2.4. Physical level.
The arrangement of collocutors plays large role in the communication on the contrary or next. To the significance in the contact of this factor, as the three-dimensional arrangement of [kommunikantov] indicated already Sullivan. Presence opposite the partner in the communication gives advantage to [negativistam]. Positivists better associate, being located by a number or at angle to the collocutor - in such a way that their views would be directed to one side.
A involuntary decrease in confrontation level because of the juxtaposition - the usual method, which use the psychologists in the work with the conjugal pairs experiencing problems. Sitting next and being alternately turned only to the imaginary third collocutor, husbands gradually decrease the sharpness of the sore conflict.
Practical psychologists, who study nonverbal signals, separate the entire class of the gestures of critical relation to the collocutor. For example, hand in mouth. Such gestures treat usually as closed. From the point of view of [sotsioniki], this is explained faster not by intro-version, but by negativism.
Negativism it implies the perceptible solid tension. If we draw for the comparison this pair of oppositions as charging/discharging, then for [negativistov] the first pole is the automatically started process. The negatively charged types easily overswing (especially, if they still and the dynamics). Therefore for purposes of the compensation to [negativistam] physical exercises to the weakening, the smoothing of internal potential are recommended. A to the positivists it is better to carry out the complex of physical exercises for the purpose to be excited, to aggravate its physiological processes.

Is this basically saying negatavist types should exercise to tired themselves out to smooth out their responses, relax them? To stop "overswing" and lession the "percetible solid tension" they give off?
And that positivists should exercise to excite themselves?
The translation is hard to understand.