It's kind of like... you can't switch the thought off until it is completed. Like with socionics, if I were to hear there was some new theory about it out, I would be forced to read and devour the theory... to not do so, would be to abandon the understanding of everything before it.
Well it's the same with warlord, it's a matter of letting go. Letting go is a matter of putting your dick in between your legs and allowing everything you've said to be lost.. just throwing it all up in the air. To do so would to be allow Warlord to castrate me. Warlord is basically demanding that I castrate myself, he desires my balls above everything... He is ravenously craving to cut my balls off.
On a more personal level, I suspect it is because he wants to obtain the alpha male position because he has a thing for liveandletlive.
Honestly, I see certain tendencies in him which I have displayed in the past... though not to this extent, and usually when I'm arguing I use specific examples and don't try and flood my opponent with generalizations... and if a person writes an entire paragraph of specific information, I try my best to address every valid point they make, and not take one easy stray sentance and context-rape it. but I am kind of ashamed of the INTp race for this... I have known we have this tendency consciously, but have never experienced the opposite end of this.. cock attack is what I'm calling it. I am going to try and store this information in my unconscious to remind myself to avoid these tendencies from now on.
It seems I was right about the intuitive subtypes not having a problem with my language