Quote Originally Posted by coolguy89
I remember once or twice when my life got so chaotic and uncontrollable that I felt like the best thing to do was just to push everyone out of my life and move away or just completely withdraw in. Maybe that is what this person was experiencing maybe not but if that is the real reason then he probably just does not want to hurt yours and his close friends/families feelings. He either thinks he wants to get away from everyone (or actually does want to) but he doesn't want to hurt thier feelings by telling them that he/she doesn't want to be around them anymore. It is easier to come up with an excuse than to hurt the feelings of the people you care about.
Yes, this describes how I see things at times as well. The withdrawal would feel like my only option.

When I was growing up, it seemed impossible to hurt anyone's feelings. But then I realized that truth is important too, even if it must hurt. It also helped to realize that not everyone was as thin-skinned as I was, and should be able to handle the truth if told with consideration and grace. If they cannot handle it, that is not my responsibility, no matter what their relation to me. That would be their own issue.

ISFjs are not likely to be emotionally manipulative (at least, not intentionally, which is what manipulation is, anyway). Any perceived manipulation has probably been misunderstood as such. But ISFjs do strive to be honest about expressing their feelings when they can and when necessary in order to enhance communication. And our feelings are not always easy to articulate while in gestation.

Alpha SFs can be expert at emotional manipulation. Many enjoy it. Then would follow the beta NFs.