Quote Originally Posted by implied

there's a few more of me.

i have a REALLY hard time buying that she is a feeler. she's definitely a thinker.
If you can eliminate F, then according to you she is: ExTx.. I'd say ESTJ to fill in the gaps for your guess.

But for me, if you eliminate F, then she's IxTJ.. or ENTP.

From your pictures, you seem introverted, intuitive, and also thinking: INTx. There are flashes that make me think ENTP, or INFJ, but for the most part INTx.

edit: I also notice that you tend to cover your mouth when laughing off-guard, and thats something I sometimes do (I'm INTx, as well). Also, no matter how uncertain things are, I can pretty much guarantee that you wil end up typing as introverted, as well as intuitive.

This is the typical MBTI INTJ look:

MBTI INTP looking straight at camera:

This throws me off. An ExFJ I was acquainted with did that big-smile-looking thing:

Flash of xNFx'ness:

But as I said, it averages out to INTx, for you.