Quote Originally Posted by Expat
I think I did get what you meant, but I also think the comparison made by you - to illustrate your point, as I understood - is misleading.
The point restated is that it could be argued that subjective bias could be introduced to both astrology and socionics by its adherents during their attempts at providing explanations for deviations from type norms. Do you disagree that this could and has been done? If so, how then is the comparison misleading? Especially since as far as I know, there is no irrefutable evidence to fully support the reliability and consistency of either system's methodologies and premises.
Quote Originally Posted by Expat
Moreover, I'm not certain of anything.
Your observations above of the inherent uncertainty in forecasting human behavior even with knowledge of socionics theory supports the previously made point.

Quote Originally Posted by Expat
It is also possible that a female ESTp under the Taliban would have her spirit so crushed that she would not be an ESTp anymore -what would she then be? That's an interesting question.
It is indeed an interesting question. I admit I have no answer either. However, if a person's type is genetically determined, then I would presume that she would still be an ESTp.

Thanks for clarifying your point on resistance, I misunderstood when I assumed you were speaking of covert resistance rather than finding forms of whatever kind to resist.
Also, Expat I was feeling bored and wicked when I made the one specific comparison between astrology and socionics . I am sure you have several precise reasons that you will share as to why certain aspects of both typing systems should not or cannot be compared in any legitimate way.