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  1. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by kensi View Post
    Jordan is ISTj in my system...He has an assasin mentality (that's not to say he doesn't have a likeable side cause he does)....this assasin mentality was present when he went out of his way to try to rattle Vince Carter (maybe ENTP)(Carter's Raptor days i think) when Carter was at an all-time high doin all sorts of new dunks....Jordan said "Kobe and those guys should'nt pay attention to him...he don't play no defence" etc.etc....he really started to get under V.C.'s skin and ISTjs can be good at that..(i don't know if V.C was ever the same after that)...getting under your skin.

    Hey...btw...did anybody catch Shaq's antics on Kobe over the last couple of days...dammit...forgot to tune into Sporscentre.
    Haha!! Yeah dude, I couldn't believe that. I was up in Mass today visiting my Mom, turned on ESPN--that came on--my Mom was sittin next to me--and her jaw dropped... Did you hear the whole thing? It's crazy. Shaq thinks that he's better than Kareem?! Wtf

    About Jordan: I've also heard stories about him getting under ppl's skin... I heard that when he was with Washington, he pretty much broke Kwame Brown by calling a "flaming ******" and taunting him so much that he cried... Kwame Brown is ISTp, and was only 18-19 at the time--that story makes me angry... I mean, it sucks anyway but that was his teammate. I hope it's not true.

    I just watched an interview w/ Vince Carter--yeah, good call, he's ENTp.

    Also, I don't know if you noticed this, but the post of strrng's that you quoted is old--I think from when he was new... Strrrng is one of the best ppl here at typing now. He knows a lot about ball too... I'm just sayin, not sure if you noticed... Ok, I'm gonna go do some schoolwork now. Talk to you later, peace

  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post

    Also, I don't know if you noticed this, but the post of strrng's that you quoted is old--I think from when he was new... Strrrng is one of the best ppl here at typing now. He knows a lot about ball too... I'm just sayin, not sure if you noticed... Ok, I'm gonna go do some schoolwork now. Talk to you later, peace
    Yeah...i just wanna get this out of the way first: ...i don't mean to embarrass anybody here or anything like that

    .....i sometimes just speak my mind...i enjoyed reading the really reminde me of my younger first ever typing of Jordan was INFJ ...then i realized that...holy shit..that is his activation Super-Id nature and not his true ego just brought back some funny memeories of myself....thats it man....and i just impulsively like an ENFp wanted to get that out there...

    ...anyways ...its all for fun...besides there is no way you can fit 6 billion people into 16 boxes and expect them to get along perfectly...there's gotta be just a little bit more to it. It's all about learning the different than poker.

    ...anybody got a suggestion to make go for know whatti mean...

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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post
    Haha!! Yeah dude, I couldn't believe that. I was up in Mass today visiting my Mom, turned on ESPN--that came on--my Mom was sittin next to me--and her jaw dropped... Did you hear the whole thing? It's crazy. Shaq thinks that he's better than Kareem?! Wtf

    Will have to check it out on Youtube or something cus i missed it....

    Better than Kareem? The Suns more or less went into a tailspin after they got him (no better chemistry)...i'm not a big fan of big ticket player movements in situations when there already is'nt that much wrong with the who'se the man in Phoenix...Nash, O'Neal, Stottlemeier?...i don't get it now.......btw i like what Boston did to get the big3 together for the season..that was a different story.

    Nash is Canadian...did i say that btw....and a 2-time NBA MVP....we Canadians are catching up to you guys down there.

    Peace to all....including my beantown buddy LOL

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    Quote Originally Posted by kensi View Post
    ,,,, LOL
    that leads me to my next question...what are a bunch of ENFps doing talking sports...aren't we supposed to be avoiding this sort of stuff....whats the reason for it because we have an ESTp (SeTi) superego that we have a connection to make there...hmm. just curious...

  5. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post
    Are you in New England too, tereg?
    I'm in Austin, TX

    Quote Originally Posted by kensi View Post
    that leads me to my next question...what are a bunch of ENFps doing talking sports...aren't we supposed to be avoiding this sort of stuff....whats the reason for it because we have an ESTp (SeTi) superego that we have a connection to make there...hmm. just curious...
    Avoiding this stuff? Hell no. I'm going to tell you why I'm into sports as much as I am. I mean it's kind of cool to type various figures in sports, I get that, that's sort of a natural thing to do with regards to a personality type system. But I think what sports shows me is it is able to illustrate various real-world concepts and puts them for display on a different stage.

    What intrigues me about sports are the game within the game sorts of things.

    • Overcoming adversity
    • What various players do under pressurized situations and how different people will react or respond differently to those things
    • These under-the-surface things that are interesting to think about how different people will respond to different situations they are confronted with
    • The progression of the various sports personalities over generations
    • The background story surrounding a given event to put things into proper context.

    Small and large things. I love, love thinking about things like this and how sports and life kind of intersect or not intersect.

    Sports intrigues me in a way that I can't quite explain, and it just goes beyond just figuring out who is what type. I think the progression that I go through is I think about all of these various things related to sports and then it's THROUGH these things that sort of leads me to understand or develop what a person's type is. How did person X handle this particular situation? How would another athlete or person handle this situation? This sort of thing.

    I've always appreciated sports, I grew up loving sports, I was involved in sports at an early age, and I can think back to my sports experiences as well as it relates to how other athletes might respond similarly or differently than I handled various situations.

    These things really interest me.

    9w1 sp/sx

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by tereg View Post

    I'm in Austin, TX

    What intrigues me about sports are the game within the game sorts of things.

    • Overcoming adversity
    • What various players do under pressurized situations and how different people will react or respond differently to those things
    • These under-the-surface things that are interesting to think about how different people will respond to different situations they are confronted with
    • The progression of the various sports personalities over generations
    • The background story surrounding a given event to put things into proper context.

    Austin...that's pretty much the same as Dallas ain't it...

    Don't the Cowboys play in Arlington?
    Oh..f*ck...just thought of a good question...What type is Terrell Owens...he does exibit some ENFp behaviour? any idea?

    Oh man...i was gonna add to this above quote of yours except you stole all of my ideas LOL...good points.. seems like your secondary Fi is causing you to say those points.

    Ever watch much NFL Sunday Night throughout the year this year....I can't figure out Steve Young's personality type .... don't wanna wait till next year to get my answer LOL ?

    TTYS if not later tonite.

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by kensi View Post
    Austin...that's pretty much the same as Dallas ain't it...
    To put Austin in perspective of its relation to Dallas, Austin is a 4 hour drive south of Dallas.

    Quote Originally Posted by kensi View Post
    Don't the Cowboys play in Arlington?

    Their old stadium was in Irving, and their new stadium will be in Arlington

    Quote Originally Posted by kensi View Post
    Oh..f*ck...just thought of a good question...What type is Terrell Owens...he does exibit some ENFp behaviour? any idea?
    I don't think so. I think someone like Terrell Owens would be comparable to someone like Chad Johnson. But, I'm not so sure about ENFp. I'd need to think about that some more.

    Quote Originally Posted by kensi View Post
    Oh man...i was gonna add to this above quote of yours except you stole all of my ideas LOL...good points.. seems like your secondary Fi is causing you to say those points.

    Ever watch much NFL Sunday Night throughout the year this year....I can't figure out Steve Young's personality type .... don't wanna wait till next year to get my answer LOL ?

    TTYS if not later tonite.
    Yes, I do watch Sunday Night Football and just in general see Steve Young's analysis on ESPN. Hmm. He strikes me as some quadra I think. Somewhere in the Gamma/Delta range I believe. More specific I'd have to think about it some more.

    9w1 sp/sx

  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by kensi View Post
    Niednagel does not correlate with Socionics...MBTI much more likely..Remenber the to include the J/P problem when you translate.

    1. It's not out of the question.....but then God! there sure are a lot of subtypes...ones i still know little about...cause he doesn't fit the traditional ESFp billing of say someone like Magic Johnson.

    2. I see Ricky as INFj and a delta......EStp is the very opposite energy he is fighting.

    Keep in mind that Niednagel wants to justify his typings for Sporting success and has questionable motives in what he represents. His claim is to say that only half the types are good at sports and anyone who has success he will type them as being someone who fits thiose very types destined for success. I've noticed him on multiple occasions change types and force issues..not to say also..completely miss the point. His science has been refered to as hocus-pocus...though at times... yes, he does make some good typings and they do have some referential value. Bottom line...decent to average product and buyer beware.

    3. That (ISTP) is an MBTI term for the usage of TiSe (external wiring)whereas ISTp in socionics is SiTe (internal wiring)...definitely not the same but there may be some overlap.

    4. I don't have the statistics...there may be some truth to it but overall I doubt it.... but read #3 above to disect the issue.

    Ken IMO
    You must have missed my earlier post in the thread about how well JuJu's typing of athletes correlates with Niednagel. Most of the time, they're typings are the same, and when they're off, they're almost always off by one letter. For example, I just read that JuJu types Vince Carter as an ENTp. This is exactly the same as Niednagel. (The correlations have actually become a running joke between Justin and I.) The interesting part is that they're using completely different methods to type these athletes. What are the chances then of them both being nearly the same? This tells me that they're both on to something and that Brain Typing most likely has the functions for the types screwed up, since Justin is using pure Socionics for his typing, and Niednagel is only basing his typing on motor movements.


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    Quote Originally Posted by kensi View Post
    that leads me to my next question...what are a bunch of ENFps doing talking sports...aren't we supposed to be avoiding this sort of stuff....whats the reason for it because we have an ESTp (SeTi) superego that we have a connection to make there...hmm. just curious...
    LOL, yeah, I guess that's the ENFP stereotype, huh?

    Paraphrasing some MBTI descriptions of us: "male ENFPs are big, fluffy balls of tenderness. They often cry at Hallmark cards and feel deep connections to songs like Foreigner's "I Want to Know What Love Is." They are about as physically active as veal, except for when they dance in the fields, toss flowers into a light breeze, or gently caress the bodies/souls of their life-partners," etc. jk

    There are a lot more ENFps in sports than I bet that most ppl would imagine... Driven, competitive, intense ENFps... They can be great team-players and function as great motivators.

    Personally, I've been into sports since I was very young. I started downhill skiing when I was 2... My Dad was a scholarship athlete. He encouraged me (and my bros) to play various sports... I played football, basketball, lacrosse... I wish that I could've played in college too, but my school (Northwestern U.) is Div 1 (Big Ten Conference...) I wasn't good enough to make any of those teams... I still play bball almost every other day for fun.

    I've been following professional sports since I was really little too... Back then I was Larry Bird for several Halloweens in a row... (I wonder if that costume scared anyone, haha)

    Steve Young is ENTj.

    Do you guys watch Pardon the Interruption on ESPN? Or Monday Night Football or the NBA on ESPN? Tony Kornheiser and Michael Wilbon are an Alpha activity pair, ENTp-ESFj.

    Jason man, I've got to read up some more on Brain Types..! I like your idea--maybe we could do that with Socionics, haha Make some big bucks. Ok, talk to you soon. peace
    Last edited by JuJu; 06-25-2008 at 11:30 PM.

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post
    LOL, yeah, I guess that's the ENFP stereotype, huh?

    Paraphrasing some MBTI descriptions of us: "male ENFPs are big, fluffy balls of tenderness. They often cry at Hallmark cards and feel deep connections to songs like Foreigner's "I Want to Know What Love Is." They are about as physically active as veal, except for when they dance in the fields, toss flowers into a light breeze, or gently caress the bodies/souls of their life-partners," etc. jk

    I've been following professional sports since I was really little too... Back then I was Larry Bird for several Halloweens in a row... (I wonder if that costume scared anyone, haha)
    LMAO --

    LMAO--what a great description....that's about all we do heh.........I'm going to go run off to the river valley park here in a second and catch some butterflies...that is..if i remember to bring my net with me...'n if i forget then, man, ain't life a great big adventure...heh

    I really liked the old Boston Garden...F*c*! why'd they have to tear it down.....same for some of the other older buildings! Those buildings had a certain Si tradition about them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by tereg View Post
    To put Austin in perspective of its relation to Dallas, Austin is a 4 hour drive south of Dallas.

    I don't think so. I think someone like Terrell Owens would be comparable to someone like Chad Johnson. But, I'm not so sure about ENFp. I'd need to think about that some more.

    Yes, I do watch Sunday Night Football and just in general see Steve Young's analysis on ESPN. Hmm. He strikes me as some quadra I think. Somewhere in the Gamma/Delta range I believe. More specific I'd have to think about it some more.
    Sorry, was thinking of another municipality--the one just west of Dallas.

    T.O is a little like C.J but if you watch him enough there is a lot of evidence of ENFpism...even in his motions alone...and in his celebrations too.

    Steve Young i'd say...INFp or ENFp or ENFj (not in that order).....Te is hard to believe.


  12. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post

    Steve Young is ENTj.

    Do you guys watch Pardon the Interruption on ESPN? Or Monday Night Football or the NBA on ESPN? Tony Kornheiser and Michael Wilbon are an Alpha activity pair, ENTp-ESFj.

    Whoa...That's hard to all honesty i think that ENFj probably fits him the best...he is so much NF in his overall nature that i cant deny it...really NF. But with sub-typing overlap i can see how he might fit into an ENTj category....i have met a lot of ENTj's but if thats the case i have never met an ENTj like that.


    PTI- Yeah i do --haha-I kinda have no choice...they come on and they yack at one another right from the thing you know you're right in the middle of it till you get a headache.

    I see T.C (the white guy i think)as an INTp and the M.W (the black guy i think) as ISFp..a very reasonable guess........personally i think they have a bit of a super-ego fight going on between the two of them...but besides thats the nature of the show.....thats the way they make 'em nowadays.

    Last edited by kensi; 06-26-2008 at 02:54 AM.

  13. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by kensi View Post
    Whoa...That's hard to all honesty i think that ENFj probably fits him the best...he is so much NF in his overall nature that i cant deny it...really NF. But with sub-typing overlap i can see how he might fit into an ENFj category....i have met a lot of ENTj's but if thats the case i have never met an ENTj like that.
    I shouldn't have thrown that typing out there so soon, to be honest. I only watched one interview with him--so there's a big possibility that I'm wrong. (It was on Youtube, and it was from like 1992.) What I watched made me think the same as tereg, i.e. Fi>Fe (ruling out Beta and Alpha, leaving Gamma and Delta.)

    Did you consider ESFj for him? From the interview that I saw, it seems more likely than ENFj.

    It's easiest for me to tell that someone's ENFj when they get mad, hehe. (Think Charles Manson, or someone more upstanding: President Bush.) In other words, they can be pretty dramatic, use words emphatically, and sound flippant. Young didn't exhibit any of that, but who knows? He might have it in him... Coulda just been the interview.

    With the PTI guys, your typing of Wilbon is pretty close to mine, (Alpha SF.) I guess, for Kornheiser, the question I'd ask is do you think he's Fi>Fe?

    Alright, I'm gonna finish writing this paper for school... Talk to you tomorrow if you're here dude.

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    Quote Originally Posted by kensi View Post
    But with sub-typing overlap i can see how he might fit into an ENTj category....


    Sorry about the typo....probably never made much sense....

    ..should read as above quote.


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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post
    I shouldn't have thrown that typing out there so soon, to be honest. I only watched one interview with him--so there's a big possibility that I'm wrong. (It was on Youtube, and it was from like 1992.) What I watched made me think the same as tereg, i.e. Fi>Fe (ruling out Beta and Alpha, leaving Gamma and Delta.) .
    Oh that's ok, you're got a litle bit impulsively EP on that one perhaps....who knows you could be right , there may be a better way to explain him than i had in mind. This is exactly the very thing that has me stumped...I noticed an Fi prefernce too sometimes....yet keeping with the NF seems that he is better suited to be an Fe type.....He's got a characteristic Ni glare about him common to a lot of ENFjs but don't know if that really applies here.....hmm

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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post

    Did you consider ESFj for him? From the interview that I saw, it seems more likely than ENFj.
    No actually i didn't.....i think i've been sold on the NF designation right from the get-go.(unfortunately)

    The thing is this:

    ENFj.......Ego FeNi......= Superego TeSi

    If Fe=20%Ni=80%...then his strength in the superego would be Te=80%Si=20%

    Thus he would have a Strong Fe and Te presence and thus would have the Ni subtype of an ENTj....that i can see as a possibility...and yet maintain his overall identity as an NF and an ENFj.

    My friend, RSV3, is somewhat the expert in this version (%)of subtypes theory. Give him a shout if this don't make sense.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post

    In other words, they can be pretty dramatic, use words emphatically, and sound flippant. Young didn't exhibit any of that, but who knows? He might have it in him... Coulda just been the interview.

    Well if that's the case maybe i am ENFj lol....though i don't like the designation of a dominant doesn't describe me overall.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post

    With the PTI guys, your typing of Wilbon is pretty close to mine, (Alpha SF.) I guess, for Kornheiser, the question I'd ask is do you think he's Fi>Fe?
    I think Kornheiser has a high need for Te creative...yet all his visions appear to be internal(Ni)...i also noticed when he was on Mon Night Fball....he was very introv....and not Ne creative like an Ne would be

    Thus with Te you get a valued Fi......
    ........I think though that the show itself has a certain Fe feel to it with all the screaming goin on that...but one has to seperate all that from the real identity of the 2 guys there otherwise why not just look at it as 2 ESTps screaming at one another...activating their Fe. Anyways thats what i think.

    Later dude

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    Quote Originally Posted by kensi View Post
    I think Kornheiser has a high need for Te creative...yet all his visions appear to be internal(Ni)...i also noticed when he was on Mon Night Fball....he was very introv....and not Ne creative like an Ne would be

    Thus with Te you get a valued Fi......
    ........I think though that the show itself has a certain Fe feel to it with all the screaming goin on that...but one has to seperate all that from the real identity of the 2 guys there otherwise why not just look at it as 2 ESTps screaming at one another...activating their Fe. Anyways thats what i think.

    Later dude

    Ok, now I get why you come up w/ such different typings than me... In light of this, I understand your typings of KG, Young, and Kornheiser better, I believe.

    I'm curious--have you ever put up a video to let ppl who use only classical Socionics and nothing else type you?

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    The NBA draft is on in less than an hour (!!!)

    I'm going to watch it and try to think about some of the new players' Socionics types.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post

    I'm curious--have you ever put up a video to let ppl who use only classical Socionics and nothing else type you?
    I'll do this may this weekend...if i'm gonna be around...and if youtube is user-friendly enough to use.

    uuuugh..where would be a good place to make the post so i get at least 5 or 6 ppl in on it ?

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    The top two players in this year's NBA draft were Derrick Rose and Michael Beasley. Watching them is good way to contrast Si dominant (Rose) with Se dominant (Beasley.)

    Chicago got Rose, who is either ISFp or ISTp.
    Miami got Beasley, who is ESTp.
    Right after Beasley was drafted, ESPN interviewed Pat Riley--ENFj.

    P.S. Kensi, if you make a video, the best way to get it attention is probably to make a new thread in what's my type... It's pretty easy to put a video on youtube, sometimes it just takes awhile to upload.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post
    The top two players in this year's NBA draft were Derrick Rose and Michael Beasley. Watching them is good way to contrast Si dominant (Rose) with Se dominant (Beasley.)

    Chicago got Rose, who is either ISFp or ISTp.
    Miami got Beasley, who is ESTp.
    Right after Beasley was drafted, ESPN interviewed Pat Riley--ENFj.

    P.S. Kensi, if you make a video, the best way to get it attention is probably to make a new thread in what's my type... It's pretty easy to put a video on youtube, sometimes it just takes awhile to upload.
    I like Riley's spot as ENFj.....don't know any of 'em kids yet.

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    Quote Originally Posted by kensi View Post
    Kobe ENTj-----i feel like laughing

    He may be "ENTj dual parner pairing seeking"<and it shows in certain demeanours> but that's about it
    Ok, you're right, I hadn't watched enough NBA to type those people correctly.

    Kobe - beta rational, ISTj or ENFj
    Gasol - clearly ESTj
    Wade - ISFp or ISFj
    Bosh - ENFj
    James - ESTp
    Last edited by FDG; 08-24-2008 at 04:37 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    Ok, you're right, I hadn't watched enough NBA to type those people correctly.

    Kobe - beta rational, ISTj or ENFj
    I've found Kobe very difficult to type... I agree with Beta... What makes you think rational? I've considered mostly Fe-valuing irrational, (for awhile, even ESFp until I noticed that there was no Fi there.)

    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    Gasol - clearly ESTj
    During the Finals (Lakers v. Celtics) I was considering ESTj and ENTj... The more that I hear from him, the more that I agree with you. Good typing.

    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    Wade - ISFp or ISFj
    Good typing here too... ISFp is more likely, IMO... Informal interviews illustrate irrationality, although his 'canned answers' after games can make him seem rational... Very similar to Paul Pierce.

    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    Bosh - ENFj
    James - ESTp
    I agree here too... Good typings.

    Do you have an opinion on Carmelo Anthony?

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    Quote Originally Posted by JuJu View Post
    I've found Kobe very difficult to type... I agree with Beta... What makes you think rational? I've considered mostly Fe-valuing irrational, (for awhile, even ESFp until I noticed that there was no Fi there.)
    Uhm, he "looks" more rational in terms of VI (angular face-more discrete movements), but it's not something definitive or that can be considered as very strong evidence. Comparing him to James, for example, it's clear that lebron is ESTp and kobe is...something else. But yes, he's not easy to type.

    Do you have an opinion on Carmelo Anthony?
    By VI and by his life history and behavior, I'd say xSFP. But I don't know if ISFp or ESFp is better.
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    Default x

    Arvydas Sabonis: LII

    Tony Kukoc: Ni ego

    David Robinson, LSE

    Dirk Nowitzki, LIE

    Dominique Wilkins, ESI

    Larry Bird (LIE) and Magic Johnson (SEE)

    Kareem Abdul Jabbar, SLI

    His Royal Airness, Michael Jeffrey Jordan: LSI

    Last edited by 1981slater; 05-08-2011 at 04:53 PM.
    ILE "Searcher"
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    MBTI: ENTJ "Field Marshall" or ENTP "Inventor"
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    Lebron: Fi-xEE
    J.R. Smith: Se-SLE
    Dwyane Wade: Fe-SEI
    Steph Curry: ISXx
    Joakim Noah: SLI
    Derrick Rose: SLI
    Tim Duncan: Si-valuing

    Kobe: SLE
    Michael Jordan: LSI
    Larry Bird: LSE
    Shaq: Se-base or Fe-SEI
    Magic Johnson: ESE
    Steve Nash: SLI
    John Stockton: SLI (?)
    Last edited by suedehead; 07-15-2016 at 04:49 PM.

  30. #110
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    The day before game 4 of the Bulls Suns finals with the Bulls leading the series 2-1. Michael and Charles Barkley went golfing. They played 48 holes of golf. And Michael bought Charles a $20,000 diamond earring. Johnny asked MJ, “what did you do all that for?” Michael responded, “he won’t get in my way the rest of the series, what’s $20,000 to me? Charles thinks we’re great friends. I hate that fat f—.” Jordan dropped 55 in game 4 and Barkley never touched him once.
    In one of his first practices with the Bulls, Parish botched one of the plays and was amused to find Jordan jawing at him just inches from his face.

    ‘I told him, “I’m not as enamored with you as these other guys. I’ve got some rings too,”’ Parish recalled. ‘At that point he told me, “I’m going to kick your ass.” I took one step closer and said, “No, you really aren’t.” After that he didn’t bother me.’

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    Gonna revive this since I love basketball and would like to hear what everyone thinks of my favorite teams' types! Not sure how to post them as images form my work computer, will adjust the links to images when I get home.

    Dangelo Russel:

    I get Gamma Vibes

    Kenny Atkinson: LSI?

    Sean Marks LIE?

    Joe Harris:
    ESFp? Maybe ISTp?

    Also not on my team, but someone I really look up to in my life looks and acts just like Gregg Poppovich

    Some sort of TE ego?

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    As for other players mentioned here, not much of an opinion on most but I will say:

    Jordan is 100% LSI
    Lebron James is SLE
    Magic Johnson ESE
    Kobe Bryant LIE (Si polr, I'm pretty confident in this here)
    Shaq: SLE (could be SEE, but I think he's fi polr)
    Chris Paul: SEE
    Allen Iverson SLE
    Paul Pierce SEI
    Dwayne Wade SEI
    Charles Barkley SEE
    Steve Nash SLI

  33. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whale View Post
    Lsi maybe ??

    Zion williamson is LSE

  35. #115
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    Tim Duncan is LSE

  36. #116
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    Pretty sure kyrie irving is eie and kevin Durant is lsi

  37. #117

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    Kareem Abdul Jabarr's socionics type is LSI-Se. Michael Jordan is the other, less gentle and more competitive subtype.

    I can't see Kareem Abdul Jabarr as SLI, he doesn't V.I. as one for one thing; he V.I.'s as LSI-Se. The only other type that comes close fitting him in my mind is ESI-Se, but only because of the extreme emotional issues he had. But a lot of LSI-Se readily admit to their feelings and are pretty thin skinned. I'm thin skinned, but I'm not an LSI-Se.

    A lot of people confuse SLI for LSI-Se. A lot of LSI-Se are extraordinarily gentle and have good use of Ne and Fe and can take care of peoples' health and their volitional sensing is often held in reserve (really, Gamma SFs and ILE-Ti and LIE are the ones that almost never get worn out, but LSI-Se come close), so they're mistaken by a lot of people for SLI. SLI really aren't very common. I almost never see Deltas, but Imogen Heap is, hands down, one of my favorite Deltas ever the other being Mara Wilson. Mr. Rogers is another Delta I'm pretty fond of. Deltas work a bit too much for me though, they aren't great at easing my strain, they often exacerbate it. LSI-Se tend to be pretty well-rounded and skilled at what they do. I personally would prefer to be well-rounded and have many skills, but unfortunately, I'm not exceptional at anything. I don't like monotony.
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

  38. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingslayer View Post

    Jordan is 100% LSI
    Good typing; I've considered delta ST because of his mature, sort of old-school vibe but LSI is quite plausible.

    Lebron James is SLE
    You have James, Iverson, and O'Neal as the same type, but I think James can't be Fi polr. SEE seems likely; his wife also looks like a gamma introverted type

    He is a bit macho for SEE, though he doesn't really look ESI (smiles more openly). Perhaps it's typical for the sort of speech he's giving, but he really focuses on relationships, including his own relationship with basketball... Fi polr types seem to talk in more anodyne terms

    Magic Johnson ESE

    Shaq: SLE (could be SEE, but I think he's fi polr)
    I don't think he's Fi-valuing. Probably sensoric lead; SLE is plausible

    Steve Nash SLI
    As likely as not. He looks it. Excellent PG

  39. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by suedehead View Post
    Lebron: Fi-xEE
    J.R. Smith: Se-SLE
    Dwyane Wade: Fe-SEI
    Steph Curry: ISXx
    Joakim Noah: SLI
    Derrick Rose: SLI
    Tim Duncan: Si-valuing

    Kobe: SLE
    Michael Jordan: LSI
    Larry Bird: LSE
    Shaq: Se-base or Fe-SEI
    Magic Johnson: ESE
    Steve Nash: SLI
    John Stockton: SLI (?)
    Your typings are excellent. Not sure about Smith; he looks ISTx but VI isn't the best typing method, nor about Curry (could he be ESI?)

    I think Kingslayer is right about Duncan being LSE.

    Very interesting and plausible suggestions you've made: SEI for O'Neal, IEE for James. O'Neal of course seems Se but that's the sport, and dynamic types shift a lot more in relation to their environment than static types do. O'Neal could absolutely be SEI
    James as IEE would make a lot of sense because he's more macho than most SEE men (I don't know why I say this; other Fi type men can be macho but SEE is so hypersocial which I suppose is socially coded as female behaviour).. And there are photos where James looks SLE; nobody uses cogstyles anymore, but there does appear to be some sort of visual pattern in the supervision rings
    Reservations: I don't think intuitives would be as much use in sport, particularly one requiring quick reactions. Certainly there are intuitive basketball players, but will they be called 'GOAT'? --Among intuitives, Se role does seem the most plausible; I don't see INXx types having much ascendancy. ENTx would have some advantages due to Te, but that does not improve reaction times, and Ni is too indirect to be of much use

    SLI is good for Stockton; LSE is good for Bird as well.
    Last edited by theum nathair; 11-25-2023 at 03:58 PM.

  40. #120

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