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Thread: My relationship with this INTp guy

  1. #161
    aka-kitsune's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    Quote Originally Posted by aka-kitsune
    Sounds to me like the root of this is an unrequited "romantic" quarrel issue.

    I strongly get the vibe that he wants to be involved with you romantically, whereas you're not interested in him that way. Amongst my theatre group friends, a couple of them dated briefly, and then she decided she didn't want as serious a committment with him and eventually got back together with her ex-. The "spurned" guy apparently has been taking out his feelings of rejection by being quite mean to her-- passive-aggressive, hypercritical, condescending, etc.

    People in general can behave very erratically and act out emotionally when they feel rejected.
    Why do you say "spurned" between quotes?
    Um. Not sure actually. Ignore them.

    It can be argued that he feels that she just toyed with him while on a break from her official bf, so he has reasons to feel pissed off - it's not necessarily about feelings of rejection.
    I just think she wanted to casually date and he wanted more. No toying. They just didn't want the same things. She was still very much attached to her ex-. I can't say how much of that registered in the other guy.

    You seem unwilling to consider that he may have legitimate reasons for being angry and hurt. Was he supposed to just go, "ah ok, she broke off with the other guy and started something with me but she changed her mind and went back to him - no problem"?
    This is really more your own projection of what I wrote. Nowhere did I give my own opinion in relaying the details of the story.

    Of course I don't think he's wrong for feeling rejected. (Believe me, I'm all too familiar with that scenario myself). I just was on the outside and saw that she'd been together with the ex- for like 4 years. That kind of attachment wasn't just going to disappear after a month or so. She never intimated she wanted something serious and began to back off when it was glaringly obvious that the other guy was looking for committment. She didn't lead him on. Different people, I think. He's Serious. She's much more casual, yet isn't out to ruthlessly hurt anyone. I think it was just a misfortunate error in judgement for both parties. Glaring priority mismatch.

    She's entitled to do whatever she wants, but she has no reason to complain if those she hurts are angry at her.
    Wow. Sounds like this is a sore spot for you personally.

    EDIT: didn't she also act "erratically and emotionally" with both of the guys?
    I don't really know enough to make a judgement. I rather like all the people involved and simply wish there wasn't so much animosity and retaliation going on. He's taking out his hurt on her, she feels guilty but can't do much, she wants to avoid him entirely, but we're all in productions together, including her bf.

    socio: INFp - IEI
    ennea: 4w5 sp/sx


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Twain
    Only kings, presidents, editors, and people with tapeworms have the right to use the editorial 'we'.

  2. #162
    aka-kitsune's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by liveandletlive
    idk i know u guys say that theres variations with every type or whatever but I get along with everyone whether i like it or not. the fact that i don't get along with my dual makes me sad. everything else with everyone else is fake and superficial. is that what im destined to? I know I probably should've considered his feelings more... but idk i told him i sed i was sorry n cudve said it nicer. wat else was i supposed to do? i think im just done.
    Don't worry. Only if you're one of the Fundamentalist socionists do you have to buy into the alleged bliss of dual theory hook, line and sinker. I certainly won't be ruling out involvements with every other type but SLE. In a relationship, you're hopefully dealing with a person, not a type. Plus, socionics is but a theory, just like all the other theories. Speculative, ideal, and entertaining, but probably not entirely practical in its application all the time.

    And you're still very young! Plenty of time! If you really want an ILI, I'm sure one will find you! :wink:
    socio: INFp - IEI
    ennea: 4w5 sp/sx


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Twain
    Only kings, presidents, editors, and people with tapeworms have the right to use the editorial 'we'.

  3. #163
    Jarno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aka-kitsune
    Plus, socionics is but a theory, just like all the other theories. Speculative, ideal, and entertaining, but probably not entirely practical in its application all the time.
    When you've experienced enough relationships, you will know that socionics is not JUST A THEORY.

  4. #164

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    Quote Originally Posted by aka-kitsune
    If you really want an ILI, I'm sure one will find you! :wink:
    that's a pretty dangerous assumption. these are ILIs, after all.

  5. #165
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    Quote Originally Posted by ifmd95
    is obscenely arrogant disregard for their own fallibility to be cognitively biased a frequent INTp trait? or is it just a Jarno trait?

    let's see some controlled evidence and then i'll treat socionics as more than a curious hypothesis. until then i don't care if you've had more relationships than a dozen ESFp's on average - people can dupe themselves into believing the craziest stuff despite a lifetime of "experience".
    Psychology isn't an exact science, waiting for controlled evidence is useless.

    You should test it yourself and become one of the majority who understand that Socionics is more then a hypothesis.

    Is your mother tested in a controlled study that she is a woman? Probably not... So now you aren't convinced she is a woman?

  6. #166

    Default Re: :(

    Quote Originally Posted by liveandletlive
    Would you guys react this way? Why do you think he did?
    Quote Originally Posted by liveandletlive
    He got mad at me because I told him that he had no right to be mad at me (I did EVERYTHING for the socionics club that i started and he flaked out on one meeting thus making me having to cancel it, and did nothing for the club) when he was complaining and bitching about the club and i told him he had no right to complain about it. Which is true- when you don't do anything for something you can't complain about it- complain about being a lazy mofo instead.
    Your way is not the only way. It sounds like he thought it was too stereotyped. An intp friend of mine behaves similarly with people that he thinks are "missing something" of consequence.
    Stolen Identity by Argentina

  7. #167
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    Quote Originally Posted by niffweed17
    Quote Originally Posted by aka-kitsune
    If you really want an ILI, I'm sure one will find you! :wink:
    that's a pretty dangerous assumption. these are ILIs, after all.
    I see. Perhaps then she'll have to bait a box-trap with a few books on string theory.
    socio: INFp - IEI
    ennea: 4w5 sp/sx


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Twain
    Only kings, presidents, editors, and people with tapeworms have the right to use the editorial 'we'.

  8. #168
    Khamelion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder
    Quote Originally Posted by aka-kitsune
    Quote Originally Posted by niffweed17
    Quote Originally Posted by aka-kitsune
    If you really want an ILI, I'm sure one will find you! :wink:
    that's a pretty dangerous assumption. these are ILIs, after all.
    I see. Perhaps then she'll have to bait a box-trap with a few books on string theory.
    Photos of mutilated corpses might be more enticing.

    ROFL, I'm not even sure I get what you mean but I laughed pretty hard regardless. It just sounds funny....
    SEE Unknown Subtype
    6w7 sx/so

    [21:29] hitta: idealism is just the gap between the thought of death
    [21:29] hitta: and not dying

  9. #169
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    i have a pretty keen interest in talking about morbid things, no one can ever satisfy me in conversation though....they end up getting freaked out or something?

    i have one friend who i can talk to about that sort of thing any time, isfj girl. but i have hard time NOT doing it in person and she lives faaa faaa i havn't really had that outlet in a while

    i think that might explain my avatar?
    SEE Unknown Subtype
    6w7 sx/so

    [21:29] hitta: idealism is just the gap between the thought of death
    [21:29] hitta: and not dying

  10. #170
    escaping anndelise's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khamelion
    i think that might explain my avatar?
    (off topic: i like your avatars...i kept intending to show the diced up kiwi to richard but forgot, and then you changed it...this one has a similar effect)
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

  11. #171
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    More like point for an Ni/Se quadra.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  12. #172
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly
    More like point for an Ni/Se quadra.
    agree, not necessarily gamma.
    6w5 sx
    model Φ: -+0
    sloan - rcuei

  13. #173
    misutii's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aka-kitsune
    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    She's entitled to do whatever she wants, but she has no reason to complain if those she hurts are angry at her.
    Wow. Sounds like this is a sore spot for you personally.

    I don't really know enough to make a judgement. I rather like all the people involved and simply wish there wasn't so much animosity and retaliation going on. He's taking out his hurt on her, she feels guilty but can't do much, she wants to avoid him entirely, but we're all in productions together, including her bf.

    I think you misunderstood Expat and, no offense, but it was quite trashy to try and make the issue personal with him whilst accusing him of taking it personally when he was merely giving his opinion based on the facts that you originally provided him with. You definitely make it seem like the girl in your story has some sort of moral superiority over the guy. In reality the situation that you're all faced with is a bit more complicated. If all a person is seeking is a "fuck buddy" then it's their responsibility to make that known beforehand. The fact that these two people are connected professionally, and the fact that this girl's last bf also seems to be connected professionally (and in the same group!) makes the decisions that they make/made that much more important. There's a reason why intimate relationships in the workplace are frowned upon - because the consequences are known to affect more people than just the two involved. So it sucks for everyone else but really this guy, the girl, and her bf, are merely facing the consequences of their own professional irresponsibility. Really, if the girl just wanted sex then she should have had a one-night stand with someone outside of the group. The "casual" vs. "serious" argument holds little value because many modern "serious" relationships begin with a "casual" impression so that both parties can temporarily put the intimacy issues they'd like to avoid aside, lol, this is why "dating" exists, so that you can decide if you're compatible or not with someone before getting intimate and having to deal with their "emotional bullshit." But yah, I don't know many people that could stoically deal with getting dumped, and then having to face their ex and their ex's bf/gf at work everyday, whilst pulling off the fake smile and keeping what they feel locked inside... in fact most people can't even stand to be in the same room with an ex and tame their instinct to conflict.

    In conclusion your whole little group is facing the music of letting other people in the group make stupid decisions that were blatantly not in your best interests. Instead of feeling sorry for this girl you should do her a favor and tell her to stop fucking people at work and/or to stop bitching about facing the consequences of what she's wrought. I remember when a guy and a girl I was working with decided to "date" each other, I remember when they broke up, I remember having to deal with both of their emotional bullshit, some direct, some indirect, in this situation it was the guy that was trying to use his superior social skills on me to convince me that he was right and the girl was wrong blah blah blah they both were fucking idiots for not thinking about the consequences beforehand but I ended up feeling more sympathy towards the girl as she at least didn't try to use other people to justify her own irresponsibility. But still, I resented having to deal with any of that shit at all at work, and that 'shit' went on for months and months, that's how it works. The relations of your whole group now are going to be FUCKED until the guy leaves or the girl and her bf leave. There's nothing you can do about it. If this issue continues to bother you then get them both in the same room and scold them.

  14. #174
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    Quote Originally Posted by misutii
    You definitely make it seem like the girl in your story has some sort of moral superiority over the guy. In reality the situation that you're all faced with is a bit more complicated. If all a person is seeking is a "fuck buddy" then it's their responsibility to make that known beforehand.
    That is precisely what I thought, and why I wrote.

    I think misutii's other points are also valid.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  15. #175


    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder
    Quote Originally Posted by aka-kitsune
    Quote Originally Posted by niffweed17
    Quote Originally Posted by aka-kitsune
    If you really want an ILI, I'm sure one will find you! :wink:
    that's a pretty dangerous assumption. these are ILIs, after all.
    I see. Perhaps then she'll have to bait a box-trap with a few books on string theory.
    Photos of mutilated corpses might be more enticing.
    "Hey, wanna come to my place and see my mutilated corpse collection", is the best pickup-line ever
    ...the human race will disappear. Other races will appear and disappear in turn. The sky will become icy and void, pierced by the feeble light of half-dead stars. Which will also disappear. Everything will disappear. And what human beings do is just as free of sense as the free motion of elementary particles. Good, evil, morality, feelings? Pure 'Victorian fictions'.


  16. #176


    Overall about this thread. Liveandletlive, I think you are trying to play with just one card. You should just try to get to know other INTp's, you probably will meet someone less problematic. He's not all your duals in one person, probably not even a good example of one. Since he has a gf, the whole situation might be emotionally difficult for him.
    ...the human race will disappear. Other races will appear and disappear in turn. The sky will become icy and void, pierced by the feeble light of half-dead stars. Which will also disappear. Everything will disappear. And what human beings do is just as free of sense as the free motion of elementary particles. Good, evil, morality, feelings? Pure 'Victorian fictions'.


  17. #177
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    Quote Originally Posted by misutii
    Quote Originally Posted by aka-kitsune
    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    She's entitled to do whatever she wants, but she has no reason to complain if those she hurts are angry at her.
    Wow. Sounds like this is a sore spot for you personally.

    I don't really know enough to make a judgement. I rather like all the people involved and simply wish there wasn't so much animosity and retaliation going on. He's taking out his hurt on her, she feels guilty but can't do much, she wants to avoid him entirely, but we're all in productions together, including her bf.

    I think you misunderstood Expat and, no offense, but it was quite trashy to try and make the issue personal with him whilst accusing him of taking it personally when he was merely giving his opinion based on the facts that you originally provided him with. You definitely make it seem like the girl in your story has some sort of moral superiority over the guy. In reality the situation that you're all faced with is a bit more complicated. If all a person is seeking is a "fuck buddy" then it's their responsibility to make that known beforehand. The fact that these two people are connected professionally, and the fact that this girl's last bf also seems to be connected professionally (and in the same group!) makes the decisions that they make/made that much more important. There's a reason why intimate relationships in the workplace are frowned upon - because the consequences are known to affect more people than just the two involved. So it sucks for everyone else but really this guy, the girl, and her bf, are merely facing the consequences of their own professional irresponsibility. Really, if the girl just wanted sex then she should have had a one-night stand with someone outside of the group. The "casual" vs. "serious" argument holds little value because many modern "serious" relationships begin with a "casual" impression so that both parties can temporarily put the intimacy issues they'd like to avoid aside, lol, this is why "dating" exists, so that you can decide if you're compatible or not with someone before getting intimate and having to deal with their "emotional bullshit." But yah, I don't know many people that could stoically deal with getting dumped, and then having to face their ex and their ex's bf/gf at work everyday, whilst pulling off the fake smile and keeping what they feel locked inside... in fact most people can't even stand to be in the same room with an ex and tame their instinct to conflict.

    In conclusion your whole little group is facing the music of letting other people in the group make stupid decisions that were blatantly not in your best interests. Instead of feeling sorry for this girl you should do her a favor and tell her to stop fucking people at work and/or to stop bitching about facing the consequences of what she's wrought. I remember when a guy and a girl I was working with decided to "date" each other, I remember when they broke up, I remember having to deal with both of their emotional bullshit, some direct, some indirect, in this situation it was the guy that was trying to use his superior social skills on me to convince me that he was right and the girl was wrong blah blah blah they both were fucking idiots for not thinking about the consequences beforehand but I ended up feeling more sympathy towards the girl as she at least didn't try to use other people to justify her own irresponsibility. But still, I resented having to deal with any of that shit at all at work, and that 'shit' went on for months and months, that's how it works. The relations of your whole group now are going to be FUCKED until the guy leaves or the girl and her bf leave. There's nothing you can do about it. If this issue continues to bother you then get them both in the same room and scold them.
    Overanalysis. It's a theatre group, amateur, not professional. And I've really tried to EMPHASIZE that my observations are peripheral. It's really not that complicated. Most people don't think about the future consequences of their actions. But I'm really disinclined to blame any one over the other. I also vigorously refrain from telling people what to do with their lives.

    Suffice it to say, I'm closer to the situation than y'all are, so with only sparse details I've given to go on, you're really just projecting situations and passing judgements with mere hearsay.
    socio: INFp - IEI
    ennea: 4w5 sp/sx


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Twain
    Only kings, presidents, editors, and people with tapeworms have the right to use the editorial 'we'.

  18. #178
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    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    Quote Originally Posted by misutii
    You definitely make it seem like the girl in your story has some sort of moral superiority over the guy. In reality the situation that you're all faced with is a bit more complicated. If all a person is seeking is a "fuck buddy" then it's their responsibility to make that known beforehand.
    That is precisely what I thought, and why I wrote.

    I think misutii's other points are also valid.
    I don't know HOW many ways to Sunday I can restate that I don't think either one of them has any "moral" superiority. She wasn't trying to play him. She was naive; he was a bit blinded by his own agenda. No fault implicitly belongs to one side.
    socio: INFp - IEI
    ennea: 4w5 sp/sx


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Twain
    Only kings, presidents, editors, and people with tapeworms have the right to use the editorial 'we'.

  19. #179
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    Quote Originally Posted by anndelise
    Quote Originally Posted by Khamelion
    i think that might explain my avatar?
    (off topic: i like your avatars...i kept intending to show the diced up kiwi to richard but forgot, and then you changed it...this one has a similar effect)

    morbid = anti-Si?

    I suppose I see why. When I think of Si, I think of it as something I don't need to think about much, if that makes any sense. I don't feel like I lack it, or am very strong in it either. It's just back-up.

    I'd like to add on that I am morbid-selective. not just anything that can be described as morbid will interest me. just certain things. in all seriousness, i think my taste for the morbid has to do with lack/weak Ni .... but i'll regret writing this because i don't feel like explaining

    (Did you like the idea of the car accident?)
    he was using descriptive morbid detail to make the whole thing more interesting to hear about, everyone knows i love knowing all the details. morbid ones just make you listen more, or put your hands over your ears and sing because you suck.

    example of something morbid that doesn't interest me, and actually bothers me...annoyance at the maniuplation of my senses.
    SEE Unknown Subtype
    6w7 sx/so

    [21:29] hitta: idealism is just the gap between the thought of death
    [21:29] hitta: and not dying

  20. #180
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    Quote Originally Posted by aka-kitsune
    Overanalysis. It's a theatre group, amateur, not professional. And I've really tried to EMPHASIZE that my observations are peripheral. It's really not that complicated. Most people don't think about the future consequences of their actions. But I'm really disinclined to blame any one over the other. I also vigorously refrain from telling people what to do with their lives.

    Suffice it to say, I'm closer to the situation than y'all are, so with only sparse details I've given to go on, you're really just projecting situations and passing judgements with mere hearsay.
    it's a discussion forum, I'll discuss whatever piques my interest. The fact that you're closer to the situation than any of us, if anything, is a point against you because by being emotionally involved you're less able to judge the situation objectively. Case in point was the bias so obviously prevalent in your account. the matters being discussed are, to a degree, related to the matters of this topic, just as you used your story to tie things into this topic. You seem adamant that I, and others, cease "projecting situations", but you don't ask why? I wasn't passing judgments, I was trying to understand, if anything you were the one passing 'judgment' by shooting down others with the vain assumption that they're insights don't matter because you already know everything there is to know and anyone that challenges this evidently doesn't know anything because you already know everything there is to know. If someone cracks a one-liner at one of your posts, then shoot them down. But if they offer a thoughtful and relevant analysis then pause, think about it, think about why someone would spend time responding to something you wrote. Identify aspects that you agree with and aspects that you disagree with and if you care about the matter then discuss it further as, who knows, it may be in your best interests to understand something from angles that you've previously ignored.

  21. #181
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    Quote Originally Posted by liveandletlive
    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    Quote Originally Posted by aka-kitsune
    Sounds to me like the root of this is an unrequited "romantic" quarrel issue.

    I strongly get the vibe that he wants to be involved with you romantically, whereas you're not interested in him that way. Amongst my theatre group friends, a couple of them dated briefly, and then she decided she didn't want as serious a committment with him and eventually got back together with her ex-. The "spurned" guy apparently has been taking out his feelings of rejection by being quite mean to her-- passive-aggressive, hypercritical, condescending, etc.

    People in general can behave very erratically and act out emotionally when they feel rejected.
    Why do you say "spurned" between quotes?

    It can be argued that he feels that she just toyed with him while on a break from her official bf, so he has reasons to feel pissed off - it's not necessarily about feelings of rejection.

    You seem unwilling to consider that he may have legitimate reasons for being angry and hurt. Was he supposed to just go, "ah ok, she broke off with the other guy and started something with me but she changed her mind and went back to him - no problem"?

    She's entitled to do whatever she wants, but she has no reason to complain if those she hurts are angry at her.

    EDIT: didn't she also act "erratically and emotionally" with both of the guys?
    I don't have a bf and haven't had one in a while. The ILI actually has a gf but i think there is something to be said about him having possible feelings for me. It just makes me feel like a loser... idk i know u guys say that theres variations with every type or whatever but I get along with everyone whether i like it or not. the fact that i don't get along with my dual makes me sad. everything else with everyone else is fake and superficial. is that what im destined to? I know I probably should've considered his feelings more... but idk i told him i sed i was sorry n cudve said it nicer. wat else was i supposed to do? i think im just done.
    the solution is to commit suicide

  22. #182
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    Quote Originally Posted by misutii
    it's a discussion forum, I'll discuss whatever piques my interest. The fact that you're closer to the situation than any of us, if anything, is a point against you because by being emotionally involved you're less able to judge the situation objectively. Case in point was the bias so obviously prevalent in your account.
    *sigh*. I have no bias. This is the part I believe you may be projecting. Point out where you think I've been "biased" and perhaps I can qualify my comments.

    Really, I don't think one should shoulder more blame than the other. I'm not actually close enough to either of them to prefer one, or to be really emotionally involved with one side. I feel for both, and agree that it wasn't the best choice to get involved so quickly.

    the matters being discussed are, to a degree, related to the matters of this topic, just as you used your story to tie things into this topic. You seem adamant that I, and others, cease "projecting situations", but you don't ask why?
    Obviously, you have previous experience with women that appears to be coloring your perception. I'm not incapable of understanding that. If you care to explain, please do.

    I wasn't passing judgments, I was trying to understand, if anything you were the one passing 'judgment' by shooting down others with the vain assumption that they're insights don't matter because you already know everything there is to know and anyone that challenges this evidently doesn't know anything because you already know everything there is to know.
    Perhaps you should reread YOUR own response and try to see what might sound judgemental. "Fuck buddy?" That's *clearly* an assumption on your part. How do you know what this girl wanted?

    And I didn't say yours or expat's insights didn't matter. I just said they aren't necessarily applicable, or an accurate reflection of the actual situation. Who says that just because you have insight that it's accurate? I also never said I know everything about the situation myself. I just feel that it's not that complicated and shouldn't be read into more than what is really there. In fact, I never really thought about it much at all until you began challenging me.

    Certainly, there could be more to it than what I know. And my opinion could change accordingly with more information.

    If someone cracks a one-liner at one of your posts, then shoot them down. But if they offer a thoughtful and relevant analysis then pause, think about it, think about why someone would spend time responding to something you wrote. Identify aspects that you agree with and aspects that you disagree with and if you care about the matter then discuss it further as, who knows, it may be in your best interests to understand something from angles that you've previously ignored.
    Fair enough.

    And FWIW, I'm not trying to rub salt in any wounds here.
    socio: INFp - IEI
    ennea: 4w5 sp/sx


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Twain
    Only kings, presidents, editors, and people with tapeworms have the right to use the editorial 'we'.

  23. #183
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    Default i want a re-do!

    OK so my ILI friend (who i always talk about- i keep on trying to get him to join this site but he won't!! grr...) created this socionics system that's all based on math and it's really cool- i have no idea how it works but it's def cool lol. The more he tried to explain this to me, the dumber i felt. i also started to get pissed off and in the middle of him talking i was like "u took all my brain cells! im so dumb to balance out ur intelligence- screw u!" he responded "well u took all my coolness" this may be true ( ) but wtf... i feel short changed and pissed off like i need to act like a retart in order to balance u guys out... NOT FAIR!
    ESFp-Fi sub
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  24. #184
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    If you didn't this place wouldn't be any interesting, we'd just have phaedrus and tcaud babbling on endlessly about what types love to chew trident gum vs wintergreen.

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    DON'T. DON'T. DON'T!!!

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    INTp, ILI Logical subtype

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    suggestion: don't pay too much attention to such theories. they're probably not nearly as useful as what understanding you've gleamed from experience.

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    u guys are all right but ahhh i still feel pissed off and depressed im doomed to be an idiot the rest of my life! i <3 u guys for listening to this dumb, babbling rant btw...
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    Default Re: i want a re-do!

    Quote Originally Posted by liveandletlive
    OK so my ILI friend (who i always talk about- i keep on trying to get him to join this site but he won't!! grr...) created this socionics system that's all based on math and it's really cool- i have no idea how it works but it's def cool lol. The more he tried to explain this to me, the dumber i felt. i also started to get pissed off and in the middle of him talking i was like "u took all my brain cells! im so dumb to balance out ur intelligence- screw u!" he responded "well u took all my coolness" this may be true ( ) but wtf... i feel short changed and pissed off like i need to act like a retart in order to balance u guys out... NOT FAIR!
    Interesting, what d oyou remebr about his system?

    The main reason why you don't understand his system is because it's very personalized.

  29. #189
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    Default Re: i want a re-do!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dioklecian2
    Quote Originally Posted by liveandletlive
    OK so my ILI friend (who i always talk about- i keep on trying to get him to join this site but he won't!! grr...) created this socionics system that's all based on math and it's really cool- i have no idea how it works but it's def cool lol. The more he tried to explain this to me, the dumber i felt. i also started to get pissed off and in the middle of him talking i was like "u took all my brain cells! im so dumb to balance out ur intelligence- screw u!" he responded "well u took all my coolness" this may be true ( ) but wtf... i feel short changed and pissed off like i need to act like a retart in order to balance u guys out... NOT FAIR!
    Interesting, what d oyou remebr about his system?

    The main reason why you don't understand his system is because it's very personalized.
    haha i dont think it has as much to do about his particular system as it does with my general bitterness of me being an idiot and u guys being geniuses.. but yeah it worked with this check system and like dualities had the most checks- 4, and conflicts had 0 checks. You would get a check if u were both static or dynamic in the vital ring, same elements, same temperament, and something else. He then compared all the relationships that had 1 check, 2 checks, etc. and i have no idea what the math was all about...
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  30. #190
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    Default Re: i want a re-do!

    Quote Originally Posted by liveandletlive
    OK so my ILI friend (who i always talk about- i keep on trying to get him to join this site but he won't!! grr...) created this socionics system that's all based on math and it's really cool- i have no idea how it works but it's def cool lol. The more he tried to explain this to me, the dumber i felt. i also started to get pissed off and in the middle of him talking i was like "u took all my brain cells! im so dumb to balance out ur intelligence- screw u!" he responded "well u took all my coolness" this may be true ( ) but wtf... i feel short changed and pissed off like i need to act like a retart in order to balance u guys out... NOT FAIR!
    i'm trying to understand the basic problem here.

    not sure about "your" ILI, but i have a difficult time explaining my thoughts/ideas simply. i get on a roll, especially when theorizing about seeing math in everything. i could, for the fun of it, do this all day. i can sit around and laugh at my own jokes, and some of them are about math. anyway, that doesn't really matter to your situation. the point is that i entertain myself with these types of theories, but the minute i try to explain them (to anyone, regardless of type), i get almost giddy and overloaded with ideas which cannot really be connected in other peoples' minds.

    it could it be that he just couldn't explain his ideas adequately, or simply didn't have the desire to communicate clearly. i'm not sure why you would feel dumb for not understanding his theory. i doubt it was meant for you or anyone to understand. seriously, though, i could be wrong.
    whenever the dog and i see each other we both stop where we are. we regard each other with a mixture of sadness and suspicion and then we feign indifference.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ifmd95
    a lot of the characteristics of Model A and inter-type relationships are repetitive. for example, conflict and supervision (and both forms of) are all directly related to the POLR function. the initial learning curve might be steep, understanding why these things work beyond the face-value of their descriptions. especially because of a lot of akward terminolgy to remember. but after getting past that, everyone probably learned more difficult math in junior high. just pace yourself, you'll get it. and soon enough your INTp will probably have to figure out some other way to show off his creative function.
    Big words for someone who is still questioning his personality.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ifmd95
    a lot of the characteristics of Model A and inter-type relationships are repetitive. for example, conflict and supervision (and both forms of) are all directly related to the POLR function. the initial learning curve might be steep, understanding why these things work beyond the face-value of their descriptions. especially because of a lot of akward terminolgy to remember. but after getting past that, everyone probably learned more difficult math in junior high. just pace yourself, you'll get it. and soon enough your INTp will probably have to figure out some other way to show off his creative function.

    Well, first of all, the question is about what that other person whom you don't know is trying to accomplish.

    Instead you try to give your own interpretation of socionics. These two things are rather different.

    Then you go on to underestimate the math involved. While I don't know what math that other person has used, clearly he seems to have created an entirely mathematical version of socionics. I should think that that might involve rather complex arthimetic at least.

    Then you go on to say that the math in socionics is simple. I could be wrong on this, but I think that the math in socionics is simple because it doesn't actually exist. I haven't seen a mainstream version of socionic using math. So you are saing that you already know the math that the other person has used because you have seen the math used in socionics until now and it is simple. That's a fallacy.

    Then you assume that the other person is showing off his creative function. It could be true, however there is considerable debate as to whether math is Te or Ti.

    Those are the things that come to mind right away.

  33. #193
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    thanks guys- i pretty much agree with reyn... a lot of the things he'll talk about will be either going off on tangents or not very clear meaning using "it" and "that" and "they" as if assuming i know what he's talking about. he does get excited by his ideas- he'll get this light in his eyes which is really cute to see that he does have passions and i like to see ILIs show that they care about something. ill try to get him to join this site and try to explain it. he doesn't see the value in joining this site cuz he thinks he knows everything there is to know about socionics and doesn't need "help" in formulating his ideas. idk what else i can do to show him that he should join- any ideas? why did u guys join? thanks!
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    Quote Originally Posted by ifmd95
    Quote Originally Posted by liveandletlive
    thanks guys- i pretty much agree with reyn... a lot of the things he'll talk about will be either going off on tangents or not very clear meaning using "it" and "that" and "they" as if assuming i know what he's talking about. he does get excited by his ideas- he'll get this light in his eyes which is really cute to see that he does have passions and i like to see ILIs show that they care about something. ill try to get him to join this site and try to explain it. he doesn't see the value in joining this site cuz he thinks he knows everything there is to know about socionics and doesn't need "help" in formulating his ideas. idk what else i can do to show him that he should join- any ideas? why did u guys join? thanks!
    practically speaking, maybe he'd be interested in seeing for himself other people who have been self-typed.

    less-practically speaking, i'm not so sure. maybe kabure's icon would be a perk.
    haha true... idk it's hard to make him care about anything. i never admit failure but im close to it with this kid. i fought with him for an hour and half the other day giving reason after reason on why he shud join... the biatch just kept saying no, no, no to the point where i was drained from trying to infuse energy and excitement into another person... gosh u guys take a lot out of me sometimes!
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    weird. why wouldn't he just give in and join? especially after you asked so much. What subtype is he Te or Ni. He just doesn't realize how cool the group is

  36. #196
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat
    weird. why wouldn't he just give in and join? especially after you asked so much. What subtype is he Te or Ni. He just doesn't realize how cool the group is
    i nooooo it's so annoying! honestly he's admitted that he knows he's eventually going to crack and join... i think he's too p and too busy with school and stuff to join but i'm going to be up his ass about it until then lol. he's an Ni subtype... verrrryyyyyy Ni... very smart kid.
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    well if he can even get busy with school at all, he's not as bad with p as i am. i don't think i've properly done schoolwork.. like actually followed the class from the start and kept up... since about the 7th grade. since then i've been a slacker. any other intp-ni's on here slack like crazy?

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    Quote Originally Posted by liveandletlive
    u guys are all right but ahhh i still feel pissed off and depressed im doomed to be an idiot the rest of my life! i <3 u guys for listening to this dumb, babbling rant btw...
    Outlook doubtful.
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  39. #199
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    Quote Originally Posted by Logos
    Quote Originally Posted by liveandletlive
    u guys are all right but ahhh i still feel pissed off and depressed im doomed to be an idiot the rest of my life! i <3 u guys for listening to this dumb, babbling rant btw...
    Outlook doubtful.
    why thank you logos! looking back at this rant of mine, I think it was just a + moment. I'm an intelligent individual, but I just don't have the kinds of insight that a lot of NTs have... *sigh* such is life.
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    Quote Originally Posted by liveandletlive
    Quote Originally Posted by Logos
    Quote Originally Posted by liveandletlive
    u guys are all right but ahhh i still feel pissed off and depressed im doomed to be an idiot the rest of my life! i <3 u guys for listening to this dumb, babbling rant btw...
    Outlook doubtful.
    why thank you logos! looking back at this rant of mine, I think it was just a + moment. I'm an intelligent individual, but I just don't have the kinds of insight that a lot of NTs have... *sigh* such is life.
    Of course not, but you should not forget that you have a ton of insight that a lot of NTs lack as well.
    "Alpha Quadra subforum. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious." ~Obi-Wan Kenobi
    Johari Box

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