Quote Originally Posted by wacey View Post
Well I guess IEI is known for the inherent nihilism, so he might be referring to that? Although what, if any thing at all, that has to do with V-S cognition styles beats me. I think it was more a a jokey jab more then anything.

I didn't take it as jokey and I guess I took it personal but I am fine with it now. I know IEI 4s, 6s and 9s who have considered it but are vehemently opposed to attempting under any circumstances. He is not IEI so would have no idea what it is like inside an IEI's psyche. It might look very alien to some types. He explained his view and we are agreeing to disagree. I just didn't understand why someone would assume there was something so inherently off and defective in an IEI's psyche that they would attribute something like suicide as a natural expression.

I know many types who have considered it and did not attempt it. it Is is all about the mental/emotional and even physical health and that is my belief formed by personal experience with people who have attempted and succeeded. I have stayed with a guy because he held me emotional hostage with threats of suicide if I broke up with him. I knew they would follow through because when I tried to leave they attempted, more than once, and I gave them the attention they were seeking afterwards, until I finally got sick of it. They were not IEI and they are still very much alive so they got over it. I am more likely to wish myself dead (under extreme circumstances) than try it at this point of my life but a wish will not come true if you do not take action. It is not a goal of mine to die in dramatic seppuku and that would take a lot of inner will to even attempt. Not an IEI thing.

BUT, if I had a deadly, incurable disease that caused physical pain that could not be controlled sufficiently I would be so out of here. This plan is something I researched when I went through a bad experience after surgery and because of physical pain I didn't see a light at the end. The doctors asked if I had an opiate habit because I was requiring so much morphine but I didn't. I was clean when I went in for emergency surgery and they knew it from my blood tests but could not explain why I needed so much. They gave it to me but didn't like it. Obviously I didn't do it but it was comforting to read the book final exit. i had never heard of it until then and it is an old book. After I read it I knew I had an escape plan, if needed, then I got on with living and things got much, much, much better. I think in the same circumstance I was in, anyone might consider it seriously. I just had the foresight to do my research and give myself more time to heal.

If he had said it was an 4 thing I might not have given an argument at all but maybe I would have since it would still be kept in the realm of romanticized thought with most 4s.

Exhibit A:

Edit: That song is so cathartic even when I am not in that kind of romanticised mood. lol