So she(ENFj) threw this party for a friend of ours. I helped her with lots of stuff. Middle of the party she was going to make cookies, just seemed like a good time. So she puts them all out on the pan, calls me in to help but I stall for a while. When I come in they are all on the pan. She pops them in, they cook, I wonder what I was needed for. Then I come in when the get out of the oven, to see if my help was needed this time. Lots of commotion was going on, and the cookies were clearly stuck to the bottom of the pan. She needed to get a spatula an lift them off one by one so as to bunch them together and pour on some crazy chocolate sause, but she wasn't hearing me over everyone. So I was like, "Hey, hand it here" And I just started doing it. She stares up at me for a second with this face and storms off. I know how bad she wanted to write on the cookies with the sause so after doing the job lifting job I go try to find her, and I tell her they are ready for her to fix up. ANd she makes some dismissive noise so I do it myself. Then she comes in later and just makes a huge emphasis that they were HER cookies and SHE made them blah blah. And basically she was outwardly pissed at me for an hour or two afterwards.

See at first I try to appeal to her Fe, but she is upset by such a ridiculous thing that I can't bring myself to do that. So I just stare at her until she apologizes for being a crazy to me. Which sometimes doesn't happen until she has switched my myspace profile a few notches down on myspace, and made room for some other chick that she wants to hang out with, until that girl pisses her off 5000x more than i did, and she messages me, "KELS I MISS YOU!!"

Does any of this sound typical of an ENFj? I have two mature ENFj's in my family, so dealing with a 21 year old friend who is ENFj is quite different.

And damn, keeping the peace between her and ENTp fiance,