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    I've been waiting for you Satan's Avatar
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    Default Me!

    I'm inconsistent, and keep changing. So it's hard to tell my type

    I like Ne. And Se.

    And I like J and P.

    I see J as a doing baseline, and good for accomplishing tasks.

    I see P as a playing baseline, and good for taking everything in.

    I plan, then do. Then do whist having underlying plans. And then plan, and then do.

    If I'm sitting at my chair on the computer, and I want to get something to eat, then I visualise going to get myself food, then I *run* across my living room, quickly clean dishes, and start cooking food, then do something else, whilst food cooks etc etc.

    I like to start one thing, then do another, and then go back to the first thing. I hate waiting on things. I can't just stay in a kitchen, and cook food. I need constant stimulation.

    Sometimes I just write stuff down, when I'm waiting on things, so that I can do things quicker later, and not feel like I'm "wasting time".

    I'd say I was P. Especially considering that Se and Ne come out as my top traits. But I get a good rush from time pressure. And use it when I'm getting lots done. And when I'm using time pressure, I go more to a J functioning mode from what I can tell, and then afterwards, I skip back to a more P functioning mode to relax.

    I've come out as all kinds of things in tests.

    Also most of my answers on tests go to extremes of one way or the other, and I don't think about them, I just react to them.

    I've also got an addiction to doing things fast. And I'm hyperactive.

    I feel like I need a clear path ahead of me. And I like to have lots of things ahead of me, so that there are no delays. Impedements to my flow, make me get really angry. As "everything I'm doing" is like a dispersed pressure - and when someone, or something gets in the way of that, my focus narrows, and I try to remove the obstacle as quick as possible so I can continue on my merry way.

    When I'm doing things I usually focus on the destination, and what impedements there are. And deal with all the impedements so that the destination can be reached.

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    I really do not think you are ENTp, and I can not help but to think ESTp every time you tell anyone about yourself.

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    This doing things fast is typical Te thing in ENTjs. And ,when you visiualize doing something, you use your Ni. Ni is in Socionics -The Intuition of Time. Ni types like INTp, can see them selfs in the future in what way they will be doing something. What Cone says? Hes inner feeling should say to him weather or not you are one of them in Gamma Quadra. Note, that this is Socionics, not MBTi and like Cone sayd, Socionics in the internet is also a folk psycholgy. They both are little bit too easy and everione can do it (like in Astrology). But, I am sure, that once you find your type and investigate others in your family, among friends, co-workers, you with the help of the intertype relations, find out a lot of usefull and meaningfull about your self and the way your life is.
    Semiotical process

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    This makes you sound more ENTj. Planning is J. This is ENTj

    "When I'm doing things I usually focus on the destination, and what impedements there are. And deal with all the impedements so that the destination can be reached."

    Overall, I get an ENTj feel off of this description.

    Your other posts seem ENTp. I don't have experience with ESTp that much, but you seem intuitive.

  5. #5
    I've been waiting for you Satan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ms. Kensington
    This makes you sound more ENTj. Planning is J. This is ENTj

    "When I'm doing things I usually focus on the destination, and what impedements there are. And deal with all the impedements so that the destination can be reached."

    Overall, I get an ENTj feel off of this description.

    Your other posts seem ENTp. I don't have experience with ESTp that much, but you seem intuitive.
    Yeah, that's actually a problem at the moment. I'm focusing on the impedements, rather than the destination.

    I'm much more short-term orientated than normal. And more moody.

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    When I don't have much money, I turn a lot more mean.

    When I have lots of money, I'm a lot more relaxed.

  7. #7
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    "Dispersed pressure" -- bottom-up pressure, action used to knock things down rather than build them up, counter-attack against impediments; all traits of Se+, a Gamma value.

    So, if he is bursting with energy, needs constant stimulation, and is a man of plan and action, then the only type he could possibly be is ENTj.

    Nice work, male21 and Ms. K!
    Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)

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    If he is ENTj, he has one heck of a big blarring hidden agenda , but that is what made me think ESTp.

    That is ok, though ... I have a big blarring agenda also ... made me think I was xNFj and this could be the same deal.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by male21
    This doing things fast is typical Te thing in ENTjs. And ,when you visiualize doing something, you use your Ni. Ni is in Socionics -The Intuition of Time. Ni types like INTp, can see them selfs in the future in what way they will be doing something. What Cone says? Hes inner feeling should say to him weather or not you are one of them in Gamma Quadra. Note, that this is Socionics, not MBTi and like Cone sayd, Socionics in the internet is also a folk psycholgy. They both are little bit too easy and everione can do it (like in Astrology). But, I am sure, that once you find your type and investigate others in your family, among friends, co-workers, you with the help of the intertype relations, find out a lot of usefull and meaningfull about your self and the way your life is.
    I can't always do that - when I see myself in the future, at the moment. It's all about removing obstacles. Overturning situations. And redirecting the flow of events.

    I'm not sure why you're talking about this folk psychology thing, or astrology. These seem unrelated to me.

    Actually, the only things I gleaned from your message were that doing things fast is a Te thing. It's also a Se thing, from what I understand. So this is inconclusive.

    And visualising doing something is Ni - but I was thinking that visualising doing something was a Ne thing.

    When I visualise things, they are non-detailed. There are just the base essentials. If I was to visualise making myself a cup of coffee, I would visualise a path to the jug. My hand moving the jug to the sink; raising the top off, and pouring water in. From there I have enough flow, and instinctual awareness to push the lid down. Move the jug back to it's power source. Turn it on. And start organising the coffee.

    It's kind of redundant - I don't need to do this. But it means that I have no delays when starting. I don't have to look, I just access. I hate delays.

    I'm not sure that Cone really has enough to go by yet, to determine whether or not I fit into the Gamma quadra.

    One issue I've had with the Gamma quadra is that there seems to be large amounts of text. A lot of it being irrelevant. And a lot of people in the Gamma quadra seem to let themselves get involved in pointless discussions. Mind you this one here, is most likely pointless just the same.

    It still fustrates me though. I'd like something better.

    I've been working on creating a better model, for understanding socionics. I believe that all the tests are wrong.

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    Quote Originally Posted by rmcnew
    If he is ENTj, he has one heck of a big blarring hidden agenda , but that is what made me think ESTp.

    That is ok, though ... I have a big blarring agenda also ... made me think I was xNFj and this could be the same deal.
    It's hard for me to understand what the hidden agenda really means within myself. The ENTp one is very obvious. And I at least, consciously do not have similar behaviours to them.

    I can go so far as to see the ENTps as lesser humans - they seem to be merely in the service of others. And lack internal worth.

    I'd like to be able to turn this notion around. But I'm struggling to really hilight any solidness in the ENTp charachters of whom I've met.

    When serious things come up they dismiss them with humour. And their actions are often incomplete, and irrelevant.

    If you asked an ENTp to check the mail. And he found a bill, not only would he bring it in. But he'd open it too. Even if I've told him explicitally not to open my mail. I find that ENTps seem to *like* to invade my boundaries.

    Which encourages me to invade theres. I've got some bad habits of giving ENTp's meaningless tasks to do. So that they don't start doing stupid things.

    Whilst they do these tasks I complain about the way they do them. I tell them they're doing it wrong. And try and correct their behaviour.

    I'm assuming that this could bring out one of the relation types?

    Although I've noticed that it is quite common to mistreat ENTps, and they are a glutton for punishment. They come back for more. Again and again.

    You tell an ENTp that you hate them - the very next day they are trying to be your friend.

    I try not to hide any of my behaviour - so I'm assuming that if I do hide something, it is likely to be an introverted function such as Ni or Si, which would be less obvious in it's absence.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cone
    "Dispersed pressure" -- bottom-up pressure, action used to knock things down rather than build them up, counter-attack against impediments; all traits of Se+, a Gamma value.

    So, if he is bursting with energy, needs constant stimulation, and is a man of plan and action, then the only type he could possibly be is ENTj.

    Nice work, male21 and Ms. K!
    What about when I don't have a plan? How will my behaviour be manifested in such a situation, assuming that I am an ENTj.

    Without a plan, I often find myself doing meaningless, and counterproductive activities such as repetitively playing Freecell.

    Although I have become very efficient at playing Freecell. My top time is 52 seconds currently.

    I am very obviously bursting with energy - it's one trait that is noticable to everyone - they say - "How do you have so much energy?" - "How do you have so much focus?" - "Do you ever get tired?" - "Do you ever shut up?"

    I'm really not very good in low stimulation situations, such as sitting at a computer. I smoke cigarettes, listen to music, and drink coffee so as to keep myself at a good baseline.

    I've actually reduced a lot in actions. I've been stuck with a few things for a long time. I am having financial issues. And people have been acting passive-aggressively towards me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ms. Kensington
    This makes you sound more ENTj. Planning is J. This is ENTj

    "When I'm doing things I usually focus on the destination, and what impedements there are. And deal with all the impedements so that the destination can be reached."

    Overall, I get an ENTj feel off of this description.

    Your other posts seem ENTp. I don't have experience with ESTp that much, but you seem intuitive.
    I believe that my J/P is not a constant. When I don't have a solid objective, I act in a more P'ish way. Taking in lots of things from various places, without a destination in mind.

    And yet, when I have a solid objective. I put all my resources into it, and work very hard, and very fast.

    I make hard things look simple. But I also make simple things look hard.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Herzblut
    Hmm, possibly LIE. I kind of felt like the benificiary during the chats.
    Was I of benefit did you? I hope you had a good time.

    Let's do it again sometime.

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    I've been waiting for you Satan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rmcnew
    I really do not think you are ENTp, and I can not help but to think ESTp every time you tell anyone about yourself.
    I thoroughly enjoy talking about myself.

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