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Thread: Discussion of Gulenko's Cognitive Styles

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddytextures View Post
    I have an ESE friend on that I get to observe on facebook. Even though he wants a stable life, he often ends up doing reckless things and landing himself in deep shit a lot of times due to his lack of foresight. Relationship problems, taking on too many unnecessary expenses and having trouble paying bills, putting himself at risk by having unprotected sex with multiple women, getting in car accidents, etc. Its with things like this where they need an LII who can help them see things from a sensible prospective and help them avoid getting into these sticky situations. I don't know any LIEs personally but I would imagine the same kind of thing applies for them in spite of their rationality.
    V-S: The most optimistic and risk taking cognition. V-S types are best characterized by extreme ups and downs in their lives. The keep searching for and doing new things without giving much attention to the potential negatives. Their lives are full of chaotic events, such as ESE having family drama, SLI engaging in delinquent behavior, LIE investing all his money into something then losing it, IEI trying to commit suicide, etc. V-S's main advantage is its high potential for reward and it's main disadvantage is its high risk. The duality between H-P and V-S is all about H-P being able to minimize risk while V-S maximizes potential for gain.
    How does IEI fit into your perception of VS since they don't lack foresight? Attempting suicide is not an IEI thing. It is probably a clinical depression or lack of impulse control thing. Optimistic, psychologically and emotionally healthy people don't usually try to off themselves.

    Even when I have acted a bit reckless I managed to come out on top and avoid many negative consequences that those without foresight might fall into. My ESE sister is actually pretty responsible. She is the youngest, owned her own home and paid off her car by 25. She might not have foresight but she has never gotten into serious trouble except for one time but that was because she trusted the wrong guy (when she liked guys). She is a "good girl". Probably had something to do with her being warned over and over by the rest of us. I think we scared her into being "good". The slightest hint of trouble and we removed her from the temptation when she was young. She might not have seen that the cute guy who she liked was not good for her but we did and as a family moved her 1000 miles away. She might have been mad at the time but a few months later when his gf was pregnant she understood our warnings.

    Any type could potentially engage in delinquent behavior. I don't have enough experience with LIE to comment on them though. Wouldn't reckless behavior be more related to instinct stacking than cognitive style?

    I was kind of reckless in my teens and and part of my twenties but I usually knew just what I could get away with and pull back at the limit. I am more cautious these days in comparison but still get a sense of what I can and can't do and still not get into serious trouble. I don't wear a seat belt because it is restrictive but I am subconsciously scanning for cops so I don't get a ticket. I have learned the one hand stealth seat belt technique, if I am at a light and see I will have no way to avoid being next the them. Usually not staring at the cop does the trick too.
    Last edited by Aylen; 04-07-2016 at 04:41 AM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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