What do you think of it, Deltas?
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So, now living with an ESFj, I am really getting the full ESE in living quarters treatment. So many questions, about everything. Particularly when I'm working. And you can tell when you don't respond to there Fe efforts to make the situation "happy", that they feel like you don't like them. Which is not the case at all, I'm just not interested in that right now. I'm busy with something.

I will refrain from speaking about working with Fe women at this time.

In closing I will mention the first time a teacher has tried to manipulate me, ever. She is an art teacher, and, tried to make me feel bad because I was tired in her class and yawning (It is boring material anyway, but last week was superbusy in terms of everything else going on in my life). She made it seem like I was totally disrespecting her, the class, and the art. Yet when people do that it just loses all my respect. I am very tempted to confront her on this and say - look, I do not appreciate your attempts to emotional manipulate me, or try to shame me. It is so cheap and fake.