Quote Originally Posted by aka-kitsune
Quote Originally Posted by Khamelion
Quote Originally Posted by liveandletlive

No offense but instead of crying about it, why don't you make yourself more interesting/cool/fun? :wink:
He should be the way he is comfortable being, and attract those who are attracted to the sort of person he really is. People value different things in others...I think it's called...ummmmmm...socionics.

ALTHOUGH, he probably CAN make himself more fun. No one can ever stop improving their fun factor. Unless they just plain don't care for fun at all....which sucks.
In a way, this makes me a bit sad.

I certainly feel I could benefit from having the positive energy of an ESF-, but I also know I just can't be interesting/cool/fun ALL the time. So much pressure to avoid feeling anything less than upbeat or lose their interest. I don't think it's realistic to expect people to be positive and happy all the time. How significant can your relationships be if you always avoid friends when they're feeling down, or discouraged?

This leads me to the conclusion that I really can't ever look forward to being truly close with ESFs.
This pretty much sums up how I feel. Except I haven't really had this problem with ESFjs.