I updated the wikisocion article with some of my own translations, up to the end of the "Cause-Effect" section. Here are some highlights of the particularly tricky sections I managed to untangle (which I am quite proud of, as I had to get into obscure details of Russian words and grammar to figure them out ):

Medieval Dominican monks studying rhetoric used the same method. They took a road familiar to them to the last detail, and went down it mentally, successively laying out along the road the statements which would be presented before the audience. When speaking, they mentally set out in this way again, “raising” the key concepts they had laid there previously.
Modern advertising cleverly strikes at the dynamic pole of human thinking.

At this level, the Negative/Positive polarity manifests as the identification of similarities or differences when comparing several objects. In the cognitive process of Negativists contrast prevails, while in Positivists comparison prevails. This means that Positivists can easily hold a holistic object in their field of attention, without considering the internal divisions. Conversely, Negativists distinguish the extreme points of the object of thought, they contrast opposing points of view.
How does this process of internal centering proceed? It is observed that in Positivists there is pull toward its opposite, which contributes to the overal cohesion of the group, in particular because of the ease of intragroup role distribution. Negativists, paradoxically, have an inherent attraction to those similar to themselves. But the nearer that similarly charged elements converge, the more difficult it is to implement their mutual actions. Repulsive forces rapidly appear. Then a fracture appears in the group.
The way collocutors are arranged -- either opposite each other or next to each other -- plays an important role in communication. The importance in communication of such factors as the spatial arrangement of the communicators was explained by Sullivan. Being opposite the partner in communication is advantageous to Negativists. Positivists communicate better when located beside or at an angle to the collocutor - in such a way that their gazes are directed off to one side.
There is a habit in Involutionary types to abruptly wind up a conversation. They do not simply cut off communication, but specifically wind it up, quickly finish, summarize what has been said.
The full-scale model of cause-effect thinking - this is the representation of information in the form of a chart or realistic illustration. It is made using a straight perspective. Nearby objects are depicted in this technique as larger, and distant objects are accordingly depicted on a smaller scale, in proportion to their distance from the observer. By drawing in this way, following strict instructions, it is easy to depict any object.