I don't know exactly, Kim. I mean, getting people to see that they are connected or a part of is tough when they are stuck in their own perspective; that they are standing at the outside or fringes of things. I guess the first step is seeing that even if you are at the fringes you really are still a part of.

Looking at the costs AND benefits of that position, because there are benefits: you see things that others can't see, you think that you are different and that's good, you don't have to negotiate with others. Do the benefits offset the costs? Deciding whether you want to continue in that position or not.

If the person decides they don't want to maintain their stance or position, do they have what it takes to move out of it? Big question. People need the skills and resources to make and maintain changes.

Some people feel as though they are not living a life that's worth living and that their life cannot be changed for whatever reason. Most people want to live a life that's worth living, though, as least when they look honestly.

I don't know if this makes any sense. Maybe this helps?