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Thread: My relationship with this INTp guy

  1. #121


    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat
    so... where is the holdup?
    The hold up is that I don't want to hurt you.
    ...the human race will disappear. Other races will appear and disappear in turn. The sky will become icy and void, pierced by the feeble light of half-dead stars. Which will also disappear. Everything will disappear. And what human beings do is just as free of sense as the free motion of elementary particles. Good, evil, morality, feelings? Pure 'Victorian fictions'.


  2. #122
    liveandletlive's Avatar
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    let's all be friends!
    ESFp-Fi sub
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  3. #123
    escaping anndelise's Avatar
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    I tried to resist, but just couldn't:

    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat
    You just.. dont believe in crosstypes. Well guess what, one day you'll be proven wrong.
    one post later:
    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat
    crosstype theory has been abandoned.
    IEE 649 sx/sp cp

  4. #124
    Khamelion's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder
    Anyway -- we have yet more evidence for crazedrat being Beta. I think EIE could actually be a pretty good type for him (you can have ILI as your slave type if you really want to, see my previous argument).

    His immediate assumption is that our emotionless/Te arguments are a sign that we're pissed off at him.

    Also note how much he openly devalues Te (though of course we can't trust that he has a correct interpretation of it). Last time I checked (and I have read about tcaudilllg's theories, you might have wanted to check that before you got on your high horse about your superior understanding and made yourself look like even more of an idiot), having a distant slave type did not actually totally change your quadra values. Can I say again -- I don't think many people are going to dispute that tcaudilllg himself is an LII, and he also calims to have the ENFj slave type.

    This is the stupid bit -- despite claiming so vehemently that he is an ILI, he groups basically everything that pisses him off into "Te". Come on.

    He talks about a lack of loyalty as if it were the only possible and "healthy" option. + is "authoritarian" to him. No wonder he thinks duals bring out each others' "mental disorders".

    He speaks of power-grabbing in the way of competing for "Alpha male" and "castrating" one's enemies as if it were a totally normal and obvious things. Aside from the obvious ease in projecting motivations and emotional states onto other people (I believe they call that FEELING ) -- albeit totally off the mark -- he's basically considering + as the normal state of things.

    Must I go on? I've yet to se a single point that would suggest you're ILI.
    SEE Unknown Subtype
    6w7 sx/so

    [21:29] hitta: idealism is just the gap between the thought of death
    [21:29] hitta: and not dying

  5. #125
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    I don't really feel like going further in this babbling debate with you. I will tell you something: if you are so sure I am not ILI, it is because your ideas on socionics are limited, and need expanding. Because I am ILI.. and your thoughts aren't properly adapting to reality if they are leading you to believe beyond a shadow of a doubt I am not. I mean REALLY... do you honestly think I am so fucking stupid, that I can't tell if I am ILI... and YOU are the one with the wisdom and enlightenment to see the truth on this issue? From an argument over the fucking internet? Don't you see how stupid this is?
    I could start citing a shitload of personal evidence which proves I am ILI, but you would a) consider that subjective, and immediately dismiss it... in the most convenient way possible b) I don't really feel, at this time, like it's my duty to defend myself any further than this post against an internet asshole who thinks they know everything c) If I did start ranting about all my ILI characteristics I would be going out on a limb; and whenever you go out on a limb, you get devoured... its the nature of social and human interaction. I am tired of being devoured. d) Everything I have said to you so far, which I considered especially relevent to my perspective.. you just plain ignore.
    If you're wondering why we haven't seen much Te in this debate... well, it's because I don't see my Te as very compatible with your Te. I tried to start a few Te conversations with you, but you either ignored them or told me I was just plain wrong without further elaboration. When you DO start using what you consider Te, to me it just seems so stupid... and meaningless, I don't really feel like even talking about it. This is pretty much what went through my head when I saw what you just wrote: Oh god... another fucking mess of an idea which will take like 30-40 minutes to unravel, and if I don't unravel it, I am just plain wrong.
    Coincidentally, this is written as a characteristic of the INTp-ENTj interaction. So there you go more evidence
    Your believing I am not Ni>Te, is just spawning from my Te not being compatible with your Te... You think your Te, is the definitive Te. It isn't, I barely relate to it.. Most of what you say I can see as a hastey conclusion.
    The thing is: You aren't even the same type as me, you aren't ILI, so this might even be expected normally... if I get another ILI telling me I'm not ILI, I'll probably be a little more inclined to start dialogue with them. Their Te will be in a form which I consider sound, among other things...
    ENTjs really are dogmatic with their thoughts, alot of the time.
    You know, you being ENTj.. you wouldn't even fucking understand the feeling function of the ILI. You're not even in any kind of position to make a judgment on this issue. Let me tell you, with ILI feeling plays a definite role. In real life, I hide my emotions. But the internet is different: what I say on here comes directly from the inside of my mind.. and it is not filtered toward reality. Maybe what is happening here, is you're just getting more of a glimpse at the INTERNAL processes of the ILI, as opposed to the external processes.
    Why should I listen to an ENTj talking about what they wouldn't understand in the first place?
    It kind of goes like this: You're an ENTj Te subtype (I'll use subtypes since you seem to be afraid of dual types). I am an INTp Ni subtype.
    There is a pretty big gap between the two. You are focused far away from feeling, my thought process Ni, really isnt.
    You know what, why don't we ask some of the Ni subtype ILIs on this thread, if they think I am ILI.

    Anyway, I really just want you to leave me alone and stop publicly degrading me; like I said trying to castrate me.
    Will you do that?

  6. #126
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    Again you mostly ignored everything which was just said..
    Alright, forget the subtype idea.. The one flawed idea in the entire paragraph which you choose to address. Although, there's still a big gap between ILI and LIE.
    Anyway, my thoughts aren't going to get anywhere with you: this much I am certain of.
    Okay, in light of that.. now the focus is being shifted. I am searching out Ni subtype ILIs to ask whether they think I am ILI.
    What was that guy on here earlier... orange avatar. We felt the identity relations.. he will testify you are wrong.
    And pickle felt dual relations with me, you can tell by her response to my first post

  7. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder
    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat
    In other words, "you must be an idiot to not see it" is hardly a compelling argument. Are you not familiar with the story?

    I don't have a problem with people who have mental disorders, I think they are further along the road to enlightenment than the blissfully ignorant.
    The enlightened ones are the ones who have experienced pain and hardship...
    All the great figures i history i respect the most, show these tendencies strongly.
    That is what I think.
    So.. hmmm I think I'll add another fuck you in here. Fuck you!
    Beta -- what do the rest of you think? To conquer (enlightenment) despite suffering. Also E4-ish, I think.
    Dumping ground again? *sigh*

    Perhaps 4w3. I know an INFj who can pull off defensive hostile drama queen antics too. But I'd say there's also a compelling case for 6-- based on hyperreactivity and authority issues.
    socio: INFp - IEI
    ennea: 4w5 sp/sx


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Twain
    Only kings, presidents, editors, and people with tapeworms have the right to use the editorial 'we'.

  8. #128
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    Oh god, an INFp come to spread the demon spawn of their ideas.
    Please shut the fuck up and let me clear this up?
    Seriously, I am a beta exertion type... but ILI is my information metabolism.
    Still looking for other ILIs/SEEs to give their opinion
    Couldn't it be that I'm just an asshole ILI?
    Why does anyone with negative or fucked up emotions immediately have to be a feeler? How retarded of an idea is that?

  9. #129
    aka-kitsune's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat
    Oh god, an INFp come to spread the demon spawn of their ideas.
    Please shut the fuck up and let me clear this up?
    Seriously, I am a beta exertion type... but ILI is my information metabolism.
    Still looking for other ILIs/SEEs to give their opinion
    Righty O... Ignore it is, then.

    Seriously, where is evidence of ANY INTUITION at all here??
    E666666666666666666666666666666 cp-paranoid.

    Whatever type you are, you are the epitome of irrational. Idea: Is this Luddite someone's troll, perhaps??
    socio: INFp - IEI
    ennea: 4w5 sp/sx


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Twain
    Only kings, presidents, editors, and people with tapeworms have the right to use the editorial 'we'.

  10. #130
    Blaze's Avatar
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    you are an effin crazed rat man lol.


    those who are easily shocked.....should be shocked more often

  11. #131
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    No, what happened right here.. is you didn't read the last 5 pages of this bullshit, and you are making a judgment on something you haven't fully perceived yet. You don't know what's going on, you feel like it's your duty to jump in here and give your opinion.. but your opinion again is not taking everything into account, it is poorly informed... and you're just adding more heat to the fire.
    In my experience with INFps, they do this constantly.
    Tell me I am wrong, and that you actually read the pages of argumentation between me and this ENTj...???

  12. #132
    aka-kitsune's Avatar
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    socio: INFp - IEI
    ennea: 4w5 sp/sx


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Twain
    Only kings, presidents, editors, and people with tapeworms have the right to use the editorial 'we'.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Blaze
    you are an effin crazed rat man lol.
    It's true, ...... lol
    I am intense like this in everything I do, I piss people off... almost every time I interact with others. It just comes natural to me

  14. #134
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    Where's Gilly when we need a little pest control...???
    socio: INFp - IEI
    ennea: 4w5 sp/sx


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Twain
    Only kings, presidents, editors, and people with tapeworms have the right to use the editorial 'we'.

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by aka-kitsune
    Righty O... Ignore it is, then.
    I love this reaction, I've gotten it from 3 different people so far. I think of it as the perfect line, to describe you.
    Fucking INFps love to make everything their business....
    I live with one, I know all about it.

    Edit: Okay I changed my mind from "let's find more ILIs and SEEs to verify I am ILI"... to:
    "Who fucking cares, if you want to continue thinking in your way go ahead. Just leave me alone when you do it, don't talk about me and fuck with me. okay"

  16. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat
    What was that guy on here earlier... orange avatar. We felt the identity relations.. he will testify you are wrong.
    Careful with the presumptions there.
    ILI (Indescribable Lovemaking Inc.)
    5w4 so/sx

    "IP temperament! Because today's concerns are tomorrow's indifferences!"

    Lord Fnorgle's Domain - A slowly growing collection of music, poetry and literature.
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  17. #137
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    well, okay. tell me what you think. Do you think I am ILI or what

  18. #138
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    I shall make a single post with my opinions on the condition that, if we do disagree, we leave it at that (the so-called "Agree to disagree"). I've seen people arguing a lot in this thread (I'm not blaming anyone specifically for this) and I don't want another one to start. If this is acceptable to you I shall continue.
    ILI (Indescribable Lovemaking Inc.)
    5w4 so/sx

    "IP temperament! Because today's concerns are tomorrow's indifferences!"

    Lord Fnorgle's Domain - A slowly growing collection of music, poetry and literature.
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    it is acceptable, continue. Drive the final nail into my coffin. as long as you are specific there will be no argument, anyway. and i suspect you would be specific naturally. Though I may give you a response

  20. #140

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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat
    well, okay. tell me what you think. Do you think I am ILI or what
    I think you're too quick to reply (impulsive), too much of a douche bag/arrogant asshole, and dumb (total lack of intuition, as pointed out before) to be an ILI.

    I mean, the structure of your replies doesn't look consistent with an ILI, plus you seem like a whiny bitch; an ILI would simply not reply, or reply in a more calm/collected manner.
    INTp, ILI Logical subtype

    Drum 'n' Bass head

  21. #141
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    Funny thing is, you sound just like me with what you just said.
    An ILI would reply in a calm collected manner..... something you didnt do. Plus, the Ni subtype is known for being more Fi oriented.
    We both love to call eachother dumb....... In fact, every Gamma NT seems to love to call other people dumb. So there, another similarity
    You are too arrogant/douche to be an ILI... this is actually considered a characteristic of ILIs, to be arrogant assholes.
    Impulsive... true, but I am Ni subtype and you are Te subtype. That could easily account for the difference.
    Anyway, tell me what type you think i AM.. then.
    I am interested.

  22. #142

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    I think you're confused, been reading too much dual-type nonsense.
    INTp, ILI Logical subtype

    Drum 'n' Bass head

  23. #143
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    Well, I started with the MBTI, took the test... scored as INTP, but I considered this was the result of my situational circumstances at the time (the J/P)...
    Became interested in it for about a year... found the description suprisingly accurate, bought a book on the functions... etc.
    Then I discovered socionics, became interested on intertype relations, and manipulating my way into an ideal social circumstance....
    Finally, I came here and discovered dual-types, and found the theory answered all the question which were still open in my mind, about how the functions work.
    The point is, I must of been confused looonnnnng before dual type came around... and that really is miraculous isn't it? How I can be just... so incredibly confused! And you, the internet fortune teller, the all knowing eye... have spotted this inconsistency where I could not, all along!...
    k. tell me what type you think i AM then.... (repeated second time)

  24. #144
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    Right, OK. A few things I shall note first of all: I haven't ever read up on dual-type theory so I won't make any comments on that, since I can't comment on what I don't know. If I think of anything else I'll bring it up.

    OK, my general impression doesn't sway towards ILI, although that doesn't mean to say you're not one. Obviously I don't know you in real life and am only seeing what you post on here, so for that reason I may not be seeing the whole picture. Now I'm trying to think how to word things..

    I know you've rejected the claims of others who say that your "emotional reactions" (as they put it) are evidence against ILI, although there are a few points to consider about this:
    - Fe is the function of emotional expression, not Fi. That's not to say that Fi>Fe types would never express their emotions, since they obviously do, but Fi>Fe types are less likely to have emotionally-charged reactions to things.
    - Types with Te in the ego block generally try to avoid expressing their emotions to others, even online. That's not to say it never happens, since everyone can have outbursts, but ExTjs and IxTps more often than not try to keep their emotions hidden beneath the surface.
    - Being a certain subtype doesn't mean you don't value the other ego function. For example, an Ni-subtype ILI still values and uses Te, they just don't use it as much as a Te-subtype might. Likewise, a Te-subtype ILI still values and uses Ni, they just concentrate their cognitive power more towards Te than Ni.

    Again, those points above don't necessarily prove anything either way, although they are correct as far as my understanding goes. I could be wrong of course.

    To be honest, based on a few other points, I'm thinking IEI is more likely than ILI. There are a few points that make me think this:
    - You seem to dislike what you perceive as Te from those who have disagreed with things you've said. IxFps have Te as their PoLR, so they're the ones most likely to openly reject Te from others.
    - I remember you mentioned that you don't show your emotions in public but you do let them out in private. This too, as far as I'm aware, is characteristic of creative-Fe types. When Fi>Fe types discuss how they feel, they tend to be more direct and straight to the point about how they feel rather than being overtly expressive (i.e. more likely to just state their feelings rather than emote them). I don't know whether or not you intended it as such but I got quite an openly emotional vibe from some of what you wrote, which is what suggests Fe>Te to me. Again I could be wrong, but that's just a vibe I get.

    Hmm.. I think that's pretty much covered everything, I can't think of anything else right now. Apologies for the delayed response, had a lot going on. One thing I will add is that I'm aware I could be wrong on anything I've stated above so if anyone wishes to correct anything I've said, please feel free to do so.
    ILI (Indescribable Lovemaking Inc.)
    5w4 so/sx

    "IP temperament! Because today's concerns are tomorrow's indifferences!"

    Lord Fnorgle's Domain - A slowly growing collection of music, poetry and literature.
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  25. #145
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    Well, all the confusion seems to be centered around my displays of what you're calling Fe: or more accurately, my perceptions of Fe, my displays of Te charged by Fi. But, basically, the F does exist, but I blame it on dual type theory and you guys don't use dual type thoery... I mean look, I acknowledge an ENFj exertion type..
    The distinction between an exertion type and a primary information metabolism type.. is what needs to be talked about here.
    My supposed lack of Te: this is more situational than anything else. Firstly, I tried to instigate a Te discussion with my definition of what Te was but he ignored it..
    I also don't like cock fighting with Te, because it makes me.... perceive that I look stupid.
    When I was younger, I was much more inclined to go on long Te rants.
    As I've gotten older, I've realized they are almost always fruitless and consciously tried to correct that tendency.
    I still go on rants, but I try to do it more when people are listening and less when people are arguing.
    Since the guy doesn't even agree with me on the foundations of socionics, and can't even interpret my simple definition of Te into his terms, there's no way I can really talk to him.

    If I were IEI... well, for one thing, I wouldn't hate IEIs the way I do. The way they use logic, wouldn't annoy me like it does..
    and, I wouldn't have these conflict relations with my Mom the way I do, who is ESFj...
    And, I wouldn't have dual relations with the girls I've had in my life..
    In fact, none of the intertype relation descriptions would really make sense for me, if I had my type wrong... and they all make sense
    Hmmm... pretty much everything would have to change in my world.
    Oh well, whatever
    Since I only exist as a figment of your imaginations... I might as well allow myself to remain IEI in your minds. What difference does it make if your imagination has a glitch in it?

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    I few months ago my female ENFj friend was letting a female INTp stay at her apartment for a while. There was this one episode where she was out on the balcony, and suddenly she heard sirens. She screamed "OH MY GOD IT'S THE COPS" and ran inside. I asked my friends about it and she said the INTp was afraid her parents were going to call the law to bring her home. (she was over 18) This INTp was a paranoid of the first order, and was totally schizoidal besides. A total nutcase.

    The point is this: INTps can be emotional. In fact, I've heard they are plenty emotional to those they trust.

  27. #147
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    Default need advice on this INTp

    Ok so I know not all of you are too fond of the stories i weave about real-life stuff or whatever but I'm bored by the forum to be honest and this is really upsetting me.

    Ok so that one ILI kid that i was talking about a couple of weeks ago and I are officially no longer friends. He got mad at me because I told him that he had no right to be mad at me (I did EVERYTHING for the socionics club that i started and he flaked out on one meeting thus making me having to cancel it, and did nothing for the club) when he was complaining and bitching about the club and i told him he had no right to complain about it. Which is true- when you don't do anything for something you can't complain about it- complain about being a lazy mofo instead. I also took it personally because I literally did everything and so it really hurt my feelings. So yeah he basically called me the next day and was like that really pissed me off blah, blah, blah. I was like OK after presenting 3 hours of info that was simply to catch u up on the shit for the club you could/should have done you have the balls to even be mad at me right now? You should be sending me a goddamn fruitbasket! And so yes he texted me after that conversation saying he quit and I texted him that I did not want a vice-president whose membership in the club would be contingent on our friendship. He then unadded me as a friend of facebook and ignores me on the street.

    My questions are:
    - Is it bad that I let him leave out of my life? He's done this so many times and always treats me like shit in general and I'm just done.
    - This whole relationship with him that Ive had over the past 2 years has made me NOT want to be with an INTp ever. ever. ever. I know there's variations on every type but holy shit I can't deal with it. It kinda makes me sad because if you can't like/get along with your dual who can you?
    - Would you guys react this way? Why do you think he did? Jesus he has more emotional outburts than a 3 year old.

    Sorry if I'm being annoying but I don't give a damn. These posts are so boring I want to strangle an LII (more so than usual)!
    ESFp-Fi sub
    6w7 sx/so/sp

  28. #148

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    it sounds to me like the major problem with your club is that it contains one member that has some clue what socionics is, and that member has at best a limited understanding of the subject. that is a problem that you are not likely to solve by thrashing around wildly proclaiming that socionics is the greatest thing since sliced bread, still without offering a clear picture of what it actually is.

    with regards to this guy, who knows. but you really need to take a step back from believing that you're the omniscient reincarnation of [insert prophet of choice].

  29. #149
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    Quote Originally Posted by niffweed17
    it sounds to me like the major problem with your club is that it contains one member that has some clue what socionics is, and that member has at best a limited understanding of the subject. that is a problem that you are not likely to solve by thrashing around wildly proclaiming that socionics is the greatest thing since sliced bread, still without offering a clear picture of what it actually is.

    with regards to this guy, who knows. but you really need to take a step back from believing that you're the omniscient reincarnation of [insert prophet of choice].
    Thanks for the club advice but I got it. When/how did I imply that I believe I'm the shit?... not like you should be talking...
    ESFp-Fi sub
    6w7 sx/so/sp

  30. #150

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    How many people are in the club???

    I would guess, not many, and if I was in the same position, I'd probably not want to spend much time on it; however, I'd tell you so, and not just flake out like a bitch.

    This probably boils down to an issue of maturity (a lack thereof). For example, my roommate (also ILI) forgot to pay the rent this month, I told him "you know you're responsible for the late fee, right?" he then proceeded to get pissed off at me; apparently it's not only my responsibility to give him my share of the rent, but also to make sure he passes it along to management...
    INTp, ILI Logical subtype

    Drum 'n' Bass head

  31. #151
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    Quote Originally Posted by drd252
    How many people are in the club???

    I would guess, not many, and if I was in the same position, I'd probably not want to spend much time on it; however, I'd tell you so, and not just flake out like a bitch.

    This probably boils down to an issue of maturity (a lack thereof). For example, my roommate (also ILI) forgot to pay the rent this month, I told him "you know you're responsible for the late fee, right?" he then proceeded to get pissed off at me; apparently it's not only my responsibility to give him my share of the rent, but also to make sure he passes it along to management...
    Theres around 30 with the possibility for more. He did nothing on it so he'd have no reason to quit. I hate how some ILI's do that! I hate how you guys are always fighting or want to fight or looking for a fight. It gets so annoying sometimes! ahhhh but i'm the same way too! ahhh i wish i weren't me...
    ESFp-Fi sub
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  32. #152

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    wow, that's a pretty impressive headcount. I guess we can be confrontational at times, but, whatever :wink:

    dont wish that! we need SEEs!
    INTp, ILI Logical subtype

    Drum 'n' Bass head

  33. #153
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    Default Re: :(

    - Is it bad that I let him leave out of my life? He's done this so many times and always treats me like shit in general and I'm just done.
    neither bad nor good.
    - This whole relationship with him that Ive had over the past 2 years has made me NOT want to be with an INTp ever. ever. ever. I know there's variations on every type but holy shit I can't deal with it. It kinda makes me sad because if you can't like/get along with your dual who can you?
    would you want a relationship with no conflict?

    - Would you guys react this way? Why do you think he did? Jesus he has more emotional outburts than a 3 year old.
    if i said i reacted this way every day, i doubt it would help you. it seems you are upset and should not question whether or not it's your right because when you are upset, talking yourself out of it is kind of pointless. instead, perhaps, you should question what, if anything, is worth investing in this relationship. i imagine, too, that your comment(s) to him about not having the right to feel a certain way irritated him and triggered a defensive reaction, maybe not for the reasons you think. chances are, he intended on being part of the club and contributing but found himself lacking, felt sort of badly for not measuring up and doing as he intended, and then also felt badly about your becoming upset and, in turn, seeing the entire club as having less potential as a result of his action/inaction. all i can say is that is not the way to motivate me (understanding that your ILI and I could be quite different).

    the suggestion that i am having an emotional outburst is asking for trouble. i will always become defensive and end up having that emotional outburst i'd been talking about not having. maddening, really. the total control and then total lack of self control at times. but mine boils over then is cold pretty quickly.

    Theres around 30 with the possibility for more. He did nothing on it so he'd have no reason to quit. I hate how some ILI's do that! I hate how you guys are always fighting or want to fight or looking for a fight. It gets so annoying sometimes! ahhhh but i'm the same way too! ahhh i wish i weren't me... Sad
    i don't think arguing is the problem. it just seems like you're upset about two completely different things and need to get on the same wavelength. in your mind, he has no "right" to be upset at you because he did nothing for the club. in his mind, being upset has little to do with the club and i'm guessing he'd hate to allow his failure to affect your happiness and success of your club. he will need Se from you but be careful to not use Fe to guilt trip him into action. i am not saying you intended to do this, but, in short, yes it's very possible i would have reacted as he did.
    whenever the dog and i see each other we both stop where we are. we regard each other with a mixture of sadness and suspicion and then we feign indifference.

    Jerry, The Zoo Story by Edward Albee

  34. #154
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    from what i've heard ILI is pretty well known for their flare for critisism
    SEE Unknown Subtype
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    [21:29] hitta: idealism is just the gap between the thought of death
    [21:29] hitta: and not dying

  35. #155
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    Well Liveandletlive, for what it's worth...

    I've met some ILI's which were kind, and relaxed to be with, but I've also met some very arrogant, big ego ILI's which made me want to puke right into their face.

    I wouldn't give up if I was you on your ILI search. They just differ sometimes.

    I've met some SEE and got along really well with them, duality can certainly be very rewarding. But like you, I've also once met a dual who wasn't that nice to me, so yeah, it happens sometimes. Some people are just mean, whatever their type is...

  36. #156
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    Sounds to me like the root of this is an unrequited "romantic" quarrel issue.

    I strongly get the vibe that he wants to be involved with you romantically, whereas you're not interested in him that way. Amongst my theatre group friends, a couple of them dated briefly, and then she decided she didn't want as serious a committment with him and eventually got back together with her ex-. The "spurned" guy apparently has been taking out his feelings of rejection by being quite mean to her-- passive-aggressive, hypercritical, condescending, etc.

    People in general can behave very erratically and act out emotionally when they feel rejected.
    socio: INFp - IEI
    ennea: 4w5 sp/sx


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Twain
    Only kings, presidents, editors, and people with tapeworms have the right to use the editorial 'we'.

  37. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by aka-kitsune
    Sounds to me like the root of this is an unrequited "romantic" quarrel issue.

    I strongly get the vibe that he wants to be involved with you romantically, whereas you're not interested in him that way. Amongst my theatre group friends, a couple of them dated briefly, and then she decided she didn't want as serious a committment with him and eventually got back together with her ex-. The "spurned" guy apparently has been taking out his feelings of rejection by being quite mean to her-- passive-aggressive, hypercritical, condescending, etc.

    People in general can behave very erratically and act out emotionally when they feel rejected.
    Why do you say "spurned" between quotes?

    It can be argued that he feels that she just toyed with him while on a break from her official bf, so he has reasons to feel pissed off - it's not necessarily about feelings of rejection.

    You seem unwilling to consider that he may have legitimate reasons for being angry and hurt. Was he supposed to just go, "ah ok, she broke off with the other guy and started something with me but she changed her mind and went back to him - no problem"?

    She's entitled to do whatever she wants, but she has no reason to complain if those she hurts are angry at her.

    EDIT: didn't she also act "erratically and emotionally" with both of the guys?
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  38. #158
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    its pretty simple. if you are crazy, you become incapable of interacting with your dual.. because you show your full crazyness to them.
    Better to know a person is crazy up front, though... you know?
    At least with your dual, you will see the full picture of the person you're investing in.
    People, as a general rule... nowdays.. are crazy. They all are. If only we could see into eachothers minds.
    Well, at least in America we are
    From what you said this ILI sounds particularly unstable
    I've known some pretty crazy bitchy ESFps.. my sister ;l
    Maybe it should just show you there is more to people than socionics.

  39. #159
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    dump his ass
    INTJ [mbti]
    INTp [socionics]

    A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.

    -Robert A. Heinlein

  40. #160
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    Quote Originally Posted by Expat
    Quote Originally Posted by aka-kitsune
    Sounds to me like the root of this is an unrequited "romantic" quarrel issue.

    I strongly get the vibe that he wants to be involved with you romantically, whereas you're not interested in him that way. Amongst my theatre group friends, a couple of them dated briefly, and then she decided she didn't want as serious a committment with him and eventually got back together with her ex-. The "spurned" guy apparently has been taking out his feelings of rejection by being quite mean to her-- passive-aggressive, hypercritical, condescending, etc.

    People in general can behave very erratically and act out emotionally when they feel rejected.
    Why do you say "spurned" between quotes?

    It can be argued that he feels that she just toyed with him while on a break from her official bf, so he has reasons to feel pissed off - it's not necessarily about feelings of rejection.

    You seem unwilling to consider that he may have legitimate reasons for being angry and hurt. Was he supposed to just go, "ah ok, she broke off with the other guy and started something with me but she changed her mind and went back to him - no problem"?

    She's entitled to do whatever she wants, but she has no reason to complain if those she hurts are angry at her.

    EDIT: didn't she also act "erratically and emotionally" with both of the guys?
    I don't have a bf and haven't had one in a while. The ILI actually has a gf but i think there is something to be said about him having possible feelings for me. It just makes me feel like a loser... idk i know u guys say that theres variations with every type or whatever but I get along with everyone whether i like it or not. the fact that i don't get along with my dual makes me sad. everything else with everyone else is fake and superficial. is that what im destined to? I know I probably should've considered his feelings more... but idk i told him i sed i was sorry n cudve said it nicer. wat else was i supposed to do? i think im just done.
    ESFp-Fi sub
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