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Thread: My relationship with this INTp guy

  1. #41
    aka-kitsune's Avatar
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    Are you sure he's actually INTp?? This sounds more like an INFp reaction. I mean, I'd not find that funny either, but instead take it pretty personally. (Basically, because I've been in my share of those kinds of scenarios). It would sting to be reminded that I can get all attached to someone after sleeping with them and they'd just be in it for the sex.

    Maybe he's actually your SEMI-dual and that's the reason for this kind of misunderstanding...?
    socio: INFp - IEI
    ennea: 4w5 sp/sx


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Twain
    Only kings, presidents, editors, and people with tapeworms have the right to use the editorial 'we'.

  2. #42
    liveandletlive's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aka-kitsune
    Are you sure he's actually INTp?? This sounds more like an INFp reaction. I mean, I'd not find that funny either, but instead take it pretty personally. (Basically, because I've been in my share of those kinds of scenarios). It would sting to be reminded that I can get all attached to someone after sleeping with them and they'd just be in it for the sex.

    Maybe he's actually your SEMI-dual and that's the reason for this kind of misunderstanding...?
    i understand where you're coming from but he is most definitelty an INTp- he also is aware of socionics and believes he is an INTp. If you think about it: + makes your emotions volatile when they are in use which was the case with this INTp. I can't picture an INFp exploding over something like that.
    ESFp-Fi sub
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  3. #43

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    Quote Originally Posted by Khamelion
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    "punch him where the sun don't shine" is going to be my new catchphrase.

    "punching them in the face" is usually my solution to problems people come to me with. and i always threaten to punch you in the face.
    me too

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by liveandletlive
    Quote Originally Posted by aka-kitsune
    Are you sure he's actually INTp?? This sounds more like an INFp reaction. I mean, I'd not find that funny either, but instead take it pretty personally. (Basically, because I've been in my share of those kinds of scenarios). It would sting to be reminded that I can get all attached to someone after sleeping with them and they'd just be in it for the sex.

    Maybe he's actually your SEMI-dual and that's the reason for this kind of misunderstanding...?
    i understand where you're coming from but he is most definitelty an INTp- he also is aware of socionics and believes he is an INTp. If you think about it: + makes your emotions volatile when they are in use which was the case with this INTp. I can't picture an INFp exploding over something like that.
    I might.

    At the very least, I'd be upset if someone I rather liked didn't realize I would not appreciate that particular humor. Someone I'm a bit infatuated with listens to Howard Stern -- believe it or not, that rather bothers me. I'm not clear if this is someone you're involved with or an "only friends" thing; perhaps he has feelings for you?
    socio: INFp - IEI
    ennea: 4w5 sp/sx


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Twain
    Only kings, presidents, editors, and people with tapeworms have the right to use the editorial 'we'.

  5. #45


    Quote Originally Posted by aka-kitsune
    Are you sure he's actually INTp?? This sounds more like an INFp reaction. I mean, I'd not find that funny either, but instead take it pretty personally. (Basically, because I've been in my share of those kinds of scenarios). It would sting to be reminded that I can get all attached to someone after sleeping with them and they'd just be in it for the sex.
    Yeah I agree. That seemed to me a reaction of a feeling type. It's still possible that he's INTp. But I can't relate to the reaction at all, not under any circumstances. I mean that I could take any type of attack to my or , in a very much stronger way, and couldn't see myself reacting that way. What I can relate to is his initial feeling about the joke, that it could upset instead of make happy. But then again, I believe all guys regardless of type would react the same way to the joke, if they were in certain kind of life situation, a life situation that the guy might be having.

    That type of incident would rather have effect on my self worth, and wouldn't cause visible reaction, other than I would probably be (even) more apathetic than usual. If it caused anything at all.
    ...the human race will disappear. Other races will appear and disappear in turn. The sky will become icy and void, pierced by the feeble light of half-dead stars. Which will also disappear. Everything will disappear. And what human beings do is just as free of sense as the free motion of elementary particles. Good, evil, morality, feelings? Pure 'Victorian fictions'.


  6. #46

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    I wanna punch this thread where the sun doesn't shine...
    INTp, ILI Logical subtype

    Drum 'n' Bass head

  7. #47
    aka-kitsune's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ifmd95
    aka did you figure out your subtype yet?
    I settled on INFp-Fe subtype.

    On here, it's easy to rely on Ni, so most people I've known from online boards see me much more emotionally controlled than I am IRL. Writing in this kind of medium forces me to consider and choose my words more carefully. But I do rely quite heavily on creative -- it's the core that infuses everything I think, feel, say or do. is really much more my GPS.
    socio: INFp - IEI
    ennea: 4w5 sp/sx


    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Twain
    Only kings, presidents, editors, and people with tapeworms have the right to use the editorial 'we'.

  8. #48
    liveandletlive's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warlord
    Quote Originally Posted by aka-kitsune
    Are you sure he's actually INTp?? This sounds more like an INFp reaction. I mean, I'd not find that funny either, but instead take it pretty personally. (Basically, because I've been in my share of those kinds of scenarios). It would sting to be reminded that I can get all attached to someone after sleeping with them and they'd just be in it for the sex.
    Yeah I agree. That seemed to me a reaction of a feeling type. It's still possible that he's INTp. But I can't relate to the reaction at all, not under any circumstances. I mean that I could take any type of attack to my or , in a very much stronger way, and couldn't see myself reacting that way. What I can relate to is his initial feeling about the joke, that it could upset instead of make happy. But then again, I believe all guys regardless of type would react the same way to the joke, if they were in certain kind of life situation, a life situation that the guy might be having.

    That type of incident would rather have effect on my self worth, and wouldn't cause visible reaction, other than I would probably be (even) more apathetic than usual. If it caused anything at all.
    well okay here's how i kinda think about INTps. It's almost like you guys try your best not to let your emotions come out which explains your guys's usual flat affect. However when your emotions do come out they're intense. That is how it is with me too however it's wayyy harder for me to hold it in than for you guys.
    ESFp-Fi sub
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  9. #49
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    Default Re: i wanted to punch this ILI where the sun don't shine...

    Quote Originally Posted by liveandletlive
    OK good duality description...

    - Last night my INTp friend comes over and we're drinking a little bit talking about life, whatever. I wanted to make him laugh and I showed him this comic strip I drew in class because everyone who's seen it thought it was hilarious. It was 3 stages of BU love- Stage 1: girl says to boy "I like you!" and boy says "I like you too!" Stage 2: boy has sex with girl saying "Oooohhh yeah!" Stage 3: girl calls boy saying "I miss you" and boy picks up saying "Why are you calling me?" haha i thought he would life as stereotypical as I thought it was. I show him it and he was like I don't get it. And I was like oh c'mon this is the like most overused stereotype in movies and tv and conversations, how could you NOT know this? He flipped a shit and ran out of my house (because he has issues trying to get laid... basically it doesn't happen- i guess he internalized the comic strip's joke??) in which I was running after him in stilettos 4 blocks down the straight until he finally turned around. I apologized and the next 2 hours were dedicated to me having to make up for my actions and try to make him happy while he still looked sad and was still bitching about something that wasn't my fault. THEN i started to just feel disgusted by him and i was about to cry cuz he was being so mean to me- i couldn't even look at him, and then he was like "Is it sick and twisted that I'm happy rite now?" I just walked away from him. This whole thing wasn't even my fault!! We ended up making up he realized he was wrong and I realized I probably shouldn't have been like how can u NOT get this?? and make it even worse. His argument was that he never experienced that situation so therefore he can't know about it... we're fine now i just wanted to show our duality relationship a little and to show that ESFp's aren't the only ones who can't control their emotions.

    By the way, if you made it to the end of this you're awesome :wink:
    He really just needs to have sex, why dont you have sex with him? hahaha.............................. kind of.
    Also, it MIGHT be that he interpreted you as being a whore.... I know this sounds strange, but ILIs really hate girls who are whores.. and ESFps can SEEM like whores, until you get to know them and you realize they're kind of the opposite; well at least they are not whores physically... OK I should reword this: whore.. not limited to sex, but more to emotional whorism. But sex is part of it, to the extent sex is linked to emotions in the mind.
    ILI will constantly doubt the sincerity of other peoples affections toward them... One thing ESFPs can be, is emotional whores.

    So this is all speculation, but it is possible he associated the comic strip, with you not loving him completely.. This only meaning your emotions are not devoted SOLEY to him; Got angry at the whole world not loving him (his Fi function went nuts) Actually, I think that's the most likely thing. Since he has emotions for you he will project all his mental insecurities onto you. This is basically the problem with duality: they bring out eachothers mental disorders.
    ESFps have a mental disorder we bring out in them too... that's for later thinking about
    Don't let some of the stupid ideas on this thread confuse you.. He is ILI
    In the dual relationship, it's important the partners be mentally stable...

    This ILI clearly has a mental disorder.
    What he really wanted, was for you to say ..... !!!awwww, I love you.. its just a joke... etc. perhaps in less direct and cheesy language.
    But of course, even if you did say that... he may of shyed away from it, because of a mental disorder where he is afraid compromising his emotions.
    Well... that is also a complicated issue.
    Best just to find a healthy ILI.. well, at least one healthy ENOUGH to work with.
    The extreme end ILI will lash out like you describe, and basically become violently angry (not physically, but emotionally and verbally violent)
    You want an ILI who you can work with, who doesn't just get to that point ... who isnt like a runaway train.
    ILIs come on a continuum of 1 Crazy >>>>> Super stable 10
    We have a really high variance

    On top of all this, it is possible he is right, and you aren't completely "loyal" to him.. loyal in the sense your emotions "belong" to him.. that you are, in his terms an emotional whore.. which really, for one thing everyone is, and he himself is too... ironic. And, it is not natural or even healthy for this kind of loyalty to exist. It is authoritarian.. and basically a response to his fearing his emotions. An ILI is a radar detector to insincerity of emotional investment, even the most minor.. And I really do mean minor, glitch, will show up on their radar.
    At least the more emotional ILIs are.
    But again, don't want to imply this isnt a mental disorder..
    I'm sure there are ILIs who don't have this tendency, because their emotions aren't repressed

  10. #50
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    Default Re: i wanted to punch this ILI where the sun don't shine...

    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat
    Quote Originally Posted by liveandletlive
    OK good duality description...

    - Last night my INTp friend comes over and we're drinking a little bit talking about life, whatever. I wanted to make him laugh and I showed him this comic strip I drew in class because everyone who's seen it thought it was hilarious. It was 3 stages of BU love- Stage 1: girl says to boy "I like you!" and boy says "I like you too!" Stage 2: boy has sex with girl saying "Oooohhh yeah!" Stage 3: girl calls boy saying "I miss you" and boy picks up saying "Why are you calling me?" haha i thought he would life as stereotypical as I thought it was. I show him it and he was like I don't get it. And I was like oh c'mon this is the like most overused stereotype in movies and tv and conversations, how could you NOT know this? He flipped a shit and ran out of my house (because he has issues trying to get laid... basically it doesn't happen- i guess he internalized the comic strip's joke??) in which I was running after him in stilettos 4 blocks down the straight until he finally turned around. I apologized and the next 2 hours were dedicated to me having to make up for my actions and try to make him happy while he still looked sad and was still bitching about something that wasn't my fault. THEN i started to just feel disgusted by him and i was about to cry cuz he was being so mean to me- i couldn't even look at him, and then he was like "Is it sick and twisted that I'm happy rite now?" I just walked away from him. This whole thing wasn't even my fault!! We ended up making up he realized he was wrong and I realized I probably shouldn't have been like how can u NOT get this?? and make it even worse. His argument was that he never experienced that situation so therefore he can't know about it... we're fine now i just wanted to show our duality relationship a little and to show that ESFp's aren't the only ones who can't control their emotions.

    By the way, if you made it to the end of this you're awesome :wink:
    He really just needs to have sex, why dont you have sex with him? hahaha.............................. kind of.
    Also, it MIGHT be that he interpreted you as being a whore.... I know this sounds strange, but ILIs really hate girls who are whores.. and ESFps can SEEM like whores, until you get to know them and you realize they're kind of the opposite; well at least they are not whores physically... OK I should reword this: whore.. not limited to sex, but more to emotional whorism. But sex is part of it, to the extent sex is linked to emotions in the mind.
    ILI will constantly doubt the sincerity of other peoples affections toward them... One thing ESFPs can be, is emotional whores.

    So this is all speculation, but it is possible he associated the comic strip, with you not loving him completely.. This only meaning your emotions are not devoted SOLEY to him; Got angry at the whole world not loving him (his Fi function went nuts) Actually, I think that's the most likely thing. Since he has emotions for you he will project all his mental insecurities onto you. This is basically the problem with duality: they bring out eachothers mental disorders.
    ESFps have a mental disorder we bring out in them too... that's for later thinking about
    Don't let some of the stupid ideas on this thread confuse you.. He is ILI
    In the dual relationship, it's important the partners be mentally stable...

    This ILI clearly has a mental disorder.
    What he really wanted, was for you to say ..... !!!awwww, I love you.. its just a joke... etc. perhaps in less direct and cheesy language.
    But of course, even if you did say that... he may of shyed away from it, because of a mental disorder where he is afraid compromising his emotions.
    Well... that is also a complicated issue.
    Best just to find a healthy ILI.. well, at least one healthy ENOUGH to work with.
    The extreme end ILI will lash out like you describe, and basically become violently angry (not physically, but emotionally and verbally violent)
    You want an ILI who you can work with, who doesn't just get to that point ... who isnt like a runaway train.
    ILIs come on a continuum of 1 Crazy >>>>> Super stable 10
    We have a really high variance

    On top of all this, it is possible he is right, and you aren't completely "loyal" to him.. loyal in the sense your emotions "belong" to him.. that you are, in his terms an emotional whore.. which really, for one thing everyone is, and he himself is too... ironic. And, it is not natural or even healthy for this kind of loyalty to exist. It is authoritarian.. and basically a response to his fearing his emotions. An ILI is a radar detector to insincerity of emotional investment, even the most minor.. And I really do mean minor, glitch, will show up on their radar.
    At least the more emotional ILIs are.
    But again, don't want to imply this isnt a mental disorder..
    I'm sure there are ILIs who don't have this tendency, because their emotions aren't repressed
    i like you and your comments... you need to come hang out here more!

    ok so i think i get why you say your dual brings out mental disorders... is it because you act more like yourself with your dual than with anyone else? Yes he is definitely at the crazy end of the ILI spectrum... very socially reclused... im the only person who tries to reach out to him. I agree with you that he lashed out at me because he thought i was projecting his weaknesses. I guess because i can seem kinda whorish (physically of course) and he most definitely does not that when i talk about sexual stuff with him he either gets really jealous or defensive or hurt when it wasn't an attack on him at all. But yeah, ive met more "normal" ILI's (if there is such a thing lol) and they're way chill. I tell this specific ILI that he needs a stereotypical dumbass ESFp in order to get him out of his craziness/depression/ridiculousness. Good points.
    ESFp-Fi sub
    6w7 sx/so/sp

  11. #51

    Default Re: i wanted to punch this ILI where the sun don't shine...

    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat
    Don't let some of the stupid ideas on this thread confuse you.
    Or rather not have these stupid ideas confuse you. Lot of what crazedrat just said is bullshit.

    He is ILI
    You are so sure he's ILI, how? She has only described one incident, and that was unlike of ILI's. I think you were projecting your own issues to the guy, and were talking about one of your own relationships. Most of what you described seemed to nothing do with the "case" liveandletlive presented.

    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat
    At least the more emotional ILIs are.
    These "more emotional ILI's" are more likely to be some other type.
    ...the human race will disappear. Other races will appear and disappear in turn. The sky will become icy and void, pierced by the feeble light of half-dead stars. Which will also disappear. Everything will disappear. And what human beings do is just as free of sense as the free motion of elementary particles. Good, evil, morality, feelings? Pure 'Victorian fictions'.


  12. #52
    BLauritson's Avatar
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    Default Re: i wanted to punch this ILI where the sun don't shine...

    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat
    I know this sounds strange, but ILIs really hate girls who are whores..
    I hate it when people assume their own likes/dislikes apply to every member of that type.

    Quote Originally Posted by Warlord
    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat
    At least the more emotional ILIs are.
    These "more emotional ILI's" are more likely to be some other type.
    You're Te subtype aren't you? (I think I read that somewhere but can't remember where). If so, I'm wondering if it's a subtype difference (since according to one of the more popular schools of subtype theory around here, INTp Ni is closer to INFp, whereas INTp Te is closer to ISTp. If that is the case, it makes sense that Ni subtypes might be a bit more emotional than Te subtypes, even if they don't choose to be). Just a speculation.
    ILI (Indescribable Lovemaking Inc.)
    5w4 so/sx

    "IP temperament! Because today's concerns are tomorrow's indifferences!"

    Lord Fnorgle's Domain - A slowly growing collection of music, poetry and literature.
    Stickam music performances

  13. #53
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    Default Re: i wanted to punch this ILI where the sun don't shine...

    Quote Originally Posted by Warlord
    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat
    Don't let some of the stupid ideas on this thread confuse you.
    Or rather not have these stupid ideas confuse you. Lot of what crazedrat just said is bullshit.

    He is ILI
    You are so sure he's ILI, how? She has only described one incident, and that was unlike of ILI's. I think you were projecting your own issues to the guy, and were talking about one of your own relationships. Most of what you described seemed to nothing do with the "case" liveandletlive presented.

    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat
    At least the more emotional ILIs are.
    These "more emotional ILI's" are more likely to be some other type.
    definitely not. this kid is the most ILI kid ive ever met. he is very knowledgeable about socionics and has confirmed this. Now, let's do a little exercise kiddies...

    - OK let's look at ESFp's for a second... with our 2 ego functions being & when we are provoked by our environment or something outside of us, our emotions go crazy- thus leading us to be known as a mercurial type because we have very intense emotions which can make us very irrational obviously in those moments. Now, INTp's have these 2 functions as well. So, when they are provoked (enough or if a sensitive spot is hit hard enough) they can react this way as well. I've seen this many a time with ILI's. It's almost as if ILI are aware of the fact that they're emotions can go out of control and thus try to hold it in as much as possible... but its bound to come out at some point.

    I want ILI's to try to think of a time where their emotions basically consumed/controlled them to the point where they may have acted irrationaly and exploded on someone.
    ESFp-Fi sub
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  14. #54
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    Default Re: i wanted to punch this ILI where the sun don't shine...

    Quote Originally Posted by liveandletlive
    I want ILI's to try to think of a time where their emotions basically consumed/controlled them to the point where they may have acted irrationaly and exploded on someone.
    I can think of several . Moreso from when I was younger since I had more things to make me angry back then. Now I'm more likely to withdraw than explode, which is better I suppose.
    ILI (Indescribable Lovemaking Inc.)
    5w4 so/sx

    "IP temperament! Because today's concerns are tomorrow's indifferences!"

    Lord Fnorgle's Domain - A slowly growing collection of music, poetry and literature.
    Stickam music performances

  15. #55

    Default Re: i wanted to punch this ILI where the sun don't shine...

    Quote Originally Posted by BLauritson
    Quote Originally Posted by Warlord
    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat
    At least the more emotional ILIs are.
    These "more emotional ILI's" are more likely to be some other type.
    You're Te subtype aren't you? (I think I read that somewhere but can't remember where). If so, I'm wondering if it's a subtype difference (since according to one of the more popular schools of subtype theory around here, INTp Ni is closer to INFp, whereas INTp Te is closer to ISTp. If that is the case, it makes sense that Ni subtypes might be a bit more emotional than Te subtypes, even if they don't choose to be). Just a speculation.
    Yep, good memory It was in some sort of "what's your type" theard. And good point, except that INTp Te more closer to ENTj rather than ISTp. But that doesn't change the point though. I'm very low on even compared to average INTp, so that has some affect on what I say.

    I was more thinking about people often getting mistyped as INTp's. And also that male feelers often get mistyped as thinkers. More often than there's a insane INTp.
    ...the human race will disappear. Other races will appear and disappear in turn. The sky will become icy and void, pierced by the feeble light of half-dead stars. Which will also disappear. Everything will disappear. And what human beings do is just as free of sense as the free motion of elementary particles. Good, evil, morality, feelings? Pure 'Victorian fictions'.


  16. #56

    Default Re: i wanted to punch this ILI where the sun don't shine...

    Quote Originally Posted by liveandletlive
    definitely not. this kid is the most ILI kid ive ever met. he is very knowledgeable about socionics and has confirmed this. Now, let's do a little exercise kiddies...
    I wasn't so much doubting that. Rather than based on evidence given to us. It would be stupid to reach a certain conclusion that the guy must an insane INTp.

    Anyway as an advice. Avoid relationship/love jokes. Don't talk about yours or his sex life.
    ...the human race will disappear. Other races will appear and disappear in turn. The sky will become icy and void, pierced by the feeble light of half-dead stars. Which will also disappear. Everything will disappear. And what human beings do is just as free of sense as the free motion of elementary particles. Good, evil, morality, feelings? Pure 'Victorian fictions'.


  17. #57
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    I understand... thanks guys. yeah you're right. it's hard those because those are the majority of "problem-solvers" I could give him. I guess I just have to be more and take in some facts to present later on and be like, "Here INTp, here's a fact... what does this mean?" haha
    ESFp-Fi sub
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    Warlord, what is happening right now, is you have come across something which you don't understand, and you are rejecting it. You favor trying to fit the information in question into your current system of understanding. That is pretty much the ILI way.. and the only way you would ever be convinced, is if you arrived at my conclusions through expanding your own thoughts over time. That is all...
    I am certain I am right, and if you want to say something is bullshit.. be a little more specific k? Ideas on how, what exactly is bullshit would help.. you know, actual content to your thoughts

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    Default Re: i wanted to punch this ILI where the sun don't shine...

    Quote Originally Posted by BLauritson
    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat
    I know this sounds strange, but ILIs really hate girls who are whores..
    I hate it when people assume their own likes/dislikes apply to every member of that type.

    Quote Originally Posted by Warlord
    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat
    At least the more emotional ILIs are.
    These "more emotional ILI's" are more likely to be some other type.
    You're Te subtype aren't you? (I think I read that somewhere but can't remember where). If so, I'm wondering if it's a subtype difference (since according to one of the more popular schools of subtype theory around here, INTp Ni is closer to INFp, whereas INTp Te is closer to ISTp. If that is the case, it makes sense that Ni subtypes might be a bit more emotional than Te subtypes, even if they don't choose to be). Just a speculation.
    Okay... I think I specified later in the post this; meaning what I said, is applying to the ILIs who have a rampantly repressed Fi function. So no, I am not assuming it applies to every member of the type. Its just the way I worded it, made it sound bad to the word-police.
    You know what I hate? People who argue, for no reason.. and don't really have points, either.
    I really, kinda... fucking hate it!

    Yes, it is a subtype difference.
    Learn more about them! They're impressive!
    That's all

  20. #60


    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat
    Warlord, what is happening right now, is you have come across something which you don't understand, and you are rejecting it.
    LOL. It's just matter of probability, not that I don't get them. Many of the stuff you said just don't hold with reality, except maybe only to you. There are many other (more likely) possibilities in this matter.

    I am certain I am right, and if you want to say something is bullshit.. be a little more specific k? Ideas on how, what exactly is bullshit would help.. you know, actual content to your thoughts
    Well I'm lazy, and don't want really get in to the details of everything. But here's some briefly: all ILI's don't hate sluts, you jump in to crackpot theory that the guy is insane based on very limited information (we haven't heard his side, the description of his behaviour is vague), advicing someone to have pity-sex is a no-no...
    ...the human race will disappear. Other races will appear and disappear in turn. The sky will become icy and void, pierced by the feeble light of half-dead stars. Which will also disappear. Everything will disappear. And what human beings do is just as free of sense as the free motion of elementary particles. Good, evil, morality, feelings? Pure 'Victorian fictions'.


  21. #61
    BLauritson's Avatar
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    Default Re: i wanted to punch this ILI where the sun don't shine...

    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat
    Okay... I think I specified later in the post this; meaning what I said, is applying to the ILIs who have a rampantly repressed Fi function. So no, I am not assuming it applies to every member of the type. Its just the way I worded it, made it sound bad to the word-police.
    lol, fair enough. I didn't mean to single you out there by the way, it's just something I've seen at various points in time from various people on the forum, so I just wanted to get it off me chest. Nothing personal against you or anything.

    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat
    You know what I hate? People who argue, for no reason.. and don't really have points, either.
    I really, kinda... fucking hate it!
    Bugs me also, truth be told.
    ILI (Indescribable Lovemaking Inc.)
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  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warlord
    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat
    Warlord, what is happening right now, is you have come across something which you don't understand, and you are rejecting it.
    LOL. It's just matter of probability, not that I don't get them. Many of the stuff you said just don't hold with reality, except maybe only to you. There are many other (more likely) possibilities in this matter.

    I am certain I am right, and if you want to say something is bullshit.. be a little more specific k? Ideas on how, what exactly is bullshit would help.. you know, actual content to your thoughts
    Well I'm lazy, and don't want really get in to the details of everything. But here's some briefly: all ILI's don't hate sluts, you jump in to crackpot theory that the guy is insane based on very limited information (we haven't heard his side, the description of his behaviour is vague), advicing someone to have pity-sex is a no-no...
    The pity sex was a joke. Are you the moral authority of the universe? Do you think my advising her to have pity sex, even if it wasnt a joke, would actually be effective.. and she would do it just because i told her to?
    ILIs who have repressed feelings, hate it when these feelings are .. conflicted upon.
    There, reworded it for you. Is that enough to get you off my back now?
    What I said seems to ring well with her, and she is the best judge of the situation.
    There are subtle things which I pick up on in her description which clue me in to my conclusions. These things are pretty hard to describe to you, so I'm not going to.
    It is enough, that she thinks I am right and she thinks you are wrong.
    That is plenty.
    Your inability to go into specific detail beyond superficial nitpick points and vague suggestions of other possibilities besides the ones which have already been shot down repeatedly by the source (that girl whats her name) is even more evidence you dont know what you're talking about, not really...

  23. #63
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    Default Re: i wanted to punch this ILI where the sun don't shine...

    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat
    Quote Originally Posted by BLauritson
    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat
    I know this sounds strange, but ILIs really hate girls who are whores..
    I hate it when people assume their own likes/dislikes apply to every member of that type.

    Quote Originally Posted by Warlord
    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat
    At least the more emotional ILIs are.
    These "more emotional ILI's" are more likely to be some other type.
    You're Te subtype aren't you? (I think I read that somewhere but can't remember where). If so, I'm wondering if it's a subtype difference (since according to one of the more popular schools of subtype theory around here, INTp Ni is closer to INFp, whereas INTp Te is closer to ISTp. If that is the case, it makes sense that Ni subtypes might be a bit more emotional than Te subtypes, even if they don't choose to be). Just a speculation.
    Okay... I think I specified later in the post this; meaning what I said, is applying to the ILIs who have a rampantly repressed Fi function. So no, I am not assuming it applies to every member of the type. Its just the way I worded it, made it sound bad to the word-police.
    You know what I hate? People who argue, for no reason.. and don't really have points, either.
    I really, kinda... fucking hate it!

    Yes, it is a subtype difference.
    Learn more about them! They're impressive!
    That's all
    cool idea with the Te an Fi subtype so maybe that made him react even more crazy than he normally would?
    ESFp-Fi sub
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  24. #64


    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat
    The pity sex was a joke. Are you the moral authority of the universe? Do you think my advising her to have pity sex, even if it wasnt a joke, would actually be effective.. and she would do it just because i told her to?
    Yes, I'm the moral authority of the universe.

    Is that enough to get you off my back now?
    You reap what you sow. Maybe you should consider what you are about to say before you post. If you aren't able to handle likely consquences, then don't post. At least don't be a fucking sissy and start crying, when others treat you the same you treat them first.

    What I said seems to ring well with her, and she is the best judge of the situation.
    Is she? She had the problem in the first place.

    Actually her misunderstanding of socionics and the situation, seems to have just increased after your posts.

    These things are pretty hard to describe to you, so I'm not going to.
    Your inability to go into specific detail beyond superficial nitpick points and vague suggestions of other possibilities
    Pot blaming the kettle.

    First of all. You said that posts on in this thread are stupid, without saying one word about why.

    Secondly, you are not all ILI's. Probably not even an ILI, > .

    It's not inability. I have better things to do than start correcting every retarded rambling someone posts. In your post there's just too much to correct to bother.

    besides the ones which have already been shot down repeatedly by the source
    In what universe do you live in? I haven't seen her agree or disagree with anything I have written.

    (that girl whats her name) is even more evidence you dont know what you're talking about, not really...
    You memory is so short, that you can't even remember a name for few seconds, or intelligent enough to scroll down to look. How could anyone trust you to know anything you talk about?
    ...the human race will disappear. Other races will appear and disappear in turn. The sky will become icy and void, pierced by the feeble light of half-dead stars. Which will also disappear. Everything will disappear. And what human beings do is just as free of sense as the free motion of elementary particles. Good, evil, morality, feelings? Pure 'Victorian fictions'.


  25. #65
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    wait what's going on?
    ESFp-Fi sub
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  26. #66

    Default Re: i wanted to punch this ILI where the sun don't shine...

    Quote Originally Posted by liveandletlive
    cool idea with the Te an Fi subtype so maybe that made him react even more crazy than he normally would?
    Actually, what we have discussed with BL is that he could more likely be subtype. being the less emotional one. But that was just brainstorming.

    But like I said first time. If I understood right, you had been drinking. That's probably the most likely catalyst for outburst of negative emotions.

    wait what's going on?
    Never mind that
    ...the human race will disappear. Other races will appear and disappear in turn. The sky will become icy and void, pierced by the feeble light of half-dead stars. Which will also disappear. Everything will disappear. And what human beings do is just as free of sense as the free motion of elementary particles. Good, evil, morality, feelings? Pure 'Victorian fictions'.


  27. #67
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    ok so im trying to get that INTp to join this site but he feels like its useless because he already understands the theory and all its implications... booo
    ESFp-Fi sub
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  28. #68


    Quote Originally Posted by liveandletlive
    ok so im trying to get that INTp to join this site but he feels like its useless because he already understands the theory and all its implications... booo
    I have feeling, that he might now appriciate knowing that he has been under discussion here.
    ...the human race will disappear. Other races will appear and disappear in turn. The sky will become icy and void, pierced by the feeble light of half-dead stars. Which will also disappear. Everything will disappear. And what human beings do is just as free of sense as the free motion of elementary particles. Good, evil, morality, feelings? Pure 'Victorian fictions'.


  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warlord
    Quote Originally Posted by liveandletlive
    ok so im trying to get that INTp to join this site but he feels like its useless because he already understands the theory and all its implications... booo
    I have feeling, that he might now appriciate knowing that he has been under discussion here.
    haha i just showed him the thread like 2 minutes ago...
    ESFp-Fi sub
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  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat
    Is that enough to get you off my back now?
    You reap what you sow. Maybe you should consider what you are about to say before you post. If you aren't able to handle likely consquences, then don't post. At least don't be a fucking sissy and start crying, when others treat you the same you treat them first.

    OKay Listen. She understood me. That is enough. Because I was basing alot of my assumptions, on the fact she was thinking and dealing with the specific circumstance which was going on.. I didnt clarify further because I was speaking.. to her.

    These things are pretty hard to describe to you, so I'm not going to.
    Your inability to go into specific detail beyond superficial nitpick points and vague suggestions of other possibilities
    First of all. You said that posts on in this thread are stupid, without saying one word about why.
    ? I said "he is ILI".

    Secondly, you are not all ILI's. Probably not even an ILI, > .

    Now everyone who doesnt agree with you isn't ILI
    I know alot about socionics, I am willing to bet my car I am ILI... but hey, if it preserves the integrity of your universe then go for it: I'm not ILI

    besides the ones which have already been shot down repeatedly by the source
    In what universe do you live in? I haven't seen her agree or disagree with anything I have written.

    It's a subtlety. Nothing you said rang bells or shot off light bulbs...

    (that girl whats her name) is even more evidence you dont know what you're talking about, not really...
    You memory is so short, that you can't even remember a name for few seconds, or intelligent enough to scroll down to look. How could anyone trust you to know anything you talk about?

    I don't even know how to react to this statement. Is this.. even supposed to make sense at all? Do you actually believe what you just said? Please answer.

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    I know you are ILI, because you have this annoying tendency we have when we don't know wtf is going on... to insist that we are right, and start nitpicking things which are irrelevent. They are relevent to us, because we're trying to expand our understanding... but to the people who don't have your delima, they're irrelevent... and it's just annoying.
    I would really like to switch the focus of this from me and you bitching eachother out (because ... god, I should know it's not smart to get into a debate like this with a pedantic, cock-waving ILI)
    And..... focus BACK on the issue.
    Because it is the issue which will prove who is the idiot, and who is not.
    So you don't think He's ILI?
    I do think he is ILI.
    Let's talk about that.
    Why do you not think he is ILI?
    If you want me to apologize for stepping on your cock, I will do that: I am sorry for stepping on your cock.
    Repeat question: Why do you not think he is ILI?

  32. #72
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    yeah im curious to hear this argument... and ure right about the whole argument thing... it would work with most other types but not another INTp- and yeah it does get annoying. White flag INTp's!
    ESFp-Fi sub
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  33. #73


    Quote Originally Posted by liveandletlive
    Quote Originally Posted by Warlord
    Quote Originally Posted by liveandletlive
    ok so im trying to get that INTp to join this site but he feels like its useless because he already understands the theory and all its implications... booo
    I have feeling, that he might now appriciate knowing that he has been under discussion here.
    haha i just showed him the thread like 2 minutes ago...
    So what did he say?
    ...the human race will disappear. Other races will appear and disappear in turn. The sky will become icy and void, pierced by the feeble light of half-dead stars. Which will also disappear. Everything will disappear. And what human beings do is just as free of sense as the free motion of elementary particles. Good, evil, morality, feelings? Pure 'Victorian fictions'.


  34. #74


    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat
    Quote Originally Posted by Warlord
    First of all. You said that posts on in this thread are stupid, without saying one word about why.
    ? I said "he is ILI".
    And that's supposed to prove that other peoples opinions are stupid how?

    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat
    OKay Listen. She understood me. That is enough.
    Maybe because you speak the same feeling language :wink:

    She might also be psychologically attuned to automatically believe things that anyone claiming to be ILI says. Because she has learned to trust those opinions.

    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat
    Quote Originally Posted by Warlord
    Secondly, you are not all ILI's. Probably not even an ILI, > .
    Now everyone who doesnt agree with you isn't ILI
    Nope. And you could be ILI. But honestly your posts lack rationality, and are emotionally loaded. You reactions also seem emotional, since you are so easily hurt.

    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat
    Quote Originally Posted by Warlord
    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat
    besides the ones which have already been shot down repeatedly by the source
    In what universe do you live in? I haven't seen her agree or disagree with anything I have written.
    It's a subtlety. Nothing you said rang bells or shot off light bulbs...
    Interesting "subtleties" you detect. I had practically said nothing before your post, there was nothing to agree or disagree with, maybe that's why. It's not even important to me.

    But yes I agree, I have been totally wrong all along. It's impossible to make a hand puppet out of that guy. And she hates me and loves you, because I was so wrong about that suggestion.

    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat
    I don't even know how to react to this statement. Is this.. even supposed to make sense at all? Do you actually believe what you just said? Please answer.
    Yes I'm serious that you seem to have the cognitive capabilities of a goldfish.

    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat
    because you have this annoying tendency we have when we don't know wtf is going on...
    Just speak for yourself.

    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat
    start nitpicking things
    We could go through everything that was wrong with your posts. But you haven't even properly addressed the ones given. Not that I would be even interested that you address them.

    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat
    So you don't think He's ILI?
    I do think he is ILI.
    Let's talk about that.
    Why do you not think he is ILI?

    Repeat question: Why do you not think he is ILI?
    And that's relevant?

    I don't think his not ILI. But based on the information given to the point of your first post, he could have been any type.

    The relevant thing would be, how she can improve her friendship with this guy.

    Quote Originally Posted by crazedrat
    If you want me to apologize for stepping on your cock
    Yeah, I would prefer that only women to touch my cock
    ...the human race will disappear. Other races will appear and disappear in turn. The sky will become icy and void, pierced by the feeble light of half-dead stars. Which will also disappear. Everything will disappear. And what human beings do is just as free of sense as the free motion of elementary particles. Good, evil, morality, feelings? Pure 'Victorian fictions'.


  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warlord
    Quote Originally Posted by liveandletlive
    Quote Originally Posted by Warlord
    Quote Originally Posted by liveandletlive
    ok so im trying to get that INTp to join this site but he feels like its useless because he already understands the theory and all its implications... booo
    I have feeling, that he might now appriciate knowing that he has been under discussion here.
    haha i just showed him the thread like 2 minutes ago...
    So what did he say?
    i thought he might be mad and he said he wasn't. i told him to join and he said he would later. As he was looking through the comments he said that he thinks that it was because he took it to mean that i didn't love him enough. That's also another thing that I found interesting in this thread someone said that your dual makes you more prone to your stereotypical disorder. For me, the ILI demands that i use my to serve just them and constantly makes me prove how much i love them. idk if this is clear or not im tired but yeah if u dont understand just let me know what you don't get and i'll try to clarify tomorrow.
    ESFp-Fi sub
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  36. #76


    Quote Originally Posted by liveandletlive
    That's also another thing that I found interesting in this thread someone said that your dual makes you more prone to your stereotypical disorder.
    Well it's interesting thought. But really it's the opposite, dual relationships should help the person develope in a healthier direction. Relationship problems in general can cause mental issues, regardless of what type of interrelation it is.

    For me, the ILI demands that i use my to serve just them and constantly makes me prove how much i love them.
    Heh, in layman terms that's jealosy

    idk if this is clear or not im tired but yeah if u dont understand just let me know what you don't get and i'll try to clarify tomorrow.
    All seems clear to me. Except the actual nature of your relantionship.
    ...the human race will disappear. Other races will appear and disappear in turn. The sky will become icy and void, pierced by the feeble light of half-dead stars. Which will also disappear. Everything will disappear. And what human beings do is just as free of sense as the free motion of elementary particles. Good, evil, morality, feelings? Pure 'Victorian fictions'.


  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warlord
    Quote Originally Posted by liveandletlive
    That's also another thing that I found interesting in this thread someone said that your dual makes you more prone to your stereotypical disorder.
    Well it's interesting thought. But really it's the opposite, dual relationships should help the person develope in a healthier direction. Relationship problems in general can cause mental issues, regardless of what type of interrelation it is.

    For me, the ILI demands that i use my to serve just them and constantly makes me prove how much i love them.
    Heh, in layman terms that's jealosy

    idk if this is clear or not im tired but yeah if u dont understand just let me know what you don't get and i'll try to clarify tomorrow.
    All seems clear to me. Except the actual nature of your relantionship.
    haha i wish that was clear to me too...
    ESFp-Fi sub
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  38. #78
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    I think what has happened here, is my statements conflict with all the logical subtype ILIs.. because I was describing a Ni subtype ILI.
    The Ni subtype ILI has a much closer relationship with Fi.
    Read about it
    ANd god dammit, stop insinuating things without elaborating.
    Fuck you, that is all I have to say for those type of comments...

    I'll tell you what mistake I made, and I really do hope this clears this up, so you fucking pedantic sons of bitches will get off my back: I spoke toward her, and her awareness of the situation.. my language, was only elaborated and beefed out TO THE EXTENT which would ring with her understanding, her functioning in the situation.
    Now, what I didn't do, was further develop my language and context, so that every happy mother fucking logical subtype ILI on this board would ring well with what I said. I was talking... to her. K? K?..... Fuck.

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    Well, you are also very Te oreinted... being ENTj. SO Yes!
    You see, you Te folks are pissed off at me because my language wasn't fully developed and comprehensive in a Te type of way; it didnt form a coherent situation In Itself. Again, I was talking toward her, basing my language on my perception of her situation, and the words I used were catered toward that context... So from a Te perspective, it may not make perfect sense: and if I was writing a fucking essay, I would of put more effort into it.. but i wasn't, I was talking to her.. not to you.
    What you need to do, is calm down your inflamed Te, realize language is a little more flexible then you'd like to believe, and get off my back.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder
    Anyway, the problem is not with the language, it's with the content.
    Language is defined by context so... ...... what?

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