I am progressing slowly here ... Since I am convinced that there is at least some truth in Gulenko's little "theory", I will not try to falsify it. Instead I will start by assuming that it is correct and see where it leads us. If there are major flaws in it, they will probably be more visable sooner or later in the process, but until then ...

I don't think I can explain holographic thinking if someone asked me, because that kind of thinking is alien to me. I probably don't understand it properly. At least I now know where I can read more about it and thus some day understand better how LIIs really think, which is one of the secrets of nature I have been hoping to reveal. But I can tell for sure that my father's thinking is holographic in essence. That much is obvious from his writings and our many discussions over the years. So, if Gulenko is right about the types possessing this kind of thinking, my hypothesis that my father really is an LII is now definitely confirmed, because I know for sure that he is a rational type and that he is a logical type. Of the four types mentioned by Gulenko in relation to holographic thinking only the LII is a possible type for my father. Ergo, my father is an LII, just as I thought ...

An important aspect of holographic thinking is thinking in systems, especially open systems -- a point my father often stresses. Another key word mentioned in Gulenko's text is, I think, reframing. The models created by a holographic thinker like my father are recursive, where you can always, at any time, jump to a higher level -- a meta level. It's a system of models of models of models of models of models ... Somewhere in this complex "mess" I think we can begin to understand why LIIs tend to be relativists.

Quote Originally Posted by FDG
Vortex thinking! Yes that is what I am!!!
If you are sure that you are an LIE, maybe I can now put you off the list of anomalies in the early bird/night owl divide -- or what do you say ...? :wink: