Quote Originally Posted by Smilingeyes
So an INTp is someone who tries to condense his general knowledge into simple packages of Te. From large vague knowledge to powerful simple assertions.
Yes, that is definitely correct and a very accurate way of putting it. And you wouldn't call that "making generalizations"? How exactly shall we understand the difference between "condensing general knowledge into simple packages of Te" and the kind of generalizations Ganin claims we are enemies of?

Quote Originally Posted by Smilingeyes
INTj is 'result'. They see things as simple, believe that their first idea of a subject is the totality of the subject, no need to go deep into it. Or if they do, another quick glimpse from another point of view will do the trick. They will not pause to examine it deeply, they will not go into depth, they will not proceed step by step and wait for the result to emerge only at the end-point of a long pondering. This is what it means when it is said that INTps over-complicate and INTjs over-simplify. It is about whether they handle the search of truth as a quick drive-by or a long trek. So INTjs will quickly produce good results in simple matters but will rarely reach the correct end in complex matters while INTps will take a long time to produce answers even to simple questions whereas they remain more capable in producing correct answers to complicated ones.
This is extremely well put, I think. When phrasing it like this, things that were somewhat blurry before now become very clear. This is exactly how I see the differences in behaviour between the two types, and it helps to decide with more certainty the types of some famous persons I have still had some slight doubts about. The exact borders between INTjs and INTps are now even more visable and distinct.

Quote Originally Posted by Smilingeyes
Anyway, from what I've seen dialectic thinking works in unison with vortex thinking, so if you do a little bit of that, it's fine.
I'll have to figure out what vortex thinking really is first ...

Quote Originally Posted by Smilingeyes
LIIs reduce by discarding unneeded parts. ILIs reduce by connecting threads. Connecting threads is complex because it has to be done in a correct way whereas anything can be discarded and discarding is simple.
Yes, that's good. I agree with that.

This material will take some time to digest. I am probably not done with it yet ...