, I don't do that, it's kind of childish imho
    It depends what aspect of war you're looking at it. I find nothing immature, for example, about a general studying the geographical aspects of a pitch battle. Nor do I see anything childish about studying for a degree in military history or something relevant. However, obviously, jumping around during the battle in The Two Towers going "ohmygodthisistotallyfrickinawesome!" is childish. I won't deny that I get a rush out of seeing good battle sequences in films like Saving Private Ryan, The Lord of the Rings and Braveheart (the best thing about this film).
    I've always found the strategic and tactical aspects of war to be fascinating subjects. As far as my imagination goes though, it tends to get excited most by what I guess you'd call the ethical aspects of force? Particular scenes seem to always stand out for me, usually ones about self-sacrifice or fighting for what is right against intolerable odds. Take the [EPIC!] conclusion of 'The Last of the Mohicans', Boromir's final battle at the end of the first LOTR, or the seven samurai risking their lives for the defenseless peasants in Kurosawa's classic. Another example might be the military history of the ancient Chinese as seen in 'Romance of the Three Kingdoms'.

    I am surprised though that someone mentioned Warhammer. When I was younger, I used to love that game.
    Moonlight will fall
    Winter will end
    Harvest will come
    Your heart will mend

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    Quote Originally Posted by niffweed17
    Quote Originally Posted by CuriousSoul
    PS If you were to meet me it would be obvious enough.
    you can say stuff like this all you want. it doesn't make it true (not to say that it makes it false either, but things like your identification to #5 are almost all we have to go on, and it doesn't support ESE at all).

    ohhhhh vrf how you mock us all so!
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    Default Re: Socionics Typing Challenge

    Quote Originally Posted by Ezra
    Quote Originally Posted by Iconoclast IX
    4.) This one is very wild and proactive. At the same time, he is diligent and hard-working. He behaves in a spontaneous and hyper-active manner. His moods seem to change very rapidly. He can switch from being very wild, outgoing, and childish to being very quiet, somber, and austere. Similarly he can go from being very happy and kind to very angry and harsh within a split second. He is a perfectionist and strives to achieve high grades in school. He seems to be energized by physical activity such as wrestling and running. He is very much in touch with his body and is very good at dancing and self-defense, both of which are self-taught. He gets along well with most people, yet doesn’t value socializing very much. He is fascinated by the concept of war very much. He particularly expresses interest in either ancient armies or fantasy (he reads a lot about Roman military strategies, and seems to also be attracted to the Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, WOW, and similar things). He is very humorous and tends to laugh hysterically. Much of his humor revolves around gruesome violence and innuendo. He is rather inventive, and has some very interesting ideas. He is very much into physical science, especially the most unusual aspects of it. Like #1 he is also extremely talented at the piano, and has a very good pitch. He plans on his career involving either something along the lines of bio-engineering or music, though it was once stated that he would enjoy the job of being an assassin. His movements do not seem either particularly smooth or rigid, simply somewhere in the middle. His facial features are not particularly distinct, nor are his speech patterns (with the exception of his unusual laugh). However, he seems to put a lot of effort into the appearance of his hair.
    Fuck me. With the exception of the bolded, this bears an uncanny resemblance to me.
    Sounds like me if I wasn't a lazy druggy

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Quote Originally Posted by Ezra
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    4) totally sounds like me
    the war stuff is boring.

    regarding the types - i didn't find one that fit perfectly, but more #5 than any.
    Ah I skipped the war part, I don't do that, it's kind of childish imho
    It depends what aspect of war you're looking at it. I find nothing immature, for example, about a general studying the geographical aspects of a pitch battle. Nor do I see anything childish about studying for a degree in military history or something relevant. However, obviously, jumping around during the battle in The Two Towers going "ohmygodthisistotallyfrickinawesome!" is childish. I won't deny that I get a rush out of seeing good battle sequences in films like Saving Private Ryan, The Lord of the Rings and Braveheart (the best thing about this film).
    It'd be better if there were no wars, so anything about war is childish.
    That's a pretty childishly naive statement.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Quote Originally Posted by Ezra
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    4) totally sounds like me
    the war stuff is boring.

    regarding the types - i didn't find one that fit perfectly, but more #5 than any.
    Ah I skipped the war part, I don't do that, it's kind of childish imho
    It depends what aspect of war you're looking at it. I find nothing immature, for example, about a general studying the geographical aspects of a pitch battle. Nor do I see anything childish about studying for a degree in military history or something relevant. However, obviously, jumping around during the battle in The Two Towers going "ohmygodthisistotallyfrickinawesome!" is childish. I won't deny that I get a rush out of seeing good battle sequences in films like Saving Private Ryan, The Lord of the Rings and Braveheart (the best thing about this film).
    It'd be better if there were no wars, so anything about war is childish.
    I don't see the logic (but I agree with the initial premise).

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    Quote Originally Posted by liveandletlive

    ohhhhh vrf how you mock us all so!

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    Quote Originally Posted by niffweed17
    Quote Originally Posted by liveandletlive

    ohhhhh vrf how you mock us all so!
    ESFp-Fi sub
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